My daughter


New Member
Hi ladies! I know that I have touched on this subject before so please forgive me but I am back for more advice. Deja has an issue with dry scalp. She is under the care of a derm right now and they took a sample of her "scaly scalp" and she doesn't have a fungus. They are not sure what it is so they are still testing. All I know is her scalp is super duper dry all the time. I grease it ( i have tried so many) and the next moring it is gone. Her hair is natural 3a i think and 3b and I let it air dry now since the blw dryer was making it worse. I even grease her entire scalp while the hair is damp right after washing and I slather on elasta qp mango butter (thanks dsd!) and although her hair feels fine the next day, her scalp looks horrible. If I don't grease constantly, she gets big flakes. We have done prescription Nizoral, Neutrogeana T Gel, creams and oils and nothing keeps it under control. I am doing sulfur 8 for kids now but I wonder if it's too strong for her scalp since it is so sensitive. I am thinking of trying Vitapointe on her scalp which someone suggested or wild growth oil. Her hair has also stopped growing. It has been the same for at least 3 years now. I wash and condition with NTM and use their leave in. Please help of you can. Thanks!
Are these styles freshly done in the pics? Because her scalp doesn't look dry to me at all.

ETA: Your styles are very good. You did a great job, praise God! :up:

On me and my daughter's scalp I'm using a mixture of:
Glover's medicated oil(floral scented),
carrot oil(Organics)
a little castor
peppermint(for stimulation...I like tingle)

It seems to combat dryness!
Nizoral and Neutragena are both drying to the hair and scalp. What about trying scalp scrubs which is a mixture of a light conditioner and brown sugar, the recipe is somewhere on this board. Or maybe consider CW only and give a hot oil treatment with EVOO. You can also try sufate-free shampoos which are less drying to scalp and hair.
those styles were freshly done yes. after a day or two it doesn't look like that. that curly texture of hers gets so frizzy. braids don't last long in her hair let alone ponytails. I have used te Glovers scalp conditioner on her, never tried the oil. do you use that mixture every other day to oil her scalp or is this a pre poo method like a hotoil treatment?
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's condition. Have you tried Parnevu's T-tree scalp oil. It's very good for healing the scalp. It doesn't have petroleum or mineral oil. I think Walmart and Walgreens sells it.

The ingredients are: Olive Oil , Peanut Oil , Wheat Germ Oil , Canola Oil , Sweet Almond Oil , Castor Oil , Safflower Oil , Sesame Oil , Vitamin E Tocopheryl Acetate , Vitamin A , Vitamin D , Cyclomethicone , Tea Tree Oil , Sheep Sorrel , Yarrow , Slippery Elm , Sage , Henna , Comfrey , Burdock Root , Golden Seal , Cherry Bark , Chamomile , Jaborandi Heavenly Hemp , Alfalfa , Hyssop , Fragrance
Parnevu T-tree Oil

Also, as far as a doctor's prescription, have you been prescribed "Derma-smooth FS"? This is also pretty good for the scalp.

I hope this helps. Kiss the baby girl for me. :kiss:
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I can't speak for the ingredients, but I when I had a scalp condition as a child my mother's stylist recommended Morgan's Pomade. I believe it is pretty common in the UK. I remember it having a mild scent and it melted very easily once applied. It cleared my scalp right up, with no adverse effects to my hair. Try for information on this product. Also, do any of the products you've tried so far contain pine tar? It is supposed to be very effective in clearing up scalp conditions.
kitten73 said:
those styles were freshly done yes. after a day or two it doesn't look like that. that curly texture of hers gets so frizzy. braids don't last long in her hair let alone ponytails. I have used te Glovers scalp conditioner on her, never tried the oil. do you use that mixture every other day to oil her scalp or is this a pre poo method like a hotoil treatment?

Yes, I apply it ever 2 days or so. I mix it all up in an applicator bottle and apply to our scalps. I'm sure you can apply as much as you like. I've never used it as a hotoil treatment. My prepoos consist of evoo and VO5.
What a beautiful baby you have! I would stay away from greasing her scalp with anything that's not natural. "Grease" can just clog up the pores, stunt growth, possibly make the condition worse, etc. I try to use products that are natural, I DEPEND on "healthier hair in a bottle" products - expensive but ALL NATURAL and probably less than you would spend to buy the components separately and mix yourself. You can order them from Carolyn Gray's website, I think it's "the black woman's guide", do a search under those two items or "the black woman's guide to healthier hair in six weeks". Good luck! P.S. - YOUR hair is like butter baby, you go girl! :clap: