My crown is causing me to cut...and cry


New Member
Hi everyone, I’m really new here (been a lurker for quite some time:grin:). I’ve been having problems with the middle of my head (the crown) since I was sixteen. So for 13 years I have always had really short hair in the middle. If everywhere is 8 inches in length the middle would only be 3 inches (that type of ratio). I had my hair bone straight (relaxed) when I was a teen (for 3 years only) so I thought it was because of the relaxer, but then I went through my au natural stage, braid only stage and now my texterizer (texlax?) stage the same thing is happening :wallbash:. As in every other stage.

A few things I have noticed after my years of research and obsession
  • The hair breaks at random times, meaning it’s not only in the summer or winter
  • It breaks at various parts of the strand, meaning it doesn’t break at the new growth part (there’s a term for that right?)
  • I notice it only breaks more on one side (not the side of my head, at the top). Right now it breaks more on the left.
  • I sleep on both sides, sometimes with a satin scarf. More so now since being on here.
  • I’m the only one in my family that has this problem (they have their own hair problems)
  • The texture of the hair seems rougher than the rest of my head and each strand seems to the thinner that the rest, though the curl type is the same (90% 4b).
  • Thinning does not occur, my hair it thick all over.
  • It could be stress, though the breaking is so random, I’m not sure. Actually I’m about 80% sure it’s not stress because I was stressed out to the max in my final year (2007) at Uni, with exams and trying to find a full time job and it wasn’t breaking then.
  • I don’t normally wear hats.
  • My diet is all over the place. Though while in school my eating habits were terrible. Now, I try to maintain a balanced diet. I take multi Vitamins (when I can remember)
  • I keep my hair as wash and wear. Every 3 months (when I get my hair texterized) I get it blown out then (which I onle keep for a few days).
  • The only time it never broke in the middle was when I had Jheri curls (11-13 years old)…yes I had it…I was not a popular kid:nono:.
Anyway, since being on here, I baby the middle more. Previous to this, I actually had given up figuring the problem out and just kept on cutting my hair to keep it even. So it has always been short and layered.

So thank ladies…I’m back to obsessing about it:grin:. Kidding… no, I actually feel now there is hope to ‘fixing’ the problem.

Right now I switch between conditioners that focus more on protein and moisture balance. I use Aphogee Reconstructive treatment (forgot the actually name), Aphogee moisture balance and Aveda DR. Daily, I use a brand called KaraSoft Quench Moistening spray ( and sealing it with Coconut oil. I DC once a week using random products, right now I’m using Curlisto deep therapy. This is all based on suggests made on here (methods not products). :thankyou:

So far it seems to be ok…though I’ve been really putting much effort since Oct 07.

Question: Am I on the right track? Is there anything else I could do to really help prevent the breaking? Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution? My twin perhaps?

Science question … Is there a correlation between the heat that radiates from the crown and the breaking? Cause the texture is so different (thinner) maybe the heat makes it very fragile, therefore it will forever break….or not, cause I use heat with my DC…so any heat will be bad and the summer would be murder for my hair…which is not the case. I can actually feel the heat escaping from my crown (I’m sooo hot…:P) Sorry this is me not fitering my thoughts and pressing the delete button...enjoy!

Seriously, if there is a scientific explanation, please let me know.

sorry if this has already been discussed, if you have a link to the discussion...please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

Below is what my hair looks like now (think I got the attactment right:ohwell:)....sorry I have no pics of the crown part. I'm at work :grin:.
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Okay so I'm pi$$ed. I typed this whole long response and my computer locked up.

Okay - No you are not alone and have alot of twins.:grouphug:

I refuse to cut my area because I'm 85% BSL everywhere else. Nothing works, cutting, not relaxing, relaxing, comb, not comb, EVERYTHING etc......

This year, I'm going to treat it very gently. I simply can not treat it like the rest of my head. I am going to keep it more moisturized (just purchase S-Curl to spritz every now and then) than the other parts of my hair, and will skip relaxer applications (relax every other time). When I flat iron, I will lower the setting for the section. I basically have to segregate the section until I can figure out what works.

The ladies here will be able to help but this is just my two cents. :imo:

I wish you the best of luck. :afro2:
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Okay so I'm pi$$ed. I typed this whole long response and my computer locked up.

Okay - No you are not alone and have alot of twins.

Thanks...I just ummm did a proper search. I found a lot of info...thanks...hehe. I'll let who ever is reading if the suggestions help.

Thanks for replying.
Well i cannot say much because i am not relaxed all i know is that you need to find a balance between moisture and protein. Breakage is not always down to a lack of protein it could be down to a lack of moisture. You could try motions CPR . Its GREAT its the only protein treatment i use, none have worked like it (for me). As soon as i rinse it out my breakage has ceased. You could also try thegreat thread written my Supergirl


Crissi, x
Your description sounds like my hair and it is one of the reasons I havent had any progress in almost two years.

I am working on it you can check my journal for my regimen or read through my posts. I am in the airport and I don't feel like typing too much:grin:
The hair in the crown of my head is shorter than the rest too. I noticed it a few years ago. I'm not sure why but I just leave it alone. I wouldn't cut all my hair for that one section. Just baby it and keep an eye on it. Maybe see a derm or something.