Well-Known Member
I've been consistently (at least 3-4 times per month) doing wet rollersets on my hair. This is the main aspect of my regimen and gives me healthy, bouncy and soft hair. I've noticed over the past few months that my crown has been becoming thinner and thinner when it used to be the thickest part of my hair. I relaxed at 11 (hard!!) weeks in mid-June and noticed my crown was REALLY thin! I assumed it was because I relaxed bone straight and my hair usually feels super thin after a relaxer. But it's 1 month later and my crown is still super thin.
I felt my crown and the hairs measure no longer than 3 inches now and it's very frizzy like it's broken out! I'm almost BSB!
I roll forward, meaning I hold up the section of hair and place the roller in front of it and roll down. It's the MacherieAmour method from her rollersetting DVD. If I learn to roll backwards, do you think that will help? What else will help ease the tension on my crown to encourage growth, if that's possible? Should I start back my 5000 mcg daily of biotin?
ETA: the sides of my hair are very thick so now I'm wondering if my setting technique thinning out the top of my head.

I roll forward, meaning I hold up the section of hair and place the roller in front of it and roll down. It's the MacherieAmour method from her rollersetting DVD. If I learn to roll backwards, do you think that will help? What else will help ease the tension on my crown to encourage growth, if that's possible? Should I start back my 5000 mcg daily of biotin?
ETA: the sides of my hair are very thick so now I'm wondering if my setting technique thinning out the top of my head.
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