My Cousin Passed Away


Well-Known Member
Some of you may not remember ..... my favorite Uncle passed away on October 12. Well one of my cousins who is 4 years younger than my MOM was at the funeral. He waslike a brother to her.

He passed away yesterday. I am numb. After talking tomy sister on the phone just now. My nerves are shot. Please pray for me
"in general" that I will not allow my family to stress me out to the point of High blood pressure. I have prayed and prayed and prayed about my reaction towards my sister and mother. I don't waht it is but they really get on my nerves.

I just talked to my sister and my pressure immediately went up! I don't have a machine or anything to check it. But my stomach started hurting as soon as she started saying certain things. One thing I don't like is when people hint at things and don't say what they want. I don't like when one expects something out of me and does not tell me what it is that they want. I don't like when someone assumes that I can read their mind and think as they do. I always feel as though it is me and not them becuase that is what I have been told constantly. I really feel sick now like I am going to throw up.

I have another cousin who lives in the same city. My sister calls me yester day and says, Can you call our cousin and see if he can pick us up. I am like who????? Then she says his name.

I called him today tell him about the death. Again.. like in October, we have no where to stay. So I assumed that we were staying at a motel. My sister and Mom assumed tha I asked him if we could stay with him as no one has offered us a place to stay.

My Aunt "whose son passed" did not offer us to stay with her. My Mother from what I know did not ask her.

It really stressed me out that I was suppossed to ask my cousin if we could stay there just because I am the closest to him. I will call and ask him later. :sad::sad::nono:

Please pray for me. I want to be a better person and more cooperative, more patient, more kind. But it just seems as if I am not changing.
Zeal.....I am so sorry.....sometimes it seems as if we barely have time to
process one hurt ....

you must take care of you......
if this is a call you must make
pray the call

before.... during..... and after the call to
have the Lord right on board with you
and post about it if you need a place to release

find a quiet places as aoften as possible
with music of the Lord or word of scripture
and you can say aloud

He leadeth you beside the still waters
He restoreth your soul
yea even through the valley of the shadow of darkness
you Zeal fear no evil for the Lord is with you

praying for you
Zeal.....I am so sorry.....sometimes it seems as if we barely have time to
process one hurt ....

you must take care of you......
if this is a call you must make
pray the call

before.... during..... and after the call to
have the Lord right on board with you
and post about it if you need a place to release

find a quiet places as aoften as possible
with music of the Lord or word of scripture
and you can say aloud

He leadeth you beside the still waters
He restoreth your soul
yea even through the valley of the shadow of darkness
you Zeal fear no evil for the Lord is with you

praying for you

I'm so sorry for your loss Zeal. May God give you strength during this time. I'll be praying for you and your family.
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It really stressed me out that I was suppossed to ask my cousin if we could stay there just because I am the closest to him. I will call and ask him later. :sad::sad::nono:

Please pray for me. I want to be a better person and more cooperative, more patient, more kind. But it just seems as if I am not changing.

Decline. Ask them to handle it. Be upfront and direct. Perhaps tell them why. HBP should never be neglected. They are causing you anxiety. Just be direct, truthful and matter-of-fact with it. Your health should come first. Sorry about your losses. G-d be with you.
Thank you ladies for all of your pryer and support. I iwsh I had a chance to read all of this before we left.

There was drama...

When we first lseft I carried a lot of the suitcases out of the car and put thme in the car trunk. All of the bags except my sister's bag and then I helped her put it in the trunk. When we got to the train station my mother said that I never help them but they helped me. I snapped. I did not mean to but I did. I think I got loud because she said who are you talking to. :sad: Then I said all you do is complain about how I never do anything. Who do you thin carried those bags out of the house and out them in the trunk. (Mind you my neck and back were already sore) I did not say that tough,

Sometimes I just want to go away. I feel as though we would get along better if I werenot around.

There was drama in VA. I had to call my cousin (my mother's 1st cousin. Who gave her away when she was married) several times bugging him because my mother requested that I do it. I guess she didnot want to talk. Insted of asking things the first time, she had me constantly call him back. I felt bad because I would be annoyed if someone kept calling me every 15 minutes asking the same questions. he was trying to get ready for the funeral just like we were and my Mom kept telling me to call him. I can't understand why she just did not call.

I told my MOm at one point here you talk to him and just handed her the phone. then she said tha she coud not hear him The phone had cut off so I ened up having to call him back.

Eventually, everything worked out.

Thank you for your support ladies