My churches "greeters" are killing me.


New Member
My church is excellent at having people greet you and shake your hand as you walk through the doors, through the halls. As a matter of fact you can't seem to get 3 feet without someone lunging for your hand. I even afford one door because the guy there insists on trying to hug you and give his too long greeting when you just want to walk through the door:lachen: . Dear Lord forgive me but sometimes, most times, I just want to walk into the church and sit down but this guy at the door insists on giving this really cheery "Hey there how are?" then he holds your hand as your answer and wait for your program to be handed to you. But does he just give you the program. NOOOOOO! he sits there and continues to greet you and tell you it's a wonderful day in the Lord. I know it's wrong but this man actually puts me in a bad mood before the service.

It's not anger as much as annoyance. Right now though I have to write the pastor about an old man, no he's not a dirty old man, but his insists on hugging me. And that is not acceptable. But that's not the crazy part. The other day I had to go to the bathroom and I swear I shook no less than three peoples hands before I could go empty my bladder. I had to go really bad and I'm going to have to tell the staff that unless they want a really embarassing stain to clean up then I insist they tell the greeters to stop lunging for peoples hands. Really, their friendliness is inconveniencing me and my bladder.
Well we dont have tht problem at my church. We only have two ushers who stand at the door and greet people as they enter. All female members give one another a sisterly hug. The men are not allowed to hug the women but we do shake their hand. But now that can go on till service starts hand shaking, hugs and such but once service starts all minds focus on the big picture.
I have to agree, This is the part I like the least about service, I know its terrible. but I am truly not into the greeting. What is funny, I recently became a greeter. I am usually late to service, either I stay in the hall on the side or I am downstairs or in the church office, I try to miss the greeting in the service, the outside as you walk in is not bad at all, but we have a session where we greet one another and I don't like it. How sad is that. I Don't mind saying the words, i don't like the touching part, we hug and shake hands and I just rather not. We don't do it when service is really packed, to hard to maneuver, so we just speak to those close to us, which I prefer anyway. So of course, I got the job as greeter and all I can do is laugh about it.
I hate that you have to give the sign of peace to people who have coughed and sneezed all through the service. I just wave now, even if they are 2 inches form me. I've already breathed in their nasties. Yuck!
^^I try and remember it, but forget every single time. SMH. But we'll be passing it between 5 people,though. I dunno how discreetly that is and folks are sitting sardine-style right next to you lol. G-d is helping me to develop charity and patience in that regard.
My church is excellent at having people greet you and shake your hand as you walk through the doors, through the halls. As a matter of fact you can't seem to get 3 feet without someone lunging for your hand. I even afford one door because the guy there insists on trying to hug you and give his too long greeting when you just want to walk through the door:lachen: .

Dear Lord forgive me but sometimes, most times, I just want to walk into the church and sit down but this guy at the door insists on giving this really cheery "Hey there how are?" then he holds your hand as your answer and wait for your program to be handed to you. But does he just give you the program. NOOOOOO! he sits there and continues to greet you and tell you it's a wonderful day in the Lord. I know it's wrong but this man actually puts me in a bad mood before the service.

It's not anger as much as annoyance. Right now though I have to write the pastor about an old man, no he's not a dirty old man, but his insists on hugging me. And that is not acceptable.

But that's not the crazy part. The other day I had to go to the bathroom and I swear I shook no less than three peoples hands before I could go empty my bladder.

I had to go really bad and I'm going to have to tell the staff that unless they want a really embarassing stain to clean up then I insist they tell the greeters to stop lunging for peoples hands. Really, their friendliness is inconveniencing me and my bladder.


Oh Sweetheart... they love you.

The older gentlman is just being what he thinks is needed to make someone's day. He is serving the Lord with gladness and sharing it with all who come into his pathway.


Just say thank you and go. You do not have to stand there and allow him to extend his conversation. Just keep it moving. He'll get the message. Just pull back, smile and then nod your head in the direction you are headed in and keep it moving.

When you see the 'Greeters' on the way to the restroom just nod and point in the direction you are headed and move fast. They'll get the message. If they stop you, just smile and say, "Gotta go". Keep it moving.

You seem like a very nice person who doesn't want to hurt their feelings. It's quite understandable. :yep: You have to move fast and not think about feelings. Just smile and move fast.


It works.