My BIGEN Blue Black has faded...can I go lighter???


New Member
Hi everyone....I been dying my hair with Bigen "Blue Black" for quite some time now....The last time I dyed my hair was March 2010....the color has faded and its a chocolate brown, like a Hershey Bar....since the color has faded drastically, is it ok to dye my hair lighter....I was hoping to get reddish brownish hair or more light brown if possible??
I couldn't get Bigen to "lift" without bleaching my hair, and it was barely a change. Since it seems like it may have faded some, you could give it a try. I wouldn't use bleach if I were relaxed/texlaxed, though.

Oh, and mine had faded some too. Good luck.
I couldn't get Bigen to "lift" without bleaching my hair, and it was barely a change. Since it seems like it may have faded some, you could give it a try. I wouldn't use bleach if I were relaxed/texlaxed, though.

Oh, and mine had faded some too. Good luck.

Cosigning with this.
Let me know how this works out for you. I am in the same situation. I have been on Youtube looking for the solution and there are some color removers; however I don't know if they work. Loreal and Claroil has color removers that you mix with developers. I believe I am going to try it in December, maybe a small strand test at first to see if it works. Let me know what works for you because I am there with you and this Bigen permanent hair color.
Let me know how this works out for you. I am in the same situation. I have been on Youtube looking for the solution and there are some color removers; however I don't know if they work. Loreal and Claroil has color removers that you mix with developers. I believe I am going to try it in December, maybe a small strand test at first to see if it works. Let me know what works for you because I am there with you and this Bigen permanent hair color.

I tried Color Fix first. It didn't work.
Hmmm, I thought Bigen was permanent. Guess not.

It technically is. Even permanent colors fade some from the original color, but they still leave a color stain. So that is why it's usually hard to get the color out, i.e. lighten it. That's what makes it "permanent".