My baby girl has a fungus on her scalp and her hair is falling out...


Well-Known Member
I am sooooo very sad right now. My daughter's beautiful 4c hair is falling out/breaking off because of a fungus she has contracted somewhere (probably daycare center) She has about three bald spots with the biggest one being the size of about a quarter. The good news is that I see hair peeking up from the skin like it is trying to grow back. I am sooo upset right now. I took her to the doctor today (noticed this last night) first thing this morning and the doctor prescribed some type of "zole" ointment and Nizoral poo to use. They did a culture and I should know something more in a few days. The doctor said that if she were older ( she'll be 1 next week) she would give her the antibiotic that would kill it from the inside but it can be dangerous for a baby her age. Ugh. The doctor also said that sometimes it can get so bad that they may have to shave her hair off and start all over again.:nono: I told my mother if that is the case I will shave mine off too so she won't go through that alone (I was thinking of doing this anyway). Ya'll please pray for my baby girl and that her scalp will heal straight away.

The doctor told me to keep her hair extra moist. So I applied the ointment and used ORS moisturizer on the hair, gently worked it through then braided in very loose plaits. My poor baby!

poor baby! (at least she's too young to realize what's happening!)

i agree with the doctor. you should try MN on the spots; that should heal the fungus, and help with growth.
Aww ShiShi,

I'm praying for her. Just keep babying her hair and applying the ointment and moisturizer. Her hair WILL get better- take pics to reassure you of her growth over the next few months.

ETA: using 100% tea tree oil with jojoba or castor oil will kill that fungus.
I am not sure what type of fungus she has but once you find out and if it is ok to use on her hair. I would use some Boundless Tresses on her hair.
I'm sorry to hear this. At least she is still a baby, so hopefully, she won't even remember this. Are u going to change day cares?
I'm so sorry. I know coconut oil is anti-fungal because of it contains caprylic acid. It's natural and safe and if your doctor doesn't object, you could try it. Also aloe vera gel (make sure it's 100%) can help, but again, get an all clear from your doctor. Dogma managed to treat cradle cap and eczema in her daughter by massaging coconut oil, and while both have unknown causes, it didn't hurt her baby to use the oil, and I have to say, I would never have thought to use coconut since I would imagine it would be better when you know the cause is really a microbe - which it isn't in eczema or cradle cap as far as medicine knows.

Here's some info on coconut oil and treating fungal conditions:
Thank you for the encouraging responses ladies...:iloveyou:

Yes, I meant 4c (or xyz her hair is VERY dense with a Z and tight corkscrew strands, you can kind of see how thick it is from my avatar).

I will look into the tea tree oil and I already use castor oil on her scalp as well.

We have had other issues with this daycare center and was already looking to switch...this just confirms/cements that fact.

I am thankful that she doesn't realize or care what is going on with her hair right now. If she were older this could really set back her self-esteem. So I am very thankful.
I'm so sorry. I know coconut oil is anti-fungal because of it contains caprylic acid. It's natural and safe and if your doctor doesn't object, you could try it. Also aloe vera gel (make sure it's 100%) can help, but again, get an all clear from your doctor. Dogma managed to treat cradle cap and eczema in her daughter by massaging coconut oil, and while both have unknown causes, it didn't hurt her baby to use the oil, and I have to say, I would never have thought to use coconut since I would imagine it would be better when you know the cause is really a microbe - which it isn't in eczema or cradle cap as far as medicine knows.

Here's some info on coconut oil and treating fungal conditions:

coconut oil? hmmm. Thanks alot. I have some coconut oil in there somewhere. I will ask the doctor first.
Hey sweetheart it will work out!!! make sure you get her a new brush that is only used in her hair, as it can be passed on.. And make sure none of the day care ladies do her hair... This can be passed by hair brushes... It will pass, calm yourself, ok??? Lots of prayers coming your way....
Hey sweetheart it will work out!!! make sure you get her a new brush that is only used in her hair, as it can be passed on.. And make sure none of the day care ladies do her hair... This can be passed by hair brushes... It will pass, calm yourself, ok??? Lots of prayers coming your way....

OMG...there is a lady there who has braided her hair like twice.:wallbash:
coconut oil? hmmm. Thanks alot. I have some coconut oil in there somewhere. I will ask the doctor first.

Make sure it is 100% extra virgin (organic) coconut oil. You can order from that site or get it from a health store. I think getting just any ol' coconut oil may not be a good idea as I think some have perfume added, and I don't know what the caprylic and lauric acid %age content is when it is refined. And I just read again that your doc wants the hair to be moisturized. What better way than to kill two birds with one stone knowing you won't be creating an environment on which fungus can thrive since coconut oil won't allow it. (We've already read about people with weaves getting a moldy infection due to trapped moisture and heat, so since any other wetness might make the scalp itch more, coconut oil which is very soothing is a good choice)

Oil of oregano is another good product but is strong and I don't know how safe it'd be on a baby. I say stick with coconut oil if doc permits.
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I am not sure what type of fungus she has but once you find out and if it is ok to use on her hair. I would use some Boundless Tresses on her hair.

not on a child
ask her dr or pharmacist what you can use

I'm sorry mommy
I'm praying for your baby
Sorry to hear about the shampoo ketoconazole? I know that is what we use on one of my little pediatric patients who had some kind of fungus. Now u are making me paranoid bc I never thought about catching it and I always bath and wash his hair. My scalp is itching now....:perplexed I have a spot that had sort of come out a few months ago and is growing back in a little bit and now I wonder if it was from that? It wasnt completely bald just thin/broken and u can see the scalp a little...its a little circular spot. I thought it was just stress....
Sorry to hear about the shampoo ketoconazole? I know that is what we use on one of my little pediatric patients who had some kind of fungus. Now u are making me paranoid bc I never thought about catching it and I always bath and wash his hair. My scalp is itching now....:perplexed I have a spot that had sort of come out a few months ago and is growing back in a little bit and now I wonder if it was from that? It wasnt completely bald just thin/broken and u can see the scalp a little...its a little circular spot. I thought it was just stress....

Yes it is ketoconazole 2% and the patches on her scalp are smooth and shiny:nono:. Now my son contracted a fungus from playing in the sandbox at school and man o' man that stuff was puss-filled and lumpy but we just kept his hair real low and pumped him with that antibiotic but it took FOREVER to go away (about 6 months at least). Now they say that when it is on their scalps and feet, an antibiotic is required because it is in their bloodstream. IDK. I keep my children clean as a whistle from the rooter to the tooter (baths for both and shampoo every night for my son and once a week for my daughter) and this is just hard to deal with. It kind of makes you feel like your kids are dirty. More than anything, I am concerned about hair loss-behind her health of course.

It is HIGHLY contagious as well!
I truly sympathize. Don't worry your daughter has no clue whats happening and she doesn't care if she has hair on her head or not (you do). And you will love her regardless and thats all an infant needs- well other than diaper change, a nap and food consistently (smile)
Believe it or not this problem is not uncommon in infants. 20 years ago my daughter had this and the treatment was topical sulfur. I'll work itself out. Please use the medication until it is finished. Fungus like yeasts come back stronger if they are not completely obliterated. Oh and Coconut oil is good too and doesn't interfere with most medications unless your daughter is allergic to nut products.
The sandbox in daycares and schools are infested with all kinds of things. My neice wound up having a fungus that got so bad she was given antibiotics, hair shampoos and oitnments. Her braids were falling out of her head.

We found that the sandbox was not being properly taken care of and a cat was leaving its....well you get it. It was disgusting.

Then she went to visit her grandmother on her Dad's side and they had an iguana well you have to keep those animals away from small children because they can contract fungus from them and she did a SECOND time.

Before she got off the plane a braid fell out of her head. It has been a long hard road and she now has a tender spot, but it has all grown back. She won't ever be able to put chemicals in her head because her scalp is just too weak to handle it. Her hair is growing like crazy now but it took about two years to get it back on track. :wallbash:

You will get her hair to growing, but you must take care of the underyling issue of what caused it in the first place. Don't let anyone do her hair or redo her hair at any daycare and keep her away from the sandboxes from now on. I am not sure but it seemed like once my niece contracted it she was very easily suseptible to getting it again.

Frustrating, but we got a handle on it. Take care of your little minnie me.

She will get better.
I am so sorry to hear that. Let me share my experience. My daughter was 2 or 3 when I would touch her hair and it would come out, bulb and all. She eventually lost all the hair in the center or her head. The derm wasnt helpful but my granny was, she recommended using Glovers Mane mixed in her hairgrease (i used either DAX or Blue Magic). I oiled her scalp with this mixture daily and had her hair braided up into a pony tail to cover the bald center. This mixture worked miracles. Her hair grew back so fast and baby fine.

God speed to her hair growing in.
Sound like ring worm, my kids have had this and when it is on the scalp they gave them something by mouth, since she is too young I would wash her hair more often but I would ask the doctor before putting oils on it because that makes it worst because fungus will grow more. Try mn before putting oils on it.Also wash your pillows, combs, brushes or anything that has been in contact with the area because it will just keep going to other people & when my daughter got it she passed it on to my others, I had to disinfect everything over & over again!!
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Neem powder and tulsi powder are anti-bacterial/ fungal. You can try a paste or a herbal wash with one or both of these. They are all natural. HTH.

I am so sorry that you guys are going through this. I remember my lil cous getting head lice at age 3 and us having to shave her bald. I was traumatized. She had such a beautiful head of hair. But it did grow back.
Aww, hugs for your beautiful little dd. I hope you're able to get it under control and good luck on finding another dc.
I'm sorry ShiShi to hear this has happened to your daughter. I'm sure she will be ok, 'cause I know you will do everything possible to baby her scalp and grow her hair back.

(((((((Big hugs)))))))​
Neem powder and tulsi powder are anti-bacterial/ fungal. You can try a paste or a herbal wash with one or both of these. They are all natural. HTH.

I am so sorry that you guys are going through this. I remember my lil cous getting head lice at age 3 and us having to shave her bald. I was traumatized. She had such a beautiful head of hair. But it did grow back.

Please research here and on Google about the Neem powder its been around for 100's of years and used by over a million people on the other side of the globe I think It will put that infection on Blast. So Sorry this happened!:nono::nono:
Im sorry to hear this i know what its like ringworm has taken over my aunties scalp and her hair has fallen out alot, now she is going to cut it :(, i did a post about it as i wasworried as to whether i'd get it (luckily i just got 1 on my arm nothing near the scalp!). I make sure i do rub my scalp with MN every night and day. I mixed sulfur 8 with sulfur and applied it to my aunties scalp, the ringworm seems to have cleared...

i thought this would just post the link
Hello ladies and once again thank you, thank you, thank you for the support. It honestly means so much.

I took her braids down this morning so that I could apply the ointment again (supposed to apply 2x daily) and her hair was just snapping off left and right-no bulbs-just breakage. I very gently parted her hair with my fingers and applied the ointment. I then applied some QP Intense and braided it back up. This fungus seems to be sucking the moisture out of her hair! Tonight, I am going to wash with the Ketazole (sp) and reapply the ointment then apply her dc.

I am taking note of all the rec. remedies you all are giving me.

You wouldn't even know anything is wrong by looking at her because she is as wild as ever.

Thanks again.
Try Rooibos tea, internally and externally. Also a good collodial silver spray... HTHs! God Bless.
Awwww your poor baby! I'm so sorry to hear that your baby is going through this. Give her a big hug for me (and a hug for you too).