My baby girl has a fungus on her scalp and her hair is falling out...

Tonight, I am going to wash with the Ketazole (sp) and reapply the ointment then apply her dc.

I use this shampoo sometimes because it's great for the scalp. It can be very drying on the hair though and it may be causing problems with moisture. I usually pre-poo and deep condition for a longer time (45 minutes or more) when I am going to use this shampoo. This helps fight the dryness.

Hi I am very sorry to hear that about your baby girl's hair but rest assure if you follow the "zole" treatments and nizoral applications religiously you will see improvement in her scalp and should be able to save her hair. Pleeeeeeeez make sure to continue using the treatments completely even if her scalp looks better because you want to make sure to erradicate that funky bug from her baby skin!!!!! My BFF is a pediatrician and I know she tells all of her patients to do that she recently recommended the same thing to my 4 year old goddaughter who has a head of hair on her and her mother would be damned to shave off all her hair and it is getting better just wait until it is healed and let it start to grow back and then maybe eventually you can even out her hair when it gets back to a desirable length that you can deal with and please don't shave off your hair its beautiful as well, your baby's hair will grow back don't have any fear replace that with faith!!!!!! Best Wishes to you and your baby girl

P.S. I hope that you let your day care provider know that she needs to be very diligent about disinfecting her place on a daily basis and not just "wipe" to make things appear clean:nono:
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