My Aunt Just Passed


New Member
I don't know if ya'll remember or not. I posted about my aunt about a month or two ago. She had a broken blood vessel in her nose and the nose bleed prevented her from having a stroke. Well, her legs swelled up so big and she couldn't breathe well. She was admitted to the hospital yesterday for testing to find the source of the swelling. This morning she's gone. We are completely devastated.

Please, please pray for me and my family right now. We just don't understand what or why this happened. The swelling was going down. She looked as if she were going to recover. She wasn't in ICU or anything....

I feel as though someone just punched me in the stomach.
I'm so sorry for your loss, TigerLily. I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers. God bless...
Oh my goodness! I'm so so sorry :sad:

I'm thinking of you and your family right now, I hope you get some answers.

Oh, Tigerlily! I am so, so sorry to hear that! May God extend His hand of comfort and healing over your entire family. I know this must be devastating, particularly for her grandson, but even in the bad times, God is still good. Blessings to you and your family, sweetie. :rosebud:

I am so sorry to hear about your aunt.

I will keep you and your family in your prayers.

I remember when my grandmother passed. She was 94 and had surgery, she came out of the surgery just fine and was in a regular hospitlal bed recovering and sometime during the evening she took a turn for the wrong and 2 days later she was gone. I thought I would dye with her at that moment.

I just want to leave you with this thought. As I was reading your post I just wanted you to know that we don't always know why things happen but we can be assured that there is a reason and sometimes God doesn't reveal the reason to us. We just have to be at peace that our Father in Heaven know the why and the whats and that HE knows the plans that he has for us, plans and that they are all good. I don't know if your aunt was saved but if she was than you know that you will see her again some day and that she is at peace right now. Also know that to be absent in the body is to be present with the God and oh what a glorious day that will be. Praise God.

Sis, stay encourge and be strong
I am so sorry to hear about your loss Tigerlily. May God look over and comfort you and your family during this time.
Thank ladies. You don't know how much I appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers. It really does mean a lot to me.

LadyR, my aunt was saved, so there's some consolation in knowing that she's in a far better place than this world. Still, I just feel that it was not her time to go. I know it's up to God; I just can't help feeling this way. I think that there was some foul play at the hospital. The doctors and nurses were/are soooo scatterbrained and behaved weird from start to finish. I can't get deep into it but something is wrong. Real wrong.

I'd just like to say that if you are anyone in your family has a medical problem, please seek attention at once. Please don't wait till the problem gets unbearable. Keep your doctor(s) abreast of your condition/ailments. I feel that my aunt waited too long to go to the doctor/hospital and by the time she was admitted, the doctors had absolutely no friggin' clue of what to do. Information wasn't even passed from shift to shift.

I'm stopping right there. Just please, if you have any medical problems, please, please don't wait out of fear of what you'll find out. :(
May God bless you and your family in this time of bereavement! Keep your head up and stay strong! :up:
Aw Tiger, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. There are times where we don't really understand God's timing. Although you may not understand now, just know it's for His Glory. I know it's hard to see at this time, but God promises that all things work out for good for the righteous!

For some encouragement, listen to LaShun Pace's "For My Good". I hope it ministers to you. I know it's ministered to me. You can stream it from her website.
I don't have the words to express my condolences.
I've already prayed for you and your family and will continue to do.
If I have the opportunity I will even mention your family at church.

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your aunt TigerLily. I'll be sure to take your advice too. I have you and your family in my prayers. Many blessings. :Rose:
My condolensces and prayers to you and your family TigerLily. And if it were medical malpractice involved I hoped justice is served, I too lost an aunt, at which I felt wasn't her time to go but God's will was done, yet the hospital gave her an unauthorized treatment shortly before she died. We did sue them but lost the lawsuit, but either way it was God's will. Hugs to you honey :Rose:
Thanks again, ladies. The funeral is this Thursday. It's such a strain trying to get travel arrangements together and informing people. My mom had to go to the funeral home today. She came back completely drained. :( Gosh, this is so hard....
Oh Sweetie, I am so so sorry to hear about your loss. Please know my heart and prayers go out to you and your family. Please extend my condolences to your loved ones. :kiss: