My Aha! Moment with steaming


Active Member
Ok, so I had this "aha! Moment" a while ago, but I've been in a "post on lhcf" all day mood since I don't really have much going on with my hair to keep me entertained. Soooo maybe this will help someone else :spinning:

When my hair is loose, it LOVES the steamer. I don't dc under my dryer anymore, I do it with my steamer. Protein treatments and reconstructor treatments? Same thing -- under the steamer. I've gotten MUCH better results with the steamer. So I assumed that it would be the same with the kinky twists in.

I would steam once a week with AOGPB or AOHSR while in my twists, so about 4 times total.Then I'd take out the twists, and the detangling/combing out after was always difficult. But since it was always like that, I assumed that's just how my hair was after 4 weeks of twists. :nono: Then I went one month without steaming..... and voila. When I took the twists out, it was SO.EASY. There was ZERO need to detangle. All I had to do was comb out the shed hair.

Then it hit me: The steaming with conditioner for my hair was bad because I sucked at rinsing it out completely -- the conditioner stayed in, captured more gunk, and at the end of the four weeks my roots were a matted mess. :ohwell:

Duh, right? It's so obvious, yet I didn't see it. lol smh. That was months ago though, and I'm happy to say that each take down has been a breeze since. I love when I learn more things about my hair that prove that having kinky hair isn't a bad thing... just have to learn how to work with it and it can be the bestest thing ever :grin:

I don't really have pics with the twists down, but I've attached one of me with the twists pulled back since I know y'all like pics. lol.

Any other aha! moments?
Thanks for sharing, need steaming advice for my soon to have steamer

Thanks. I've regretted spending money at times during this hair journey, but the steamer is def not one of them. Even conditioners that were kinda "blah" for my hair and didn't do much for my hair had great results when I used them under the steamer :)