My 6 month progress (pics)

It's been six months since I started my healthy hair care journey.:grin: I am very pleased with the amount of progress I have gotten.

July 19 2008

September 2008


January 17 2008


Everything you could have done wrong to your hair I have done!:wallbash: Before I started my hair care journey my regimen consist of relaxing my hair every 3 to 4 weeks from root to tip, every week I would wash my hair with whatever left over shampoo I had from previous relaxer, then I would gel my hair down with some eco gel, after that I would cover my hair with tracks (yes weave glue!). That was my regimen since 7th grade all the way up to six months ago( and may I remind you I'm in the 12 th now). Every since I started I wont even look at a bottle of weave glue!:lachen::lachen:I'm glad I found LHCF when I did because yall are really helping me to turn my hair around. I know I still have alot to learn but I know I have yall behind me all the way!!!!!
APL here I come baby!:grin::grin:
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It's been six months since I started my healthy hair care journey.:grin: I am very pleased with the amount of progress I have gotten.

July 19 2008

September 2008


January 17 2008


Everything you could have done wrong to your hair I have done!:wallbash: Before I started my hair care journey my regimen consist of relaxing my hair every 3 to 4 weeks from root to tip, every week I would wash my hair with whatever left over shampoo I had from previous relaxer, then I would gel my hair down with some eco gel, after that I would cover my hair with tracks (yes weave glue!). That was my regimen since 7th grade all the way up to six months ago( and may I remind you I'm in the 12 th now). Every since I started I wont even look at a bottle of weave glue!:lachen::lachen:I'm glad I found LHCF when I did because yall are really helping me to turn my hair around. I know I still have alot to learn but I know I have yall behind me all the way!!!!!
APL here I come baby!:grin::grin:

WAY TO GO! It looks much healthier now. I'm so proud of you for doing a turnaround with your hair. You had some terrible habits! Yowza!!!

What is your regimen now?

Congrats on the progress....I can't wait till your next 6 month checkup!!
Wonderful progress!

I love to see young ladies take control of their hair care.
Keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing your next progress report.
It's been six months since I started my healthy hair care journey.:grin: I am very pleased with the amount of progress I have gotten.

July 19 2008

September 2008


January 17 2008


Everything you could have done wrong to your hair I have done!:wallbash: Before I started my hair care journey my regimen consist of relaxing my hair every 3 to 4 weeks from root to tip, every week I would wash my hair with whatever left over shampoo I had from previous relaxer, then I would gel my hair down with some eco gel, after that I would cover my hair with tracks (yes weave glue!). That was my regimen since 7th grade all the way up to six months ago( and may I remind you I'm in the 12 th now). Every since I started I wont even look at a bottle of weave glue!:lachen::lachen:I'm glad I found LHCF when I did because yall are really helping me to turn my hair around. I know I still have alot to learn but I know I have yall behind me all the way!!!!!
APL here I come baby!:grin::grin:

at first I didnt see the last pic and I was sitting here like :look:

then I saw it and was like yay!!! now I see LOL

It is getting thicker/healthier girl, congrats!
My regimen now is I wash 1x a week with either Keracare hydrating poo, HE Pin straight poo, or Ors Aloe poo. I then deep condition with Rn Mask or replinishing pak. I co wash whenever I feel like I need it. I relax most of the time at 10 weeks but I'm going to try 12. I flat iron my hair maybe once a month. 90% of the time my hair is in a rollerset! that basically it. I do a hardcore protein treatment every 2 months