My 1st setback...^%*&# Sylist!

i have yet to find a stylist in the "A" that has not given me a set back. Ur hair is still lovely and it will grow back nicely.
@Nisha, you are right on that one. Before I found the stylist I go to now, I kept bumping heads with black stylists...then I found a banging white girl who did everything except give me a relaxer. No hair damage from color and beautiful trims. I paid for it and it was worth it. Now I am beginning to understand what differentiates these people....advanced training, and specialization training.

My new stylist is Dominican with a wall of training certificates.
It seems like stylist will do whatever they like even when you already told them not to. This makes me nervous because I'm going to need another trim soon.
Daaag man. Im about to get trims at yt salons b/c these Domincan and AA salons have messed me up! Becky here I come.

:lachen: @ Becky here I come! For a long time I've contemplated going to a yt salon and I'm so glad that did. I think you should give it a try. My sister now goes to a yt salon with no regrets.

@Nisha, you are right on that one. Before I found the stylist I go to now, I kept bumping heads with black stylists...then I found a banging white girl who did everything except give me a relaxer. No hair damage from color and beautiful trims. I paid for it and it was worth it. Now I am beginning to understand what differentiates these people....advanced training, and specialization training.

My new stylist is Dominican with a wall of training certificates.

I'm convinced that it's advanced training :yep:. I would watch makeover shows and I would see how the yt stylists would cut/trim hair opposed to black stylists. In my experience black stylists would just trim straight across :spinning:. A lot of the yt stylists would get in there and cross check their cuts/trim and their technique in itself it just totally different from a lot of black stylists.
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I think for my birthday in January, I will take my hair and go to the Aveda Institute salon and get my hair trimmed for $20.

:lachen: @ Becky here I come! For a long time I've contemplated going to a yt salon and I'm so glad that did. I think you should give it a try. My sister now goes to a yt salon with no regrets.

I'm convinced that it's advanced training :yep:. I would watch makeover shows and I would see how the yt stylists would cut/trim hair opposed to black stylists. In my experience black stylists would just trim straight across :spinning:. A lot of the yt stylists would get in there and cross check their cuts/trim and their technique in itself it just totally different from a lot of black stylists.
Do they happen to be all black women :look:? I don't want to discredit black stylist as a whole because there are some good stylist but they are hard to come by. That particualar stylist that I mentioned earlier in the thread was down right scissor happy. She cut my hair from nearly bra strap to apl with layers. From that experience alone I vowed to never get my ends trimmed from a black stylist again because from my experience they either don't know how to cut/trim or cut too much. Now I go to a high end salon and an asian guy trims my hair and he does a very good job at it too! I tell him how much I want trimmed and he honors my wishes :yep:. It cost a lot more but it's worth every penny because I still have my length.

ITA!! I am glad that you said this Nisha b/c I had something similar happen to me many, many times. I don't even have that much length to speak of but what I do have I worked hard to get and I'd like to KEEP IT. I told myself that for my next trim I was going way on the other side of town to one of those expensive high end white salons, asking for their top stylist, and showing them EXACTLY what I want. I don't care if I have to pay big $$$. It is worth it for my peace of mind and to save my length. I am convinced that the black stylists are hatin' on other sistas with full, healthy heads of luscious hair, and they cut too much as if to say, "I'll show her....she aint ish"
Sorry for the set back OP. Man that really sucks. That's why I don't mess with black stylist for my trims. I only let 2 white chicks trim my hair. I have never had a problem with them. I don't know what it is about black stylist, but every single one that I have gone to in the past have always cut more than I wanted. I learned my lesson.
i have yet to find a stylist in the "A" that has not given me a set back. Ur hair is still lovely and it will grow back nicely.

I think the issue/benefit has less to do with going to a white stylist and more to do with going to a stylist in a higher quality salon ($$$/big name).

White or black, you're going to find a stylist there who knows what she/he's doing and who is actually willing to give you what you ask for. It's just a whoooooooole other level of professionalism that most "$15 for a wash n set" places don't have. :yep:
Daaag man. Im about to get trims at yt salons b/c these Domincan and AA salons have messed me up! Becky here I come.

You know....the more I think about it....I have had better service at the yt salons. For example, I went to Bubbles to get my hair washed and flatironed. My stylist (a nice Filipino lady) had put a DC in my hair w/o me asking and mentioned it was good for my hair (mind you...this was at the very very beginning of my journey). Another time, when I got a relaxer.....she tex-laxed my hair instead of bone-laxing it.

I also think of another time where my friend and I went into Aveda and started talking to a yt stylist. He had a 20 min discussion on what products we should avoid (basically, the whole Ethnic aisle at Wal-Mart). He also complimented the health of my hair :grin: We got his salon information by the end of that discussion.

Anyways, back on topic, I'm so sorry this happened to you! Your hair will grow back longer and stronger!:yep:
I think the issue/benefit has less to do with going to a white stylist and more to do with going to a stylist in a higher quality salon ($$$/big name).

White or black, you're going to find a stylist there who knows what she/he's doing and who is actually willing to give you what you ask for. It's just a whoooooooole other level of professionalism that most "$15 for a wash n set" places don't have. :yep:

I don't know about that because myself and others that I know have gone to "high quality" Black salons in NYC and have had excessive trims also.

OP sorry about your setback. I'd be pissed too. I plan to get a trim sometime in May maybe. I'm going to find a yt chick to do it too.
My regular hairstylist (and friend) went out town for the holidays and I was in desperate need of a trim. So I figure I would try someone new. If I show the stylist how much length (1/4") I wanted trimmed and be stern and clear I should be good right? WRONG!:wallbash:

This hefa cut at least 2 1/2" to 3" off of my hair. I'm a little above APL now. I would take a picture but I'm too pissed right now. I will never EVER EVER EVA EVA EVA EVA (Chris Tucker) go to a stylist again!!! She cut the 1/4" and then went over the same area and cut more. It's hard for me to tell at first because I have layers. So when she is lifting and cuting layers I can't tell she's re-cutting the same layers.:nono: By the time I realize what's happening what am I to do. Be lopsided?:wallbash:

This is a setback I can live with because my hair wasn't damaged but it's been a good 15 years since I've wanted to whoop another grown woman's a$%!! I am soo through.

Oh no Bella.. I am so sorry to hear about this..
:sekret: Which ATL salon (stylist) was this... Just so I know...
Because I will open a can of DEEEETROIT whup on someone doing this... I need a trim (up in the layers) and I don't want to be on y'all local news.

It will grow back babe.. even more beautiful.

ETA: I just read the whole thread.... wait a minute... this is an Atlanta epidemic????? Y'all got me scared to even try my beloved Rachel (Salon Cabelo)... I'll just have to fly back for a haircut... wait a minute... I'll just see if someone can take me now and between when I leave to go back to the "A" because that is retarded.
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My regular hairstylist (and friend) went out town for the holidays and I was in desperate need of a trim. So I figure I would try someone new. If I show the stylist how much length (1/4") I wanted trimmed and be stern and clear I should be good right? WRONG!:wallbash:

This hefa cut at least 2 1/2" to 3" off of my hair. I'm a little above APL now. I would take a picture but I'm too pissed right now. I will never EVER EVER EVA EVA EVA EVA (Chris Tucker) go to a stylist again!!! She cut the 1/4" and then went over the same area and cut more. It's hard for me to tell at first because I have layers. So when she is lifting and cuting layers I can't tell she's re-cutting the same layers.:nono: By the time I realize what's happening what am I to do. Be lopsided?:wallbash:

This is a setback I can live with because my hair wasn't damaged but it's been a good 15 years since I've wanted to whoop another grown woman's a$%!! I am soo through.

Please tell me you did not pay her for her services. I can't stand stylists that don't respect the clients wishes. Why do they do that? :nono:. I'm so sorry this happened to you Bella :bighug:
I am so sorry this has happened to you. It's sooo ridiculous that the so called stylist hacked up your head of hair...just sad.
Hey girl, sorry this happened to you :-(. But for future reference, next time try a barbershop. Barbers really do know how to take measurements! When you tell a barber to cut 1/4", 1/2", etc that's what you get. Besides, when they are cutting a woman's hair, they tend to be VERY cautious and err on the side of too little, never too much. I've been having my hair cut by barbers for years now and I've never had a bad experience with them. Of course you won't get any washing or styling with them, but that's not why you would go to one anyway.

Don't worry, the thing about hair is that it always grows back.

Do they happen to be all black women :look:? I don't want to discredit black stylist as a whole because there are some good stylist but they are hard to come by. That particualar stylist that I mentioned earlier in the thread was down right scissor happy. She cut my hair from nearly bra strap to apl with layers. From that experience alone I vowed to never get my ends trimmed from a black stylist again because from my experience they either don't know how to cut/trim or cut too much. Now I go to a high end salon and an asian guy trims my hair and he does a very good job at it too! I tell him how much I want trimmed and he honors my wishes :yep:. It cost a lot more but it's worth every penny because I still have my length.

I wish I didn't agree with this but I do. I've had 3 or 4 stylists in my life. They were all black women who were extremely good except they were scissor happy. IDK if the stylist I had as a child was scissor happy because I didn't really care how long my hair was back then, all I knew was that it was long. The stylist I had when I was a teenager was beyond scissor happy, she was a scissor fanatic. Everytime I grew my hair out she cut it right back to shoulder length, and she kept my sister at ear length her entire time in high school.

I really would like to try going to a black man or different race stylist but I'm so paranoid. I don't think I could handle a setback right now. I think I'll wait until after I get to BSL and enjoy it for a few months and then take the plunge and try a stylist.

The only thing I'm worried about with a stylist of a different race is if they want to cut my hair wet. I don't see how that's going to work. I think I'd feel more comfortable going to a black man.

OP, I'm sorry this happened to you, you must feel so frustrated. I know how you feel because I've been there so many times. :nono:
I am sorry to hear this too :needhug:

This is exaclty why I have moved to three different cities in the past 5 years and kept the same stylist that I had in Philly the whole time. I have been going to her since 2003 and I am too scared to try anyone different.
I wish I didn't agree with this but I do. I've had 3 or 4 stylists in my life. They were all black women who were extremely good except they were scissor happy. IDK if the stylist I had as a child was scissor happy because I didn't really care how long my hair was back then, all I knew was that it was long. The stylist I had when I was a teenager was beyond scissor happy, she was a scissor fanatic. Everytime I grew my hair out she cut it right back to shoulder length, and she kept my sister at ear length her entire time in high school.

I really would like to try going to a black man or different race stylist but I'm so paranoid. I don't think I could handle a setback right now. I think I'll wait until after I get to BSL and enjoy it for a few months and then take the plunge and try a stylist.

The only thing I'm worried about with a stylist of a different race is if they want to cut my hair wet. I don't see how that's going to work. I think I'd feel more comfortable going to a black man.

I can understand being paronoid, especially since you have been going to black stylist all of your life. I just got tired of the lack of skills that many of the black stylist had when it came to trimming my hair. When I go to the salon I come in there with my hair already washed and flat ironed. IMO it's best to cut/trim the hair when it's straightened :yep:.
You should definitely learn to self trim... i didn't trim for 2 years and now i use the S&D method. I will be trying to incorporate some of Traycee's tips from this video too:

I think a lot of us are still under the wrong impression of what split ends are and therefore feel the "need" for a trim...
