My 1st BKT experience... not so good results!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, I BKT'd my niece's earlength hair yesterday. I didn't really get good results. But to be fair, her hair is damaged, very porous, stiff and mushy and i'm trying to whip it back into health. It doesnt hold moisture AT ALL and it's in need of some serious protein. So i've been treating it for the past few weeks and I thought BKT would be a good option. So I used Global 4% that I purchased from a member here (thanks lwilliams1922!). And I used about 1.7ozs. And her hair came out feeling coated and stiff. (But i did notice a lil bit of shine and a tiny bit of swing) And LWilliams had told me that she got better results using less, so i think that my issue was i used waaaaay too much for her hair. I am doing the 1st wash on tuesday so i hope it feels better, silkier and more body after the wash. Next time i'll probably use .8oz for her earlength hair. And next weekend i'm planning to BKT my layered BSL length hair, so i'm guessing maybe 1.5ozs?

Oh and let me tell yall about the experience. Well I applied the product in my foyer, without using a fan (because I have heard ladies say that it's not irritating when applying it, but gets irritating when it's blowdried and flat-ironed). But let me tell you...we started off ok, and the chocolate smell was ok, but like after 10mins my niece got teary eyed and i started feeling a tad bit dizzy. So after i applied it, we went outside to the patio for blowdrying. On the patio, i sat her in front of a fan, and we also wore painters masks (got from walmart fo $4). But we didnt notice any irritation so she removed her mask and she was just fine... i left mines on just to be safe.

But anywhoo....just wanted to share my experience... In hopes that it helps someone.... and also to see if anyone has any good results with applying it to damaged hair, or can we only get good results on healthy hair?
I don't necessarily think this is a bad result. I BKT'd someone's hair with Global and the irritation and smell are a bit much. So, that's pretty normal.

You mentioned she had stiff hair and said it was from using too much product. The product is flat ironed into her hair. It probably feels heavier than it normally does, especially if her hair is already somewhat damaged. That sounds pretty normal too, based on what some other women have said.

So, it seems that you got the expected results from the way you explained it and I'm sure she'll have lighter hair with a bit more swing once she does the first wash.

"Not so good results" will make some people think her hair is falling out, etc. Just sounds like it's not bouncing all over the place JUST YET, but I'm sure it will.
hey gurl, yea i suppose you are right. Nothing tragic happened, so I should say "not so great results", instead of "not so good results". i'll be sure to report back after tuesdays wash....