Must I Be There Every Time The Doors Are Open?


With Love & Silk
I am consistent in attending church on Sunday and also the mid-week service. (it's really on Mondays, not Wednesdays like most)

My church is very unique and we do some unique things. About every other month, my church will have a full week of service. (Mon-Fri from 7pm until) Well, my pastor has been holding these services longer and longer. We used to get out around 9pm, but now we're going to almost 10pm. I told my husband that I was no longer going to be attending ALL of the extra services. Hubby seems to think I should.

Now he has to be there because he is part of the media team that records each service. He is also probably a tad bit more fanatical than I am about the church, which is fine. I like my church, but I'm not fanatical.

But my question is, do I have to be there just because church is open? As I said above, I do go faithfully each Sunday and Monday but am I wrong for not wanting to attend all of the "extra" services?
Supergirl said:
I am consistent in attending church on Sunday and also the mid-week service. (it's really on Mondays, not Wednesdays like most)

My church is very unique and we do some unique things. About every other month, my church will have a full week of service. (Mon-Fri from 7pm until) Well, my pastor has been holding these services longer and longer. We used to get out around 9pm, but now we're going to almost 10pm. I told my husband that I was no longer going to be attending ALL of the extra services. Hubby seems to think I should.

Now he has to be there because he is part of the media team that records each service. He is also probably a tad bit more fanatical than I am about the church, which is fine. I like my church, but I'm not fanatical.

But my question is, do I have to be there just because church is open? As I said above, I do go faithfully each Sunday and Monday but am I wrong for not wanting to attend all of the "extra" services?
I know your name is "Supergirl", but does your cape have wings? :lol:

All in love :kiss:

Sweetheart, we cannot burn ourselves out. And this already taking place within you now. You have scriptual license with this. Does not the word state that the wife is subject to her husband first...? But this applies to taking care of the home you share together. Someone has to be there.

May I say this? You cannot pick up the slack where others may be lacking in being there as well. While we love and support our Pastors and their vision, we can't carry it all on one wing or a 'cape that does not fly'.

No, Supergirl. You cannot and SHOULD not be there everytime the doors are open. You have doors of your own at home which need tending to. And you also have yourself and you have to maintain your health.

Feel Better? Hope so. :yep: You've done nothing wrong.
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If I wasn't in leadership I wouldn't go!:lol: Seriously, "church" activities fill up people's schedules so much to the point where they have no time for their own family and they're all worn out.

I've never understood the purpose for so many services. Surely some of that time could be used to go out and spread the "good news" through conversation, feeding those who hunger, yada yada yada. There's a balance between recieving the word and taking it into your sphere of influence.
Shimmie said:
I know your name is "Supergirl", but does your cape have wings? :lol:

All in love :kiss:

Sweetheart, we cannot burn ourselves out. And this already taking place within you now. You have scriptual license with this. Does not the word state that the wife is subject to her husband first...? But this applies to taking care of the home you share together. Someone has to be there.

May I say this? You cannot pick up the slack where others may be lacking in being there as well. While we love and support our Pastors and their vision, we can't carry it all on one wing or a 'cape that does not fly'.

No, Supergirl. You cannot and SHOULD not be there everytime the doors are open. You have doors of your own at home which need tending to. And you also have yourself and you have to maintain your health.

Feel Better? Hope so. :yep: You've done nothing wrong.

YES! I remember you guys helping me out when I told you I felt spent by too many committments in church! You need to minister to YOURSELF sometimes as well. That means not to feel pulled in every which direction.

I don't bring my kids to midweek activities because I want my husband to prepare them for bed--homework, bath. I go, but they stay home.
Supergirl - You do not have to be there every time the doors are open.

I just recently accepted the fact that we all need to have a balance life.

I remember my pastor telling his congregation that some of us need to stay home once in a while and take care of our families, or go on vacation and stop running and chasing after every event and activity!!!
I think the idea of numerous services is a good one for folks with crazy schedules (like right now, I'm working... yeah)... so I can attend on Wednesday night one week, Monday another, etc., etc.

But I agree with everyone else... there's no need to burn yourself out attending all of them! They're there so nobody can make the excuse that they can't get to church, but just because so many services are offered doesn't mean that we have to attend every one!