Music for your teenage children


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I have finally found a church for me and my boys (PRAISE GOD!!); I prayed that a Church would come to me and that is exactly what happened! They came to my doorstep to invite me to their church. I have been going every since and it's been over 2 months. Before that, I was hopping from Church to Church and never felt welcomed.

I am very happy now.

Anyhow, I just wanted to send you guys a link to the music of some talented individuals that live in my area. Here is a link to some of my favorite songs:'ve+been+Trapped+-+Jamair.mp3

Me and my boys (11 and 13) LOVE their music. These guys are 15-21 (I believe) and they are extremely talented.

Sometimes children need to see and hear others their age praising God in the form of music. These guys are always in the malls and in the neighborhoods with their Bibles and giving away their CDs. They truely love the Lord and my kids really look up to them. When they see them, they go crazy!! I hope you share their website with your children.