Mud Hair Wash=NO DC?

It took forever for me to get a response clarifying the email...They do charge extra to ship to APO.... I said they can cancel my order. I don't want to pay 17 dollar shipping.. :(
I made the soap bars using this recipe with exact measurements.....:nono:. The bars were way too soft to use as shampoo bars. I am a little ticked off because now I have to figure out how to use this stuff without wasting it. I refuse to throw it away.

That really sucks! I haven't tried the recipe because I'm still searching for some cocoa butter. My Vitamin Shoppe did not have it and I don't feel like ordering online.

I may try to use less of the butters and oils and a bit more of the clay. That might be the trick.

Thanks for sharing your results.

I tried the soap recipe and it is still sittin in the mold. Why? Because it is so soft that I can't get it out. I can't use it as a shampoo soap at that consistency.

My Recipe:

1/2 cup bentonite clay powder

2 oz unrefined Shea butter (melted)

1/2 oz extra virgin olive oil

1 oz coconut oil

1 oz castor oil

I decreased the butter and oils from the original recipe by half and still got a "soft" soap. No bueno. :nono:
MA2010 said:
I tried the soap recipe and it is still sittin in the mold. Why? Because it is so soft that I can't get it out. I can't use it as a shampoo soap at that consistency.

My Recipe:

1/2 cup bentonite clay powder

2 oz unrefined Shea butter (melted)

1/2 oz extra virgin olive oil

1 oz coconut oil

1 oz castor oil

I decreased the butter and oils from the original recipe by half and still got a "soft" soap. No bueno. :nono:

I know right. I really wanted this to work.
Wait... for those shampooing with just bentonite clay powder, how are you doing so?

I saw something about adding some to water and spraying in your hair??? :confused

Explain por favor?!?!?
I have been using just bentonite clay and I mix mine with AVJ. I mix it into a paste adding water a bit at a time. I then spritz my hair with purified water (I have a shower filter) and apply in sections making sure I massage my scalp also.

I do plan on buying the other ingredients in there and making my own dupe but for now it is just avj and bentonite. The results are great I really wish I started sooner on my 4b/c hair.
I bought a x-large bottle of the lemon and a small bottle of the lavender. I had been using the lemon and wanted to compare the lavender. Used the lavender for the 2nd time last night. I used lemon on the back and lavender on the front.

I like that the lavender is thinner and easier to apply. But the lavendar tangles my hair. I can feel it tangling while I apply it. The lemon does not tangle my hair at all. The lavender gives that same effect on my hair as shampoo causing my hair to puff and draw up. The lemon helps my hair to hang and it feels smooth.

I'm glad I purchased a smaller bottle. I will use the lavender mostly on my scalp. And then maybe mix a little AVG with it so see if I can soften its effects up some. I won't repurchase it or try any of the other types.
faithVA, thanks for posting. I luuuuv the lemon and was curious about the lavender. I think I will stick to what I know works. By the way, I added ayurvedic herbs: neem, brahmi, bhringhai(sp?) and some powdered hibiscus flower and had a hairgasm!!! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better. Only used a tablespoon of the mud wash and added enough water to make a thin paste. Adding the herbs helps to stretch too. Thanks so much for your info.
reeko43 said:
faithVA, thanks for posting. I luuuuv the lemon and was curious about the lavender. I think I will stick to what I know works. By the way, I added ayurvedic herbs: neem, brahmi, bhringhai(sp?) and some powdered hibiscus flower and had a hairgasm!!! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better. Only used a tablespoon of the mud wash and added enough water to make a thin paste. Adding the herbs helps to stretch too. Thanks so much for your info.

reeko43 did you just add as you went or did you measure? TIA
@HanaKuroi, I kind of measured because I was originally trying to make a hair paste out of the powders I had and never used. I used 2 tlbs shikakai (forgot to mention previously) 1 tlbs of hibiscus and bhringrai, 1 tsp neem and brahmi. I was afraid that the paste may be too drying so I said what the hey, add the mudwash. I eyeballed the amount of water to make like a pancake batter consistency paste. I would have used amla but I didn't have any. Might try that sometime. I let it sit on my hair for about 35 min.
ITA with this!

The Lavender and Spice left my hair kind of frizzy and dryish compared to Lemon. I agree, it was like shampoo.

Lemon is the absolute magic for the dryer areas of my hair! Smooth, soft, moisturized, stretched- it's a miracle! :lick:

Peppermint is perfect for the finer, less curly areas of my hair that can get flat and greasy if if too much oil gets in them - it leaves them clean, soft, and full. And I love the scalp tingle. But it's a little too drying on the other parts of my hair.

I bought a x-large bottle of the lemon and a small bottle of the lavender. I had been using the lemon and wanted to compare the lavender. Used the lavender for the 2nd time last night. I used lemon on the back and lavender on the front.

I like that the lavender is thinner and easier to apply. But the lavendar tangles my hair. I can feel it tangling while I apply it. The lemon does not tangle my hair at all. The lavender gives that same effect on my hair as shampoo causing my hair to puff and draw up. The lemon helps my hair to hang and it feels smooth.

I'm glad I purchased a smaller bottle. I will use the lavender mostly on my scalp. And then maybe mix a little AVG with it so see if I can soften its effects up some. I won't repurchase it or try any of the other types.
Lol... I ordered this morning the mud wash from the canadian operated website and after reading more into this thread, i decided to diversifie the products so I can try and find the one that works the best for my hair. So I wrote to them asking whether it is possible, here is what i wrote :

"Hy there,
I just placed and order (#584) and was wondering if you could change the 3
bottles of the lavender garden with 1 of lavender garden, 1 of lemon coast
and 1 of sultry spices... Let me know
Thanks "

About 3 hours later, I receive this from them

"No! That is utterly unreasonable! We have systems in place. You have to learn to respect the systems!

Just kidding... Of course we will be able to do that. We'll change your order and get it shipped out Monday.

By the way, have you seen our bamboo facial cloths and our flower therapy facial care line? Now that you have free shipping, you might want to try some. If you want to add it to your order, let me know which products you'd like and I'll send you a PayPal invoice for them.

Thanks again for the order and the business. We really appreciate it!


Summer Crossman"

looool ... I was so shocked when I read the first line... :) Will report back on how the shipping and the whole transaction went. I also think they offer free shipping in US but with like 60$ minimum payment. ( Maybe try splitting order with someone else? )
Ikr... They already conquered me over... I like it when companies have a friendly way of acting with their customers... But we will see how it goes from here ... I do know terressentials and naptural85 like them on facebook so I would say they are a trusted source :)
I will try them and see, I probably have a year supply with the 3 bottles... I am hoping to get better curl definition specially at the front of my hair ( the top part just doesn t seem to have any curls :( )
Lol... I ordered this morning the mud wash from the canadian operated website and after reading more into this thread, i decided to diversifie the products so I can try and find the one that works the best for my hair. So I wrote to them asking whether it is possible, here is what i wrote :

"Hy there,
I just placed and order (#584) and was wondering if you could change the 3
bottles of the lavender garden with 1 of lavender garden, 1 of lemon coast
and 1 of sultry spices... Let me know
Thanks "

About 3 hours later, I receive this from them

"No! That is utterly unreasonable! We have systems in place. You have to learn to respect the systems!

Just kidding... Of course we will be able to do that. We'll change your order and get it shipped out Monday.

By the way, have you seen our bamboo facial cloths and our flower therapy facial care line? Now that you have free shipping, you might want to try some. If you want to add it to your order, let me know which products you'd like and I'll send you a PayPal invoice for them.

Thanks again for the order and the business. We really appreciate it!


Summer Crossman"

looool ... I was so shocked when I read the first line... :) Will report back on how the shipping and the whole transaction went. I also think they offer free shipping in US but with like 60$ minimum payment. ( Maybe try splitting order with someone else? )

Not that anyone was looking but don't bother with the facial stuff. I tried the samples and they all smell like pepper :ohwell:

Not sure if I bought the facecloth from them or Morocco Method. Either way I love that facecloth and wish I had 2 or 3 more. But I think I bought it from Morroco Method.
faithVA No I didn t but any facial stuff... I have very sensitive skin and I am very cautious on stuff I put on my face.
Question for you guys... so this thing says to only use it, only it, nothing else??? what about my tons and tons and tons of products i have??? lol I was thinking yesterday that now is the time to go full force on using all my products, finish them up and then go toward healthier ways of hair care lol... and the analogy is someone deciding to eat up all her load of junk food she has at home before she stops eating bad... does that make sens?
[USER=202140 said:
Poutchi[/USER];15533905]@faithVA No I didn t but any facial stuff... I have very sensitive skin and I am very cautious on stuff I put on my face.
Question for you guys... so this thing says to only use it, only it, nothing else??? what about my tons and tons and tons of products i have??? lol I was thinking yesterday that now is the time to go full force on using all my products, finish them up and then go toward healthier ways of hair care lol... and the analogy is someone deciding to eat up all her load of junk food she has at home before she stops eating bad... does that make sens?

Most of us still use some type of product after the wash. We all have different types of hair. Very few people can use the mud wash and not moisturize afterwards. It does make things easier though. So continue to condition/moisturize/oil etc.

Some of us have switched to all natural products, some kept the same product.

As far as using up all your stuff, decide whether it is more important to use up all your stuff or to have healthy, beautiful hair. If you want healthy beautiful hair then only put things on your hair that help with that. If you have a product that isn't working with your hair then do you really want to put it on your hair just because you paid for it? Just something to think about.

Youtuber Dawnyele has tried all of the scents and she finds the lemon more moisturizing. I've only used the Lemon and have no plans on trying the other scents. I think someone upthread uses the peppermint on their scalp and either lemon or lavender on their hair.
This may be a silly question or may have been answered already, but on the site it says "baking" the mud mask while sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes can increase the absorption of the mud. Does that mean if I wanted to leave it in longer before washing it out, I shouldn't put a plastic cap on? Just let it harden in my hair?
I am planning on doing my first henna treatment this week. Will the mudwash have an adverse affect on the henna? Should I wait to mudwash after the henna settles or mudwash a few days before? Do I have to stop mudwashing period?

I am planning on doing my first henna treatment this week. Will the mudwash have an adverse affect on the henna? Should I wait to mudwash after the henna settles or mudwash a few days before? Do I have to stop mudwashing period?


I use the mud wash AFTER henna. It seems to return my hair back to normal. I usually finish with avj (1/4 cup aloe vera juice to 3 cold cups water) for a final rinse.

For me, the secret to the "slip" in the mud wash is LINDEN FLOWERS. You can make a tea from them. When you make the mudwash at home, use the tea, eo's and oils and the slip is comparable. You can even detangle easier. I am still tweaking my recipe and comparing to left coast lemon.

For me, I have found that the 4a sections of my hair LOVE the lavender wash, but my entire head LOVES left coast lemon.

I use homemade dc's now. I have tried the commercial ones after using the mud wash and it leaves my hair feeling coated, like someone put a thin layer of plastic on my hair.
[USER=324511 said:
HanaKuroi[/USER];15733895]I am planning on doing my first henna treatment this week. Will the mudwash have an adverse affect on the henna? Should I wait to mudwash after the henna settles or mudwash a few days before? Do I have to stop mudwashing period?


I mudwash first with left coast lemon, then henna, the DC. I have not had any problem. I don't wait in between. Just do them back to back.
[USER=257110 said:
Victoria44[/USER];15721723]This may be a silly question or may have been answered already, but on the site it says "baking" the mud mask while sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes can increase the absorption of the mud. Does that mean if I wanted to leave it in longer before washing it out, I shouldn't put a plastic cap on? Just let it harden in my hair?

I don't put a plastic cap on when I leave it in longer. No special reason. But the mudwash never dries on my hair either :ohwell: But I guess you do want it to dry and if you put on a plastic cap you capture the moisture which keeps it wet.

Unless you are going to sit under a heat source, you don't need a plastic cap.
Hi ladies. I've been using the mud wash for a little over 6 months now. Have any of you noticed that your curls are silkier and elongated? While I love this wash, I realized it significantly cuts down on bulk. I don't mind it for wash n goes but for twist-outs I love when my hair is big and has a lot of volume. And before this wash my hair was always big. My twist-outs now or longer, more defined and take forever to get the volume I want. Anyone going through something similar?
ingenious_mind said:

ingenious_mind I think it makes my hair absorb the products better. Products don't sit on my hair and in turn I get less shrinkage. My hair feels so different when I use it. I also have fewer ssks. I had to mudwash today because I realized I hadn't in almost a month.