MTG's Not Doing Anything :(


New Member
I don't know if I'm using it wrong, but I don't see any difference using the MTG. I have been using it for almost a month and I haven't had any major growth spurts. I feel diappointed. I will give it another try for Febuary. I had to stop mixing it with other oils, becasue the combination was giving me a rash on my neck. Maybe i will try some of the oderless MTG, that the one sista sells in here.

Current: Almost SL
1st Goal : Full SL
2nd: APL
Ultimate: Slightly passed BSL

Don't Shop Asian BSS.!!!
I'm sorry the MTG is dissappointing you. Maybe it's the mineral oil that's slowing your progress? Maybe you could let the sulfur powder settle at the bottm, and drain out the oil. And make a mixture of another oil that doesn't upset your scalp, or your neck:)
How often are you using it?

How MUCH did you dilute it (others were saying that diluting it can cut its effectiveness)?

You may have to just give it some time.
I've been using it since early November and I don't see any growth spurts either although my empty temples seem to have peach fuzz. I'm just about to relax a 5 month stretch though. If MTG really worked I should have 4 inches! I'll let you know. By the way, I checked out your journal. You have lost weight!!!! You go girl!
p.s. i think you may have very fragile 4b hair like mine. a weave over a net did wonders for my gave it a complete break. that's how i stretched from November till now. just a thought though.
I know in the begging i was using mtg wrong. I thought mtg was moisturizing and I was not adding any moisturizers to my scalp/hair. As a result I had dry brittle braking hair and thought it was the mtg doing it, when it was me starving my hair of moisture.

I stopped everything for a while and just deep conditioned like crazy. now I know what i did wrong and resummed the mtg but only once a week and moisturize 2x's/day(spray water mixed w/conditioner & apply qp mando butter).

To tell you the truth, I haven't seen length but my hair is so thick that i broke a comb in it. because of the texture I can't tell if its new growth, but if it is, I don't know if its because of mtg/msn/or just attention that I have never givnen my hair before.
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I do shake it before I use it. I don't mix it with anything anymore. At first when I did mix it I used wild growth oil and i only added a little bit to cut the smell. But after 1 week, I stopped when I read that mixing it may cut the effectivenss of the product. I was using it every day for the first 3 weeks, then this week I have only used it one time.
Might be product overload... Just my assumption--but maybe the mineral oil in MTG is cloggling your folicles and inhibiting hair growth. How often are you washing your hair?

When I first began MTG I used it 3-4x a week but I washed/co'd every other day too. Now I'm down to 1-2 times and wash every 3-4 days.
The first month of MTG use gave me thicker hair. I started gaining length after. I use it daily on my hair, not scalp. I also don't mix it with anything. I didn't really notice length when I was natural, because I had uber shrinkage. I noticed that once I started daily CWing, my hair growth really took off.
DDtexlaxd said:
The first month of MTG use gave me thicker hair. I started gaining length after.
Thats good to hear.'cause my hair is so thick i broke a comb in it. I look foward to seeing length next month.
i find when you mix other products with the MTG, it doesn't perform as well.. i know most are trying to hide the smell, but its better to use it alone..i got an inch in 1 1/2 week of using it everyday my first time using it, then its slowed down some...but i'm still getting good growth, and i might add additional oils for moisturizing my hair, b/c its definitely not good for moisturizing the hair, its better just using on the scalp..