MTG's New Scent


Well-Known Member
I see that MTG Sulu has a new scent called Kiwi Pear. Who will be the brave soul to use it and live to tell about being around others and not smelling like bacon!!!:lol:
It will probably smell like kiwi, pear and bacon mixed together. LOL! I don't think they can cover up the bacon, they can only add to it.
someone needs to try this new scent. I wanna try MTG but Ive been put of by reports of its horrendous smell
on their fb page they had a post for a free bottle of the new kiwi mtg to the 1st ten ppl. it was posted about 9 hrs ago so I am sure it gone by now.
I just ordered the regular MTG...I dunno, I don't mind smelling like bacon especially if I'm only using it at night. :grin: Sulu costs like, twice as much - that's so crazy to me!
I just can't get over the smell. If they have found some way to miraculously cover it I might try it. I tried one of those recipes to cover the smell and it did until I started working out. That stank came back full force!! I can not have that happen ever again.
have you tried peppermint oil???
I just can't get over the smell. If they have found some way to miraculously cover it I might try it. I tried one of those recipes to cover the smell and it did until I started working out. That stank came back full force!! I can not have that happen ever again.
I just can't get over the smell. If they have found some way to miraculously cover it I might try it. I tried one of those recipes to cover the smell and it did until I started working out. That stank came back full force!! I can not have that happen ever again.

LOL, true! I really want to smell it so bad now since everyone talks about the scent. I like how bacon smells...
Yes I have used peppermint oil but I can still smell it and I just can't walk around and have people saying "You smell that??" soooo embarrassing.
I've been using the orginal (finally again why did I ever stop!) and I just had whatever essential oil I have
at the time to it. I really don't smell it. And haven't gotten called out for the smell in a while!!!
put the original formula in your basket and then use the kiwi coupon codes. it worked for me. got my confirmation.
i used mtg original awhile back, my growth was amazing. went from nl to bsl in less than a year.

to help with the smell of the original, you can apply to head at night and wash in the am. or keep it on your scalp for a few hours before washing.
put the original formula in your basket and then use the kiwi coupon codes. it worked for me. got my confirmation.
i used mtg original awhile back, my growth was amazing. went from nl to bsl in less than a year.

to help with the smell of the original, you can apply to head at night and wash in the am. or keep it on your scalp for a few hours before washing.

where do u get the kiwi coupon code?
on fb 1 sec ill get it

when you get to the screen where it says log in to paypal ignore that. You will get a confirmation after your done

The coupon codes are: FREEKIWI and SHIPKIWI. Begin checkout as usual, enter FREEKIWI in the coupon code field and click on add coupon (you will see the coupon code added), then enter SHIPKIWI in the coupon code field and click on add coupon(you will see the coupon code added and both coupon codes will be listed). Make ...sure the order total to the right equals zero. Then proceed with your order.
***** go to check out as normal, you will add the coupon on the payment screen!/suluhair
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Received my FREE Kiwi Pear scented Sulu in the mail today. There is a difference in the smell from the original. I wont know how much of a difference until I actually use it, which will be some time next week.
4mia Those coupon codes are still good :grin: thanks , I ordered some today. Gonna wait until I finish up the wild growth oil before I start it though.
They may cancel it if you are not one of the 10 people. You can call them tomorrow to make sure.
4mia Those coupon codes are still good :grin: thanks , I ordered some today. Gonna wait until I finish up the wild growth oil before I start it though.
I've been using MTG for about two months now and I'm getting good growth from it; it doesn't smell that bad to me. From all the reviews on here, I was expecting a smell much worst. I mean don't get me wrong it smells, but to me it's a tolerable smell. I apply it every other day at night and in the morning the smell is gone this works for me.