MTG's New Scent

I just used the codes and my total was zero but when I tried to continue it kept asking for payment method. So I clicked on paypal, but paypal wouldn't allow me to complete the transaction because there was no amount to charge me. It kept asking me to put a total greater than zero. So I wonder what I should have done differently...?
dont worry all of the paypal trans happen that way. you should be getting an email from them soon if it went through.
I just used the codes and my total was zero but when I tried to continue it kept asking for payment method. So I clicked on paypal, but paypal wouldn't allow me to complete the transaction because there was no amount to charge me. It kept asking me to put a total greater than zero. So I wonder what I should have done differently...?
I ordered MTG, should have it tomorrow. I have never used it so I am looking forward to seeing the growth that I get from it.
I've been using MTG for about two months now and I'm getting good growth from it; it doesn't smell that bad to me. From all the reviews on here, I was expecting a smell much worst. I mean don't get me wrong it smells, but to me it's a tolerable smell. I apply it every other day at night and in the morning the smell is gone this works for me.
I just used the codes and my total was zero but when I tried to continue it kept asking for payment method. So I clicked on paypal, but paypal wouldn't allow me to complete the transaction because there was no amount to charge me. It kept asking me to put a total greater than zero. So I wonder what I should have done differently...?
hmm im not sure, the first time it asked for payment, i clicked paypal. thats when i got my confirmation. then it takes you to the sign in to paypal page to make things final, you cant do that step cause the amount has to be more than 0. i got my confirmation and now i got tracking info
Mine shipped today and my big bottle of MTG should be here tomorrow! I'm glad the Sulu is coming though b/c it has the better bottle. msdevo thank you for the code! :)
Valley must have shipped ours the same day. I get mine tomorrow too. Gotta get some more peppermint oil to mask smell. What else is good to go in there??? Thank 4mia for the code though.
Mine shipped today and my big bottle of MTG should be here tomorrow! I'm glad the Sulu is coming though b/c it has the better bottle. msdevo thank you for the code! :)
Oh btw Sally's has the 8oz bottles with the cap for $1.29 I got about 5 of them for my various concoctions.
Valley must have shipped ours the same day. I get mine tomorrow too. Gotta get some more peppermint oil to mask smell. What else is good to go in there??? Thank 4mia for the code though.

Oh oops! Thanks 4mia!!

I wasn't planning on mixing mine with anything b/c I was only going to use it at night, then wash out in the AM when I style my hair. I also really like how bacon smells?
I have the old Sulu max and the smell didnt bother me at all. if MTG smells like that then I have no problem at all.
I think they added some fragrance to the original to make the Sulu. Either way, I just hope it works I don't care if it smells, as long as it doesn't smell like poo on my pillow! I used to have the oil from Komaza and it was sulfur based and STANK, but it was like more of an herbally stink. I didn't have any allergic reactions to it though so hopefully I'll be good with this as well.
Got my MTG today. It is no where near as bad as i though it would be. Guess the true test will be putting it on my scalp and trying to sleep, lol
Got mine too! It definitely isn't a yummy smell and I can see why ladies didn't want to smell like that in public...but I'm only using it at night in my apt, so I'm fine with it! Yitadee!
Just got my sulu purchase today, and it was free, didnt even have to pay for shipping!!

I will let u guys know how it is when i try it tonight...
I mix sweet orange, eucalyptus, cedarwood, e.o.'s ans lately lavendar and i think rosemary.
I also get a bottle of softee growth oil (i think) any way it's $3 (at the dollar store) i pour out about half and add e.o's and mtg. The softee has applicator tip and pretty good oils in it. They also have another one (stimulating (i think)"softee" and it looks really good too. I been using it off and on since the beginning of the year and i was just mixing mtg+ e.o's. I've been pretty lazy about it but will step it up these last 3 months.I even got a friend mixing and using it.
Any more updates on the new scent? Is it something that you are comfortable wearing without it offending any sensitive noses in public?
are u saying that the kiwi scent is still a bit offensive?

My order shipped after like forever, but I now have to wait until next week for someone to bring it down to Jamaica for me.

I got the regular scent
are u saying that the kiwi scent is still a bit offensive?

My order shipped after like forever, but I now have to wait until next week for someone to bring it down to Jamaica for me.

I got the regular scent

Yup - it mixes with, but does not cover the original scent. Basically, it smells like Kiwi Pear + Dirty Grill Racks.
I use the original and my mix actually smells good when i'm done b/c I go by the scent instead of measurements (besides what i said above^^). And i like to make sure that there is a good amount of sulfur in my mix each time.