
New Member
K I know mega tek is the new growth aide, but I was wondering for those that use MTG what has been ur experience?

I have checked out the product, ingredients and all. I even called some vets to see what they said about the product. (I told them my kids had cut my horses tail off and I wanted to regrow it and what did they think about MTG,mane n tail and mega tek :lachen:) The ones I spoke with said shapley's sold the best. Mega Tek is good also just more costly and has to be ordered bx no one here sold it. I read that u shouldn't use to much MTG or it will stink horribly and yes I did smell it and Lord have mercy.

How much do u use?

How often?

And when did u notice growth?

The bottle said u can see growth n 5 dyas and about 3 inches in one month. Trust I am not expecting that but something.

Thanks guys
How much do u use? I pour some in a cap and use my finger or a q tip

How often? I use everyday or every other OR when I wash

And when did u notice growth? I've only been using about 3 wks and I notice prolly an inch of growth.

My relaxer had underprocessed areas in the back so I can not auratly determine my progress BUT I can tell that my hair is longer in the back then it was a few wks ago. It's noticeably past my shoulders where before it was barely past. APL here I come Dec 08
I loved MTG. The smell didn't bother me as much as it was to oily. I was in the academy at the time and ruined one of my shirts from all of the runoff. I didn't see growth the first month but the second month-wowza. It was almost two inches of growth. I applied it daily at first and every other day after the first month.
Yep, im gonna start back in this too... i did get good growth.. i put peppermint oil in mine for the smell...
I've been using mine for two weeks today and I have 1" new growth. I have a fine hairline and I've noticed my hairline thickening up and new growth there too (yay!) but mostly the NG is in the crown/back.

I apply every day - just part my hair and, like the other lady, pour some into the lid and use my fingertips to apply straight to the scalp.

Ooh - and the NG is very wavy, like coolie hair!
I've been using mine for two weeks today and I have 1" new growth. I have a fine hairline and I've noticed my hairline thickening up and new growth there too (yay!) but mostly the NG is in the crown/back.

I apply every day - just part my hair and, like the other lady, pour some into the lid and use my fingertips to apply straight to the scalp.

Ooh - and the NG is very wavy, like coolie hair!

Coolie hair:lachen: love it!!!

I too am on the Mega-Tek, but I think I may alternate with the oldie but goodie and see how I get on
I'm on the MT thing right now but I still have an unopened 32oz bottle of MTG that I bought a few months ago. I had a smaller bottle but I stopped using it because I couldn't deal with the scent.:perplexed:nono: I tried peppermint and other EO's but it didn't help. I may have to find another way to mix it so I can see if it really works for me.
K I bought the $4 bottle yesterday and used a q-tip to put some on. at first the smell to me was just like sulfar8 just stronger but is was not over powering. I asked my dh if he could smell it and he said no so that was my okay.

After I used it I put my EQP mango butter on as my moisturizer and wraped. It did not run down my neck, it did not make my silk scraf smell nor my pillow, and I did not have a headache. Also I massged my scalp with it and I did not use any more oil bx it was alittle oily with just a little bit.

It seems the biggest complaint was the smell and I was so scared I was going to stink to the high heavens.

If anyone else has any great stories pleas post for us. I am going to continue for the next 3 months. I will stretch for 3 months at a times so I will see how it works also my hair felt so soft after I applied. It felt really sikly. I do have pics but I been having trouble downloading them. As soon as I can I will let you all see.

My sides are ear length and my back is mid neck length but my hair is in layers. Happy growing oh ya my last relaxer was July 21.
:ohwell: I was pretty heavy handed with it, maybe that's why I had a problem with the scent. I'll use the Q-tip "method" next time.
Krimson & Platinum,

Can you both please update within the next 2 weeks (I'm so impatient). I wanted to purchase either megatek or mtg and I would like your opinion on the mtg and if you had a great growth with it.
I've had great growth from MTG. I've been using it off and on for about 2 years. I purchased the small bottle about 3 times and the 32oz once. I rubbed it on my scalp (not my hair) every other day as a rule, but of course I had times of laziness when I didnt use it faithfully or months when I didnt use it at all. I've always seen immediate growth when I start back using it regularly. I didnt have any adverse effects. If it's running down your neck, causing rashes (unless you're allergice to sulfer) and staining jewelry and leaving jherri curl stains on all your stuff you're using way too much. I never had any of that happen. I just bought my 1st bottle of megatek because I finished the last of my mtg and why deal with the smell and the oiliness at all if I dont have too. Thats the ONLY reason I switched.
I will update in two weeks which will be August 30. Also I have heard alot of great things about growth and Mega-Tek my only problem is the price right now. I can get the small bottle of Shapley's for $4 and I still use my regular products
Keracare 3x weekly
Alphoegee 1x monthly (Shampoo, oil, 2 min reconstructor and condish)
I will update in two weeks which will be August 30. Also I have heard alot of great things about growth and Mega-Tek my only problem is the price right now. I can get the small bottle of Shapley's for $4 and I still use my regular products
Keracare 3x weekly
Alphoegee 1x monthly (Shampoo, oil, 2 min reconstructor and condish)

Yeah that price is a doozie for a college student like me