MTG Story (a bit funny)


Well-Known Member
Ok, so last night i did my hair thing. I put in my MTG and my other crap and was on my way. So i went downstairs feelin all good and fresh from the shower and I sit next to the BF tryna be all cute and i lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek, thinkin yeah I'm cute and sexy, thats right! So he says to me..."get off me u smell like bacon cheeseburgers!" :lachen: And i said, so eat, j/k i didnt say that but thinking back on it I shoulda, but we both could not stop cracking up.
last night I was conditioning my hair and I had a plastic grocery bag over it...I lean over to kiss my husband and he looks at me confused and asks "Is that a grocery bag on your head?"

He is really not into the fact that I spend so much time online, looking at Fotki's, and posting on this board...I gotta figure sumthin out:confused:
trimbride said:
last night I was conditioning my hair and I had a plastic grocery bag over it...I lean over to kiss my husband and he looks at me confused and asks "Is that a grocery bag on your head?"

He is really not into the fact that I spend so much time online, looking at Fotki's, and posting on this board...I gotta figure sumthin out:confused:
I hear ya. I am super hair-obsessed. I am really obsessed with washin and dcin'...not sure what to do. I'll probably be obsessed til i reach my goal lenght, which probably wont be for a year or so! :perplexed
Funny..:lol: My fiance and I have been together for 7 yrs and I always WENT to the salon to do my hair. NOW, when he comes home I am sitting under the dryer with my TV BLASTING. He just walks in a shakes his head. He also is annoyed with my PJ addiction, he said I should open a BS store.:lol:
My haircare products no longer fit in our bathroom, I have an entire shelf in my kitchen cabinet dedicated to hair products. It started out just being my oils and vitamins now I have my conditioner, and hair cream in the kitchen cabinets.

He hates it...I spend hours online or doing my hair, he tries to get cuddly with me and I am like "babe can this wait until after I deep condition my hair and do an ACV rinse"

My hair care is ruinning my marraige:( :lachen: :lachen: :( !!!!
FlawedBeauty said:
Ok, so last night i did my hair thing. I put in my MTG and my other crap and was on my way. So i went downstairs feelin all good and fresh from the shower and I sit next to the BF tryna be all cute and i lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek, thinkin yeah I'm cute and sexy, thats right! So he says to me..."get off me u smell like bacon cheeseburgers!" :lachen: And i said, so eat, j/k i didnt say that but thinking back on it I shoulda, but we both could not stop cracking up.

Sounds like something my bf would say and what you said sounds like something I would reply with in a flip way.
trimbride said:
My haircare products no longer fit in our bathroom, I have an entire shelf in my kitchen cabinet dedicated to hair products. It started out just being my oils and vitamins now I have my conditioner, and hair cream in the kitchen cabinets.

He hates it...I spend hours online or doing my hair, he tries to get cuddly with me and I am like "babe can this wait until after I deep condition my hair and do an ACV rinse"

My hair care is ruinning my marraige:( :lachen: :lachen: :( !!!!

Yeah, my former bf wasnt a fan of all the hair stuff either. He was really annoyed by it. Annoyed by the constant bunning, annoyed by me checking the hairboards at his house, annoyed that my hair was always oily and i sometimes couldnt lay on his shoulder/comforters without a towell, disapproving of MTG and some of the other products i used. In the beginning he was cooler about it, but eventually it was like pulling teeth to get him to take my progress pictures every 3 months, and i had to make sure to avoid talking about hair stuff every day. He said that it's "all I talk about," and that every thing i do/say relates to my hair in some way. :lol: He said that it had taken over my life. I mean, what can i say? Healthy hair is a lifestyle, not a part-time thing. The only time he got somewhat excited/encouraging was after we took the pics and i uploaded them to my Fokti. He would be amazed like: "Wow, babe, your hair is really growing. I guess you're doing something right!" Oh well, we ended up not working out anyay. So i guess its just as well.

I hope this new man im dating can be more accepting of my Healthy Hair Lifetsyle. I mean, its who i am. *shrug* At this point he doesnt know anything about it yet..... wait til he comes over and sees my BSS, I mean, my bathroom! :lachen:
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My crazy hubby liked the smell of MTG. It said it smelled like hog cookin'. Not pig, but HOG. :bark: He can't stand henna tho.