MTG/Capazin/Surge......My Scalp Burns When I Put Conditioner On It.


New Member
I am new to the board and I have been trying different concoctions on my hair and scalp since officially joining 10 weeks ago.

I am 10 weeks post relaxer. I started to use MTG immediately following my relaxer. I used Surge briefly but my skin started peeling so I stopped. I only use it occasionally after I realized that was causing the skin peeling behind my ears. 2 weeks ago I started using the Capazin + Lenzi's Request and 1 week ago I started using MN. I alternate between the MN and Capazin mix for a total of 2-3 times per week. I have experienced new growth.

Well, here is my dilemma.

Now, whenever I put conditioner on my hair or my scalp gets wet my scalp burns like a small fire. I have to force myself to let the conditioner stay on to penetrate. I don't really notice the soreness when my hair is dry. It does itch more but I don't really scratch it.

Has anyone else experienced this?

I plan to stretch for 2 more weeks and then relax but right now I am scared.
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that! :(

Surge IS known for causing peeling and scalp irritation similar to that you are experiencing. My recommendation would be to stop using all of the topical agents for the time being and let your scalp heal. Try using some Emu oil or aloe vera on the sensitive areas.

When you reintroduce those products, start one at a time to so you can determine which is the culprit (could be the MTG too if you're allergic to Sulfur).

You definitely want to give your scalp a change to recuperate before you apply the relaxer!!

Good luck!

ETA: I've never experienced reactions like that from any of those products.
It sounds like're using to many products, and your scalp can't handle it. You say your hair is growing, but you may actually be doing more harm than good.

Lay off all the products for a little while to give your scalp time to heal, it sounds like it may be raw from all the potions you have on it.

And definately wait to get a relaxer...if your scalp burns with plain ol' WATER, imagine how it will feel the moment relaxer touches it...your head will be one big scab. :perplexed
Yea...the scalp is more sensitive than skin in other areas. Using products not meant for the scalp probably has your scalp raw. As said I'd stop using topicals.

IMO, everyone's hair grows 6 inches a year. So I focus more on maintaining that 6 inches than trying to use products to get more hair to come out of the scalp which really doesn't happen with most products proclaimed to promote hair growth.

VWVixxen said:
Wow, I'm sorry to hear that! :(

Surge IS known for causing peeling and scalp irritation similar to that you are experiencing. My recommendation would be to stop using all of the topical agents for the time being and let your scalp heal. Try using some Emu oil or aloe vera on the sensitive areas.

When you reintroduce those products, start one at a time to so you can determine which is the culprit (could be the MTG too if you're allergic to Sulfur).

You definitely want to give your scalp a change to recuperate before you apply the relaxer!!

Good luck!

ETA: I've never experienced reactions like that from any of those products.

Good advice
Thanks guys. I guess I just want things to happen over night. I know I'm not allergic to sulfur. I will cut back and just do one at a time for a few weeks at a time and see what happens.