MTG burned my whole neck!!


New Member
A few weeks ago I complained of MTG making my hair itch like crazy. Last week I complained about MTG causing little bumps on my neck. Now I’m complaining about MTG causing a rash/burn on the back of my neck!!! :mad:

Before I go blaming MTG, I would like to clarify that I believe MTG is the primary culprit, however, since I’ve started back using Surge on my hairline, I’ve experienced a tingling reaction in response to this being sprayed over MTG.

Anyways, earlier this week as I was brushing my hair up it began to feel like I was brushing my skin off too. :( I stopped brushing my hair and thought maybe I need to buy a softer brush despite the fact that my brush doesn’t have hard bristles. The following day I sprayed Surge on my hairline and all throughout the back of my head. When the Surge touched my kitchen and my neck it caused a tingling/burning sensation. :eek: Today, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I poured some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swap and wiped the back on my neck, shoulders, and hair. Come to find out my whole neck turned white and then scabs appeared. :mad:

How could this happen?? :confused: I know that I have very sensitive skin so when I started experiencing bumps a few weeks ago that should have been a warning sign to discontinue use of MTG. :( Why it took me so long to do so is because I was getting results. However, no amount of new growth can make me sacrifice the health and wellness of my skin.

I took pictures of what happened but I’m so distraught now. I’ve placed a cocoa butter mask all along the back of my neck and even in some parts of my hair so that it can peel away some of the rough areas. I don’t know of any products besides Vaseline and Cocoa butter to rub into that particular area. I really don’t know what to do. How do I restore my skin back?? :confused: I’ve never experienced any problems like this before with my skin and now I’m going to look like some monster. Ladies I need your help!!!

Oh and before I forget, any ladies who want the remainder of my MTG can have it!! :mad: It seems as though this is one of those products that didn’t work for me, but works for others.
How about Aloe and Vitamin E...when you need something lighter than Cocobutter?

I'm really sorry this happened to you! I hope your skin gets better very quickly!
I just tried to correct my post b/c it didn't show your quote correctly. Then, my whole post, except the wink, was deleted. I guess it's time for me to go bed. Here is basically, what I said:

I'm so sorry that you experienced that! :-(

I have never used MTG, but, I do have very sensitive skin and have had many allergic reactions. When this happens, I immediatedly cleanse the area and apply Hydrocortisone Cream to the affected area. This usually, clears it up w/ in a few days. If not, then I have to go to a doctor for something stronger.

I hope that this helps to alleviate your problem and that you feel better, soon! ;-)
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ThursdayGirl said:
How about Aloe and Vitamin E...when you need something lighter than Cocobutter?

I'm really sorry this happened to you! I hope your skin gets better very quickly!

Thanks for your response. I have a lotion that contains these ingrediants, that's about it. I'll give it a try. I'm also going to take Mestiza's advice and see if hydrocortisone will help.
lovelymissyoli said:
A few weeks ago I complained of MTG making my hair itch like crazy. Last week I complained about MTG causing little bumps on my neck. Now I’m complaining about MTG causing a rash/burn on the back of my neck!!! :mad:

Before I go blaming MTG, I would like to clarify that I believe MTG is the primary culprit, however, since I’ve started back using Surge on my hairline, I’ve experienced a tingling reaction in response to this being sprayed over MTG.

Anyways, earlier this week as I was brushing my hair up it began to feel like I was brushing my skin off too. :( I stopped brushing my hair and thought maybe I need to buy a softer brush despite the fact that my brush doesn’t have hard bristles. The following day I sprayed Surge on my hairline and all throughout the back of my head. When the Surge touched my kitchen and my neck it caused a tingling/burning sensation. :eek: Today, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I poured some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swap and wiped the back on my neck, shoulders, and hair. Come to find out my whole neck turned white and then scabs appeared. :mad:

How could this happen?? :confused: I know that I have very sensitive skin so when I started experiencing bumps a few weeks ago that should have been a warning sign to discontinue use of MTG. :( Why it took me so long to do so is because I was getting results. However, no amount of new growth can make me sacrifice the health and wellness of my skin.

I took pictures of what happened but I’m so distraught now. I’ve placed a cocoa butter mask all along the back of my neck and even in some parts of my hair so that it can peel away some of the rough areas. I don’t know of any products besides Vaseline and Cocoa butter to rub into that particular area. I really don’t know what to do. How do I restore my skin back?? :confused: I’ve never experienced any problems like this before with my skin and now I’m going to look like some monster. Ladies I need your help!!!

Oh and before I forget, any ladies who want the remainder of my MTG can have it!! :mad: It seems as though this is one of those products that didn’t work for me, but works for others.

Sorry to hear about your experience. Unrelated to anything I have been putting on my hair. I have severe itching to my neck for a few days then I have some bumps come up. My doctor said that I had heat rash that a made worst by itching it.
Sounds like you are doing SO MUCH to be able to determine whats is the cause, after the rash has gone. Try using everying ONE at a time for a period and see whatis really coausing it.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your neck. Do you have any pure aloe vera gel? That might help.

The burn could be caused my the Surge, too. Surge has burned a lot of ladies on this board. Or either the combo of the Surge and MTG was too much for your sensitive scalp. I always cut my Surge with WTG and jojoba oils since my scalp and skin are uber sensititve. That's worked for me thus far.

I hope the rash clears up soon.
Yeah, I was going to say the same could be the Surge and not the MTG. I agree with trying them one at a time and seeing who's the culprit.

I really think it's the Surge, yoli, and here's why: Your neck looks the EXACT same way my ears looked when I used Surge!!! :eek: The EXACT same way...they tingled, too. Then, they peeled!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Back AWAY from the Surge!!!!!!
This is the same reaction that I got from using Surge (the original formula). It burned and peeled the skin on my ears and neck. There's suppose to be a new improved formula that is less strong, but I can't find that any more either. Walgreens took Surge off the shelves in the Portsmouth, VA and Hampton, VA stores that I go to. I guess it wasn't selling well there.
I got this with surge when I don't use it with an essential oil.

lovelymissyoli said:
A few weeks ago I complained of MTG making my hair itch like crazy. Last week I complained about MTG causing little bumps on my neck. Now I’m complaining about MTG causing a rash/burn on the back of my neck!!! :mad:

Before I go blaming MTG, I would like to clarify that I believe MTG is the primary culprit, however, since I’ve started back using Surge on my hairline, I’ve experienced a tingling reaction in response to this being sprayed over MTG.

Anyways, earlier this week as I was brushing my hair up it began to feel like I was brushing my skin off too. :( I stopped brushing my hair and thought maybe I need to buy a softer brush despite the fact that my brush doesn’t have hard bristles. The following day I sprayed Surge on my hairline and all throughout the back of my head. When the Surge touched my kitchen and my neck it caused a tingling/burning sensation. :eek: Today, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I poured some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swap and wiped the back on my neck, shoulders, and hair. Come to find out my whole neck turned white and then scabs appeared. :mad:

How could this happen?? :confused: I know that I have very sensitive skin so when I started experiencing bumps a few weeks ago that should have been a warning sign to discontinue use of MTG. :( Why it took me so long to do so is because I was getting results. However, no amount of new growth can make me sacrifice the health and wellness of my skin.

I took pictures of what happened but I’m so distraught now. I’ve placed a cocoa butter mask all along the back of my neck and even in some parts of my hair so that it can peel away some of the rough areas. I don’t know of any products besides Vaseline and Cocoa butter to rub into that particular area. I really don’t know what to do. How do I restore my skin back?? :confused: I’ve never experienced any problems like this before with my skin and now I’m going to look like some monster. Ladies I need your help!!!

Oh and before I forget, any ladies who want the remainder of my MTG can have it!! :mad: It seems as though this is one of those products that didn’t work for me, but works for others.
I'm sorry you had this problem. I had the red sore bumps the couple of times I used it with surge too come to think of it, but it was only one or two, not an entire rash. I've been using MTG by itsself I'm ok and it has actually cleared a rash I had on my stomach. (I figure if it will help a horses' skin it will help mine :) ) I would wait until your skin heals and then try just the MTG to see how it works. I didnt have a problem using surge by itself. Also if you are using MTG everyday, change to every 2-3 days.
Its the SURGE girl! I had the same burn(rash) on my ears after using surge
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It sounds like a combo of the two products, but I would really steer clear of all of the products involved. Why go and experiment further when you've experienced something like this once? To each their own, but I really hope your skin clears up. Shea butter and aloe vera were very good suggestions. ((hug))
Yes, it's the Surge. Just early last week I used them together the back of my neck was tingling to the point it woke me up in my sleep. I just put some vaseline on it and went back to sleep. By the time I got to work the tingling sensationed became worse and started BURNING. I had my co-workers checking the back of my neck to see if it was red, bumps, a scab anything because to the touch it burned like :wallbash: :angry2: :wallbash: :censored:

I had to hold ice to that area literally all day until I couldn't take it no more and went home. All my co-workers insisted I got bit or stung by something because of the burning I complained about (I mean I had tears in my eyes). All I kept remembering was the night before "adding" Surge to my scalp along with the MTG (keep in mind I've been using MTG since Feb. 17th. I got home and sprayed some insect spray (and a strong one from the hospital) in that area. I was scared spraying on my scalp (hair) but that's how bad it was burning and it instantly stopped. My DH brought home some Aloe Vera and my hair (nape) didn't suffer too badly or break off. I haven't had any problems since.
Co-signing on all of the aloe vera recs. Aloe vera gel works wonders and you can find it at just about any drugstore. The last time I had a bad reaction I applied seabreeze for sensitive skin with a cotton ball then applied the aloe vera gel. Did this morning and night for a few days and it completely cleared up. This worked better than a prescription I had.
This happened to my cousin and she originally thought it was the MTG, too! I just asked her if she remembered using the Surge at the same time and she id! My guess (and hers) is that it was the SURGE. HTH
MTG burned my whole neck!!
lovelymissyoli said:
A few weeks ago I complained of MTG making my hair itch like crazy. Last week I complained about MTG causing little bumps on my neck. Now I’m complaining about MTG causing a rash/burn on the back of my neck!!! :mad:

Before I go blaming MTG, I would like to clarify that I believe MTG is the primary culprit, however, since I’ve started back using Surge on my hairline, I’ve experienced a tingling reaction in response to this being sprayed over MTG.

Anyways, earlier this week as I was brushing my hair up it began to feel like I was brushing my skin off too. :( I stopped brushing my hair and thought maybe I need to buy a softer brush despite the fact that my brush doesn’t have hard bristles. The following day I sprayed Surge on my hairline and all throughout the back of my head. When the Surge touched my kitchen and my neck it caused a tingling/burning sensation. :eek: Today, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I poured some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton swap and wiped the back on my neck, shoulders, and hair. Come to find out my whole neck turned white and then scabs appeared. :mad:

How could this happen?? :confused: I know that I have very sensitive skin so when I started experiencing bumps a few weeks ago that should have been a warning sign to discontinue use of MTG. :( Why it took me so long to do so is because I was getting results. However, no amount of new growth can make me sacrifice the health and wellness of my skin.

I took pictures of what happened but I’m so distraught now. I’ve placed a cocoa butter mask all along the back of my neck and even in some parts of my hair so that it can peel away some of the rough areas. I don’t know of any products besides Vaseline and Cocoa butter to rub into that particular area. I really don’t know what to do. How do I restore my skin back?? :confused: I’ve never experienced any problems like this before with my skin and now I’m going to look like some monster. Ladies I need your help!!!

Oh and before I forget, any ladies who want the remainder of my MTG can have it!! :mad: It seems as though this is one of those products that didn’t work for me, but works for others.

It sounds like you have had a severe allergic reaction to the MTG, and pardon me for being ignorant, but I am new to this site and really don't know what MTG is....can you fill me in???

At any rate, I am so sorry about what happened. I know you are distraught. I think keeping the area clean with a mild cleanser like cetaphil or purpose and maybe adding some vitamin E oil will help in the healing process.
I think it's the Surge. Unless you're allergic to products with Sulfur... The original Surge is the only product that would "exfoliate" your skin like that. That's why some of the ladies used do conditoner washes when using surge on a daily basis.I pray your skin get better. I'd suggest you use unrefined Shea butter and/or Aloe Vera.
Mestiza said:
I have never used MTG, but, I do have very sensitive skin and have had many allergic reactions. When this happens, I immediatedly cleanse the area and apply Hydrocortisone Cream to the affected area. This usually, clears it up w/ in a few days. If not, then I have to go to a doctor for something stronger.

I too have extremely sensitive skin and alot of times products don't work for me. They will cause hives. Surge caused a moderate burn on my nape area as well. It may have been Surge, or a combo of both products. Watch out for that Surge.
I have been using MTG and Surge together and I have also developed a rash on my forehead and neck. It doesn't really look like yours's more like really dry, scaly skin but no bumps.

I'm leaning toward blaming it on the Surge rather than the MTG. Since Surge is watery it tends to run down my forehead and neck while the MTG does not. Plus I used Glovers for a long time with no problem and that contains basically the same ingredients as MTG.

I'm going to try tying my hair up with a scarf as soon I Surge to absorb any excess. I'm also considering mixing the Surge with something. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've heard that a lot of people are mixing it with oils, but I'd rather mix it with something water-based. I may also start cutting the MTG with WGO.
Sorry to hear that happened! I also agree with the aloe vera recommendations.

My skin is not that sensitive so I don't know. I've used the Surge alone and with the MTG and not had any problems with it at all. The ratio was 3 parts MTG/1 part Surge.

I hope you heal quickly and your skin returns to normal soon. :Rose:
