MTG Burned my neck...Part 2


Well-Known Member
I remember reading a post a few weeks ago about MTG burning her neck.
But this person was also using Surge and others items so everyone ruled out MTG. I posted to.

But this is just a warning to all you guys. I dont use anything else and nothing else has come in contact will the back of my neck besides MTG.
At first it just itched, now my neck feel dry(like bread) its darker in color and now its starting to slightly peel.
Its a little uncomfortable but nothing major. I have been using some oilment that is typically used for Ezcema and it is helping.

This is just a caution to all, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. But I thought that I would share. I have never had any skin problems

Not shaw if I will continue to each, as to be honest I havent really seen that mega growth that is supposed to happen!!

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Thanks for sharing...I havent started to use mines yet... But with this information, I know to be extra careful with wiping this stuff off my skin....

Question: Have you noticed any new growth?
Sorry this happened to you Kizzy. I wouldn't take another chance with using it if I were you either. Either you are allergic to something in MTG or you just have sensitive skin. Good luck with the ointment to heal your skin.
kizzylonghair said:
Not shaw if I will continue to each, as to be honest I havent really seen that mega growth that is supposed to happen!!


It shouldn't be a question whether or not to keep using. Girl, that stuff isn't agreeing with you, it appears as though you are allergic. PUT IT DOWN!! Whether you use it in smaller quantities or pour it on, you are allergic to something in it.

"faster hair growth" should never be THIS serious, to the point we'd sacrifice other aspects of our health :-(
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I'm sorry this happened to happened to me as well. Honestly, it could've been due to the mixture of Surge & MTG, however, I've used Surge in the past with no side effects whatsoever, and it wasn't until I used MTG that my neck looked like a horrible mess! :mad: My skin still hasn't cleared up to where I want it to, however, it no longer looks like it did before. I hope you skin clears up soon. :(
Ladies, I'm sorry this happened to you. It seems what works for one person, can be someone else's downfall. I don't use alot of it, I just coat my hair with it. I say if it causes u harm, then sell it to someone else! Better safe, than sorry, right? ;)
the MTG is the only product I use and this happened to me once. I don't know why the circumstances were different, but it made my neck burn like the dickens one night! It hasn't happened since but it happens to me when I use the mega tek conditioner too...Hmm....
Thanks for the responses ladies x
Your right I should stop using it, as it obviosly doesnt agree with my skin.
O'Well back to popping all those pills again.


lovelymissyoli said:
I'm sorry this happened to happened to me as well. Honestly, it could've been due to the mixture of Surge & MTG, however, I've used Surge in the past with no side effects whatsoever, and it wasn't until I used MTG that my neck looked like a horrible mess! :mad: My skin still hasn't cleared up to where I want it to, however, it no longer looks like it did before. I hope you skin clears up soon. :(

Thanks girl,

I couldnt remember who started that post, it was you. You say your skin hasnt cleared up yet, how long has it been??
It so irrating, cant wait until it goes