MTG, Boundless Tresses and other sulfur product users


New Member
How do you combat the dryness? The roots of my middle/top (is this the crown?) are 4a and retain moisture less than the rest of my hair, which is pretty much 3b/3c. I have the MTG and BT in squirt bottles to control the amount that comes out, AND the MTG is mixed with lavender, olive and tea tree oils. As much as I need these growth aids, I can't bear the feel of the middle of my head when I use them. I've read that sulfur is drying but it's CLEARLY possible to use these without having the middle of my head feeling like a brillo pad. It almost seems to overpower my usual moisturizer/balm combo that normally works well to keep my hair moisturized.
My crown is normally the most driest part of my hair, it's also grows the fastest and is prone to breakage. My hair also gets extremely dry in the winter. Even though I'm only applying MTG to my scalp my ng is super dry and as you say almost Brillo feeling. The weird part is, the hair seems strong and is def. growing!:yep:

My mission to combat the dryness has been working so far. I cowash at least once a week and dc once a week. As I stated in another thread I can no longer get away with just running a moisturizing leave in through my hair. I literally part my hair with my finger and apply HH LTR leave in to my ng only, then apply a small amount as needed to the ends. I then soak the ng in the crown area with Castor oil.

This has been working wonders, not only for relieving dryness, but also helping me to retain the new length in that area. I pay EXTRA close attention, and soon as I feel it getting dry I apply more leave in. However the Castor oil helps it to stay moist much longer.:yep:

I also recently added porosity control back into my reggie.
Yes, sulfur is drying. When I used the Shapeley's brand MTG, it was causing my skin around the ears and neck to lightly peel in almost microscopic flakes. S8 doesn't cause me any dryness. I use my own MTG mix these days, and don't have any dryness with it either. Just to keep my NG soft, moisturized and flexible in between washes (since I apply sulfur products every 4 days or so to scalp/edges), I spray a leave-in, water, condish mix, and S-curl mixed with EVOO and a lil extra water (so it's not too sticky/thick) onto the hair, concentrating on the NG to the ends. I seal afterwards with a coconut oil pomade or other pomade and/or a serum with EO's in it.

OP, you asked a great question! I hope other ladies chime in to offer their techniques! ☺
What about after applying the sulfer to yr scalp bag yr head! It works well for me!