mtg and perms


New Member
I read somewhere that you are supposed to stop using mtg like 2 weeks before your next perm. What happens if you don't do this? Can you wash out your mtg prior to getting a perm or does it have to be a specific amount of time?
I think some people said they stopped a couple of weeks before because when they did not stop and went straight into getting their perm they had some serious burining:eek: so I think they figured they would stop a week or so before hand just to make sure they did not have any problems.

but I say if you haven't had any issues then carry on with what you have been doing.
ok i was thinking it was something along those lines. i have a sensitive scalp when it comes to perms so i guess i will have to leave mtg alone when it gets time for the creamy crack
I asked the same question about 2 weeks ago. I stopped using MTG 1 week before my touch up and it's best to stop the usage 1-2 weeks before doing so. I was burning very badly around my edges and it's soley from my MTG usage, I know that you might not want to stop using the product. But you're taking a huge risk if you don't. I've never burned so badly before using MTG, next time I will stop usage 2 weeks prior to prevent the pain. If you don't stop using MTG, I want you to post and let me know if you were cool or not.
i'm so glad i asked this question before i got a perm. my hair is on fire everytime i get a perm even if i don't scratch so i def. won't be taking the risk
I stopped 2wks before because there were a few post regarding the relaxer not taking do to build up or something, so I just stopped to be on the safe side, no need in not stopping and then waisting a day on a head ful of underprocessed hair that will need to be corrected another time. I didn't have problems w/burning or anything from the prior MTG use. I just continued w/my every 3day poo and DC routine 2wk befor my relaxer and the last 5days or so I didn't wash at all. I would shampoo w/a suave clarifying poo mixed w/water and ACV once (to remove build-up), and then followed up w/a Nexxus Botanoil poo and Keraphix cond (to strengthen the hair before the big breakdown from the relaxer) and then the Silicone mix DC (to help soften and condition the hair and mainly the NG. HTH