MTG and Dry Skin


Well-Known Member
Okay, maybe this is only happening to me. I have been using MTG for the last few weeks, and I am noticing growth, especially in the back (I am currently in braids).

Anyway, I have also noticed something I didn't expect. Whenever I use MTG and it runs down my neck onto my shoulders, my skin gets very dry and flaky. Also, my skin has an almost leathery feel and appearance. Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me. I tried exfoliating, but it only seems to make the situation worse (My skin feels a little more sensitive in this area). Thanks!

This hasn't happened to me, I don't give it a chance to drip down my neck. I apply my mtg with an old wgho bottle and I rub it in as I apply it. Maybe you can try it that way.
I'm with Millah. Also, if I do notice it trying to run down my neck, I put a towel around my neck for a few minutes. I only use mine at night.
I read in one of these MTG threads that it can cause the type of irritation you describe on horses skin too.
That happened to me in july. I apply it in the evening several hours before bed and I drape a towel around my shoulders. Well, my mom called me and wanted me to come over but my dad was outside when I got there so I talked to him for awhile. It was hot outside and the mtg started running down my neck. I'd wipe it off and then it would drip, or I should say melt, again. The next day my neck was to' up! I pulled big swaths(sp?) of skin off of my neck. Eww!:eek: I didn't use the mtg for a while and I exfoliated and moisturized my neck thoroughly until it cleared up. I almost changed my mind about using it again at all.
When I put mtg on in the evening, I wear a head band. I doesn't run down the neck and I put my scraf over it at night.
mahoganee said:
That happened to me in july. I apply it in the evening several hours before bed and I drape a towel around my shoulders. Well, my mom called me and wanted me to come over but my dad was outside when I got there so I talked to him for awhile. It was hot outside and the mtg started running down my neck. I'd wipe it off and then it would drip, or I should say melt, again. The next day my neck was to' up! I pulled big swaths(sp?) of skin off of my neck. Eww!:eek: I didn't use the mtg for a while and I exfoliated and moisturized my neck thoroughly until it cleared up. I almost changed my mind about using it again at all.

See this is why it should be in an ointment.
its most likely the sulfur in the mtg thats doing this..while it may make your hair grow, if added to the skin, depending on skin type, the skin gets really smooth and bump free- if your skin type doesnt like sulfur then thats probably the result- the dry skin either that or the dosage is too high to have a good effect on your skin..

it should be safe to keep using..just be really careful with letting it migrate to other parts of the body..especially the neck and the face.. (that goes double if other products are added.:ohwell:.)

it happens to me all the time and it gets everywhere even when i wrap! my recommendation? try rubbing it in really good..i dont tend to do that so thats probably my problem hahaha..but if it melts or it doesnt sure to wear a crappy old shirt or something like that to keep it from ruining clothes, upholestry etc., etc.,
I've tried Surge and MTG with the same results: dry irritated, flaking skin. When I first started using the MTG, my neck ended up burning big time, so now, my neck is darker than my face, and it is rough to the touch. I can't avoid getting the stuff on my back because my hair hangs beyond my shoulders when wet, and it drips---and yes, I wipe it away and I have tried using a towel around my neck. Since using it, my back and shoulders have been really itchy to the point of discomfort. Not only that, but I have gotten build up on my hair from the huge amount of scalp flaking, even though I wash/rinse every 3-4 days. I washed my hair last night, and I didn't apply anything to my scalp. I believe I am going to keep it that way because I didn't get extra growth with either.

As for sulfur, I know it can be drying because I use sulfur soap and ointment for my face, and I can only use it once a day because it does make my skin drier. BTW, I used the 10% sulfur ointment also on my scalp, and as far as I could tell, I didn't get scalp flaking. I think that may be a better product for someone who has dripping problems and dry neck/back like I did, or you could just up your internal MSM dose and see if you get more growth that way.
I broke out something awful from using MTG and Surge. The skin on my neck turned white and flaky and very scaly. I stopped using both of them a few months ago because of that. I don’t know if it was because I used them both at the same time or because I have very sensitive skin. Whatever the case, I would never risk the health of my body for a few inches of hair that I didn’t get!
I think that the large amount of sulfur is what did it. With the MTG and the fact that it is in a liquid oil. Maybe mixing it with a thicker oil will stop some of the running or using less.
Dryness, flakiness, and a leathery look/feel, as well as itchiness and/ or irritation, are classic signs of contact dermititis. (I know b/c I have it with certian ingredients in makeup.)

Make sure you quickly rinse it off your skin when you apply MTG to your scalp. Also, your scalp is skin, so you may start to experience this on your scalp as well.

Good luck!
MTG has smeared over my neck and forhead, but i haven't had any adverse reactions. My skin type is not sensitive though. How many of ya'll have sensitive skin? Just be careful, everyone is different. and some skin types may not be able to handle the sulfur.
Be very careful when going out in the sun if you have this on your head and if it is on your skin it could be problematic. This and sun is not a good mix!!!!due to the sulphur, IMO Bonjour
Using it in a WGO bottle would be better because the hole is much smaller controlling how much comes out at one time. I've learned how to apply it so I don't get the runny thing happening to me. As for dry scalp, I oil my scalp w/EO on the days not using MTG or spray my S-curl mix to keep it oiled and moist.
The same thing also happened to me this summer. My hair is past my shoulders so some of the MTG got on my neck. It burned my neck, made it scaly, and darkened my skin. I quit using the MTG and started putting FOTE vitamin E moisturizing gel with aloe vera and glycerin on the affected areas and it cleared it right up, very quickly.
It happened to me too, Coco...

I washed today and am about to MTG so I can flat-iron tomorrow.

The MTG makes my skin very dry and itchy.

I posted about this yesterday. I'm glad I saw your post. I thought I was the only one.
WesternEyes said:
MTG has smeared over my neck and forhead, but i haven't had any adverse reactions. My skin type is not sensitive though. How many of ya'll have sensitive skin? Just be careful, everyone is different. and some skin types may not be able to handle the sulfur.

Well, so much for the MTG, huh? Yea, your hair will grow but the side effects...

I don't know if I can keep this going, ladies :(

I'm rather disappointed...
Candycane044 said:
You guys are making me rethink my decision... :ohwell:

If you take extra care not to let it stay on your skin, you'll be fine.

I just make sure to wipe any excess off, and my skin feels a lot better today.
Blossssom said:
If you take extra care not to let it stay on your skin, you'll be fine.

I just make sure to wipe any excess off, and my skin feels a lot better today.

Blossssom!!! You're one of the main ppl that influenced me!! I'm gonna come after somebody if one day I end up with 4 legs :lol:
Candycane044 said:
Blossssom!!! You're one of the main ppl that influenced me!! I'm gonna come after somebody if one day I end up with 4 legs :lol:

Whew! :lol:

I think you'll be pleased with the results.
I think everyone is different. Some have allergic reactions to the sulfur, and as with any product, this is possible. Also, is it possible that u r using too much mtg? It isn't supposed to drip down your neck! :eek: Please do a strand test and patch test on yr skin before use. I never had a problem w/ Surge or MTG, only loads of growth. No product is worth scaly, flaky skin. :burn: Your health comes first. :ohwell:
I just bought some sulfer soap to help with my skin on my back...I get breakouts there alot. I'll just copy what it says......

**because too much drying of the skin may occur, start with one app daily, then gradually increase

**if bothersome dryness or peeling occurs, reduce application to once a day or every other day

Granted this is soap and not MTG but it is 10% for those who are experiencing issues you should slow down and/or stop using it.
Well then I'm putting it on my forehead, cuz it's too darn shiny and nothings helping! Sorry yall are experiencing irritation :(
Well ladies please remember this is a product made for horses... I just got miner two days ago and I have about 1 mm of gray hair peeking out in the front of my just dyed hair.
Ill let you know whats happening with the growth and skin in a couple of weeks ... since I am Deeshortest hair/slow growing hair.3c 4 a
Natrlchallenge said:
I think everyone is different. Some have allergic reactions to the sulfur, and as with any product, this is possible. Also, is it possible that u r using too much mtg? It isn't supposed to drip down your neck! :eek: Please do a strand test and patch test on yr skin before use. I never had a problem w/ Surge or MTG, only loads of growth. No product is worth scaly, flaky skin. :burn: Your health comes first. :ohwell:

That is very true... I have always had a "heavy hand" when using products, and I'm sure I'm using more than necessary :lol:

Thanks for the reminder, Natrl :)
MTG made the skin on my neck and shoulders dry and scaly too. The funny thing is that it cleared up the dryness and flakyness on my scalp. I exfoliated and moisturized and it went away. Now I just try to keep it from dripping as much as possible.
cocoberry10 said:
Okay, maybe this is only happening to me. I have been using MTG for the last few weeks, and I am noticing growth, especially in the back (I am currently in braids).

Anyway, I have also noticed something I didn't expect. Whenever I use MTG and it runs down my neck onto my shoulders, my skin gets very dry and flaky. Also, my skin has an almost leathery feel and appearance. Does this happen to anyone else, or is it just me. I tried exfoliating, but it only seems to make the situation worse (My skin feels a little more sensitive in this area). Thanks!


I just wanted to update you all. I have taken all of your advice. Thank you. I now put MTG in a spray bottle and wrap a towel around my neck and shoulders. My skin is also clearing up pretty well.