MTG: A "Human Version," the smell, and the price increase addressed!


Well-Known Member
So anybody who read the message I sent them knows I wasn't trying to start trouble:look: ...but I got some anwsers anyway...

Good morning,

Thank you for your comments. I appreciate the opportunity to address the price increase.

It is true that we are in the process of getting ready to market a human version of Original M-T-G. We are planning a few minor cosmetic changes, one of them being the fragrance and another the packaging. Both of these improvements have been suggested by current users and we feel will be beneficial.

The recent price increase has absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming human version. The increase is a result of the fact that our raw material costs are sky rocking. Original M-T-G is an oil based product. I am sure you have personally experienced the dramatic increases at the gas pumps. This volatile market also affects Shapley's. Our retail price has not increased in 2 years. During that time, the price for just the oil base for Original M-T-G has increase by 80%. We have worked diligently on maintaining the price, but as you can see, it is impossible to continue to absorb price increases to us without passing some of the cost on. If we didn't, the result would be to discontinue Original M-T-G production, which would not benefit anyone.

Shapley's has been in business for almost 70 years and we pride ourselves on providing an excellent product that exceeds expectations at an affordable price. This reputation has been hard earned and is immensely valued. Even with the price increase, Original M-T-G is still a value based on the wonderful results. The old saying is the most expensive product is the one that doesn't work!

I understand with the two events happening concurrently, the first impression would be that it is a cause and effect. This is not the case. We have not priced the human version, as the final product has not evolved, but I would like to assure you that we will continue to maintain the philosophy of win-win. Everyone has to be a winner (the consumer, the dealer and the manufacturer) or no one wins long term. As you can tell by our history, we focus on long term.

Again, thank you for allowing me this opportunity to share our vision and philosophy with you. I hope you will consider our human version when it is available, if you are currently achieving desired results.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further concerns or questions.

Best regards,

Cindy S. Carfore
President, Shapley, Ltd.
11650 Chitwood Dr.
Fort Myers, FL 33908
Phone: 239-415-2275
Toll Free: 800-982-2017
Fax: 239-415-2277
Thanks for the info, cmw45.
Is anyone else wondering if MTG has crude oil in its ingredients? :confused:
cmw45 said:
The recent price increase has absolutely nothing to do with the upcoming human version. The increase is a result of the fact that our raw material costs are sky rocking. Original M-T-G is an oil based product. I am sure you have personally experienced the dramatic increases at the gas pumps. This volatile market also affects Shapley's. Our retail price has not increased in 2 years. During that time, the price for just the oil base for Original M-T-G has increase by 80%.
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Miss*Tress said:
Thanks for the info, cmw45.
Is anyone else wondering if MTG has crude oil in its ingredients? :confused:

it contains mineral oil

mineral oil is a byproduct of petroleum(a.k.a. crude oil)

mineral oil is produced during the distillation of petroleum to make gasoline
That is cool that shapely reponded so quickly.
Question for MTG users. The sediment at the bottom of the bottle that you have to shake up, is that the sulfur? If it is has anyone just strained out the liquid part and mixed the sulfur with WHGO or somehthing else? It's the sulfur that is the active ingredent that our hair is reacting to. The other smelly stuff is for rain rot and girth itch and other farm animal problems. Just wondering if anyone has done this and had growth.
I will make this a new post now that I think about it.
My first thought entering this thread was "aw hell, what have ya'll contacted the company about NOW?" Well, I think they're full of it to blame ALL of the price increase on oil prices. But uh.. I don't see the initial correlation between the price increase and the advent of a new product. It's more to the tune of: demand is increasing and they know exactly why since people contact the company and gladly tell them.

"Everyone has to be a winner." She's a diplomatic one, I'll give her that. Shapley's still doesn't strike me as a company with a triple (or even 'double') bottom line.. I don't buy it. Stock up, ladies, stock up.
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They're so lying. So... all these years that gas prices has increased their product still cost the same thing. Now that there's a human version, "Oops, sorry guys, we have to account for the rising prices of petroleum oil *wink wink*. Yeah, that'll stop them from asking more questions.."
So are jars of Vaseline or bottles Pink Oil more expensive nowadays, 'cause those are both petroleum and mineral oil based products.:look:

Companies slay me sometimes with their excuses. I'm just glad I don't use it, 'cause i would probably be highly cranky about this pricing stuff.:perplexed
Doesn't the product contain petroleum distillates?

Anyway, the standard mark up for any product is around 34%. This is AFTER the costs of everything: packaging, raw materials, etc.

So if something costs you 1 buck to create. You would need to charge around 1.34 to make any sort of profit. Of course, most companies mark up way more. The 200$ serum is a case in point. He's probably marking his product up about 1000 percent!!!

In this case, the product went up 3 bucks. They were probably only using the standard mark up from the get go for that big behind bottle. Before everyone talked about what a deal it the bottle will last a few months. Well, now I guess the price is fair.

Now, one COULD always tiptoe over here and get the same results without the smell and the controversy! LOL!! I think Shapley's might be too late when it comes to their human version plans. Seems its been done already.

GlamourGirl said:
I know, my thoughts exactly. I'm excited to see if people will get the same results, take it they don't change too much.

Yeah, I hope they don't change it much. I'm much more concerned about it not working than them increasing the price. It's not a humanitarian group it's a business.
Golong said:
That is cool that shapely reponded so quickly.
Question for MTG users. The sediment at the bottom of the bottle that you have to shake up, is that the sulfur? If it is has anyone just strained out the liquid part and mixed the sulfur with WHGO or somehthing else? It's the sulfur that is the active ingredent that our hair is reacting to. The other smelly stuff is for rain rot and girth itch and other farm animal problems.
Just wondering if anyone has done this and had growth.
I will make this a new post now that I think about it.
That's exactly what I did. I realized it was the sulfur that was the active ingredient. And started using my own mix of essential oils that promote growth and
Stimulation. I then tested and produced a product called "Karen's Hair Elixir" I have been selling this and using it for the past 7 months with 1 inch of consistent growth per month. I have sold to males and females who are experiencing the same results.


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SohoHair said:
So are jars of Vaseline or bottles Pink Oil more expensive nowadays, 'cause those are both petroleum and mineral oil based products.:look:

Companies slay me sometimes with their excuses. I'm just glad I don't use it, 'cause i would probably be highly cranky about this pricing stuff.:perplexed

That's the way buisness works. Now that they know everyone is after it for personal use, of course they are gonna jack the prices up.
The cat is definantly outta the bag. The prices will just continue to increase.
sareca said:
Yeah, I hope they don't change it much. I'm much more concerned about it not working than them increasing the price. It's not a humanitarian group it's a business.

I agree...the smell was just way too much for me to handle. I hope it works as well though as the original though.
Do they sell sulphur in the US?

I know some of you ladies in the UK and Canada have mentioned making your own homemade MTG, but can we buy that here in the US? And if so, where?

I am getting down to the end of my MTG, and I will either need to make my own (preferred b/c of the smell) or buy more (not preferred b/c of the smell:perplexed )
I would just make my own or support one of our own ladies here selling it. At least our ladies know what is good for our hair! (and we are not paying for a bunch of mineral oil)
Letitia said:
I would just make my own or support one of our own ladies here selling it. At least our ladies know what is good for our hair! (and we are not paying for a bunch of mineral oil)

I completely agree. Shipley's are taken advantage of the fact that the majority of the ladies here are using it so that's why the raise the price and give some BS excuse about it. We've already made them rich from the original MTG, now that we've figured out their secret, let's not play the fool twice. I say don't buy from them again, instead make your own or just buy from Naturelady or the other ladies that make their own on this board!
Hair Iam said:
That's exactly what I did. I realized it was the sulfur that was the active ingredient. And started using my own mix of essential oils that promote growth and
Stimulation. I then tested and produced a product called "Karen's Hair Elixir" I have been selling this and using it for the past 7 months with 1 inch of consistent growth per month. I have sold to males and females who are experiencing the same results.

Okay so how much are you selling it for, what does it smell like, do you have paypal.
**down PJ down**:spank:
Hmmm… much as I enjoy a good conspiracy theory (cue creepy X-Files music :sekret: :look: :lol: ), I would say the price increase may be caused by the rising cost of oil production, but I think inflation may be the true culprit. Everything costs more because the value of the American dollar is decreasing.

Really, their price increase is not that bad considering the current inflation rate. I’m actually relieved they are increasing the price instead of replacing their ingredients with inferior products to keep costs down (as many manufacturers have done. :mad: ) I would be suspicious if prices remained the same any longer.
kweenameena said:
Okay so how much are you selling it for, what does it smell like, do you have paypal.
**down PJ down**:spank:

Hi, there
Q: Are you shipping it to us located in the states?
A:*Yes, I also have for sale on eBay around the world
Q: What is the cost?
A: Shipping plus product is $17.

Q: Most importantly, what does it smell like?
A: As my daughter would say”it smells like nothing” “like hair stuff”
Q: And what have been the results, on average?
A: I have a client base of close to 40 ladies and 1 male
Who have never complained and having results from ½ to one inch per month
I myself am averaging 1 inch, that’s including my dusting as needed.
Just let me know if you wish to purchase.

Q: do you have paypal.
A: Yes
just use my email address [email protected]
I also accept world money orders.
Humph...Naturalady should know that as soon as I scrape together enough money (I'm a broke college student) that I will be patroning her site. Like I said, I'm all about supporting a sista and an LHCF member...but there are some women who are religious about their MTG so I thought I'd pass on the information.
I just recieved my 32 oz. bottle of MTG, and I'm thinking of taking the suggestion of pouring out the oil, and using the yellow residue(sulfur) with my WGO. Would I use ALL the sulfur, or just part of it in my bottle? WGO is a 4 oz. bottle. How much of the sulfur should be in there?
Legend said:
Hmmm… much as I enjoy a good conspiracy theory (cue creepy X-Files music :sekret: :look: :lol: )
Several months ago I totally downloaded the X Files theme song on Limewire because I've always loved it...I would rarely watch the full show when I was younger, but on Saturday nights I'd flip to the station broadcasting it JUST so I could hear the music and then turn away after it was over lol.
I'm on my way to Sally's to buy some WGO, but I wanna know what the homemade MTGers are using to make their homemade versions. On the MTG bottle it says it's 4% Sulfur. The bottle of WGO is 4oz., and 4% of 4oz. is one teaspoon. So is everyone honoring these proportions and STILL getting results, or are you adding more sulfur??