MSM User: How many Mg do you take?


Well-Known Member
MSM Users: How many Mgs do you take?

Hey y'all! :wave:

I just purchased a bottle of Trimedica Pure MSM (1000 mg) from the vitamin shoppe. The bottle says "One to three capsules daily..." Do you take more than 3000mg to see results? In addition--do you notice any positive changes in your skin?

Many thanks to all that reply!:D
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Re: MSM Users: How many Mgs do you take?

I take 3000 , but I may get another 500 in other vitamins. I've only been on them a month so it is hard to new growth does look better but I don't know if it is because of the msm or if it is b/c I actually moisturize it. At some point I guess I will stop taking it in order to see if it makes a difference.
I also have Trimedica. I started with 1000mg. The results were good. I never knew I needed a touch-up until wash day. Now I'm taking 2000mg but not consistently enough to see a difference from 1000.
I take 2000 mg a day. The main reason I've been taking it is for joint pain though so I'm not sure that its had a big impact on my hair.
I used to take 1000 mg's a day. After about 3 weeks I noticed a definite increase in hair growth and the new texture was sooooo soft and silky. I hate swallowing pills so I used the emergen c drink mix with msm. It made me pee like crazy though which scared me so I stopped taking it. GNC makes a yummy MSM caramel chewable but I didn't notice any changes from it. I think the minimum is 1 gram to notice differences in hair, skin and joints.
i use 2000 mg's per day. it hasn't really done anything for my joint pain, but i have noticed a difference in my hair growth and texture. i've been taking it for 4 months now.i use the capsules, not the tablets.
I take 1000mg's once a day, If I wasn't taking other vitamins, I would probably be taking 3000mg's a day. I have only been taking it 2 weeks so I can't give much info about it. Sorry. I think there are alot of MsM users here. so you should get more responses on the subject.
1000 mgs daily. I took the Trimedica brand in powder form and couldn't take the taste.
As far as my skin... I noticed nothing different
I'm so glad that you started this thread b/c I'm sure that there are many, myself included, who are unsure about the amount to take in order to actually see results. Thanks!