MSM Update


Well-Known Member
I have been using MSM over 2 months and must say that it has definitely changed the texture of my ng and edges. My husband looked at my hair this morning and commented that "my kitchen is not the beady beads that they once were, so whatever you;re doing is working". I'm 12 wks post so maybe the MSM helped me on this stretch. I have also concentrated on my kitchen area constantly moisturizing that area at least 3 times a day. I have also seen growth in my edges even on the sides. My edges have never been this length before. Could just be results of the stretch. In the past he was always wanting to tape me up. I have over an inch of ng and I have not had a problem detangling. MSM is a keeper. Another thing I have noticed is that my hips do not hurt from exercising anymore. I've never had problem skin, but it does looks extra clear and I didn't get my normal monthly breakouts. Someone even told me that I was glowing??? I just happy about the texture of the ng!
I need to get back on my MSM..I am contimplating just using MSM until I finish the jar so I can know if it really works for me without getting mixed up in other stuff.
I am so happy for you! I want results like that!
I started off taking 1/4 tsp as suggested which is 1000mg. In the last few weeks I've bumped it to about 1/2 tsp. I use Tridmedica powder form in my morning juice.
I must say I have gotten compliments on my skin, my nails are growing and I have had a growth spurt in my hair. I have fibromyalgia and I have noticed a decrease in the pain that I have in my hips, especially after excercising. It is doing good things for me also.:)
i love MSM! i definitely got a growth spurt a couple of weeks ago, but as you can see from my siggy, i'm on a lotta stuff, so i dunno if i can contribute that directly to the MSM...but it has loosened up my texture...i dunno how i feel about the loosening of the texture until i get another 3 or 4 inches of growth, so i'll check back in in august with how that's working out for me...quick question though, do you really think vitamins induce major growth spurts, or could it be other things (water intake, protein, etc.)? do you think you have to constantly up the dosage to keep getting the spurts? march 19 will mark 3 months of MSM usage and i'm thinking about upping my dosage from 2000 mg to 3000 mg and seeing what happens...your thoughts?