MSM Rash


New Member
Alright ladies I want to talk about something serious.:( It's long but read on.
I have been taking Puritan Pride MSM powder for about 10 days.
I drank lots of water about 80 oz for my 110 1bs
I also started eating healthier for my hair.
Nothing new just lots of healthy stuff that I am familiar with + flaxseed oil.

I broke out like CRAZY!!:mad:
All over my body from the soles of my feet to the crown of my head i was covered in a red itchy rash that burned when scratched.
This happened after I had been taking it for about 2 weeks with no major side effects except a belly cramp if I didn't wash it down with enough water.
I first noticed the rash on the inside of my arm, back of my neck, and my stomach.
So thinking I was having some sort of weird reaction to something, I ran & took a shower.
At this point it itches but I go along my merry way.
About 2 hrs later I have a serious hot flash - I just turned 20 so this is ridiculous for me - followed by a severe outbreak of the rash spreading like wildfire.
My face was spared at the moment as I ran to the store & gulped some benadryl.
That ish knocked me out so fast!:eek:
Anywhoo I wake to see that it has spread completely all over including my face.
My hands, feet & scalp were affected last.
It looked like measles - which I have been immunized against.

Over the next few days I am frantic trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with me.
My solution came in the form of rubbing alcohol which helped dry it up the bumps.
I am still in recovery but doing so much better.
I think this bears mentioning since I just read a few posts where ladies reported bad bumps & rashes with MSM
My other vits (also new) are: Flaxseed oil, Rexall Hair vit
(Vits taken b4): MSM, l-cysteine, GNC Women's Ultra Mega
In the past this same bottle of MSM messed up my period.

If any one has had similar side effects I would really appreciate your sharing your expeience. TIA :)

This all happened while I was supposed to be working at the Dudley EMS hair Show. :(
I spent the weekend in North Carolina itching like a mad woman.
I just returned so I will be going to the Doctor to run some tests even though the ordeal is mostly over. Thank God
oh no! I'm so sorry this happened to you! That sounds like a really really bad allergic reaction. I'm back on MSM after I went off from it giving me pimples, but I never had that happen to me. And it even happened to you around an important time. That sucks big time! I'm sorry girl. But I'm glad you said that the ordeal is almost over. That's definitely promising news.

So have you stopped the MSM? Have you also stopped the other vits?
whoa, don't know but I sometimes get an itchy rash on my face and I have a couple of solutions that work real fast:

1. Apply aloe vera will usually clear up the same day. Sometimes I use the gel from the live plant and mix it with a little water in a spray bottle and apply it to my face or entire bottle. Makes the skin glow, as good as MSM. takes years off.

2. If I get the rash during the middle of the day. I pop open an Vit E capsule spread that thick oil on my skin at night and by morning it's clear.

3. If its stubborn and hasn't moved I use monistate. WORKS like a charm.

My rash can be caused by anything, pollutants in the air something I are etc, so I just treat it as best I can. Be blessed.
MSM has many benefits as we know, and one of those benefits is that it detoxifies the body, the process of which can manifest itself in a nasty, itchy rash. You could be having an allergic reaction, or this could be the detoxification process at work, which means that it will eventually clear up when you are detoxified. I, personally, have never had the patience to wait out the rash, because it starts on my face and I refuse to take something for hair that messes up my face. It is not worth it. I would suggest that you try some other supplement, because this rash is not uncommon. It does go away, but the time frame for each person is different, because we all have different levels of toxicity in our bodies. I hope that it is not an allergic reaction. You can google msm and detox and you'll have fun with the reading on this subject. Good luck to you and my advice is that no supplement is worth an itchy, uncomfortable rash, no matter if it makes your hair grow to your knees. If you want to detox, then that is another story. :)