MSM - MY Results "Not Good" (kindda long)


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Hello Ladies,

I know that we are all here to live and learn. I've heard some good things and bad. I too have jumped on this band wagon or that 1 over near you!

Some has worked for me, and most haven't. I'm at the point of "Keeping it Simple" until I got my reggie down to a "T"-formation; b/c I am tired of being a PJ!!!

Soooo here we go...

First read up on MSM on this site. Sounded good! Not just because of the possible benefits, but b/c I am a runner! Anything that can help my joints (at my age -I'll be 45 this year)-- I might definitely try.

After doing my results and coming to realize that MSM would allow me to get off of my glucosamine and Advil (for pain reasons) and jump to 1 vitamin to give me the same good results....I DEFINITELY WANTED TO TRY.

The first time I tried MSM -- I posted my results. It gave me hives on my neck. :rolleyes: Imagine that! So, I thought maybe it was causing a reaction with some other vitamin that I was taking. So I weaned myself off all of my vitamins for about 2 weeks and tried MSM again....NOTHING! BAM~ Gotcha! Got my answer.

Soooo, I started taking MSM "only"... Popping a pill here, a pill there..and ladies when I tell you that I was feeling good....shoot! I was feeling so well I was able to bump up my running from 5 miles a day to 8 miles a day!! I was clearning approximately 25mils in a weekend's time with NO PAIN!

If I felt a nudge coming on in my hip, I'd take a vitamin while I was running...BAM! gone! I was looking over the recommended dosage and made sure I stay well within that range.

Nevertheless, after about 3 weeks of taking MSM...all of a sudden I began to "itch"... yes ladies "itch"...on my arms, my back, back of my legs, my face, you name it -- I itched!!!!

So I stopped taking it! Another week went by and my itching was followed by redness. This was not redness from the itching, but swelling and tightness of skin. Hmmmm what in the h*ll could this problem be? (Now keep in mind I was still only taking MSM and had stopped). By this time I was LIVING, AND I MEAN LIVING OFF OF HYDRACORTISONE!!

Now this is the interesting part -- 3 weeks into trying to clean out my system from the MSM, not only did the product make me itch, turn red all over, and drive me crazy --but it was brought on by "airborn"!! :wallbash:

Taking my clothes off after my run was making sure that I had my shower already running, and all allergy medicine\body wash\etc was prepared and waiting for me. It was that bad!

Soooo, my 4th week into being off the stuff (yes this is 1 month later); I finally gave in and went to the doctor! All this time before, I fig. if I detox my body then it would clear up, but it didn't!

My doctor performed my exam and asked me a line of thing I know my doctor places me on STERIODS!!!! :wallbash:

I couldn't believe it. All that time I was breaking down my immune system and didn't even know it! All from taking MSM!

After 1 day of taking the steriods I began to heal. The itching calmed down. No more welts and pain all over my body b/c I want to scratch my skin off.

I am still currently on the medicine and will be so for 2 weeks. I know some of you'll are thinking, "that's not so bad" -- but try taking 6 pills a day for 14 days straight!

Just to stay on the schedule is tough itself-- but it is God sent to be able to show my arms and not itch; take off my wet workout clothes immediately and not break down from the pain and welts that I was getting. And the worst part was...oohhhh my skin was sooooo sensitive that just to go to the rest room was a killer. (Yeah, I know TMI Ladies), but you're wrong!!! I am speaking of stockings. When you take them down and pull them back up, and your skin is itching~itching~itching~all over the place and you have to ask if you remember to bring your Cortisone into the bathroom with you! *WHHHHOOOOOSSSSAAAAA*
I'm in a better place now....*whew*

I have shared my story b/c maybe it can help someone else. Ladies be careful about which band wagon you jump on; you could get some really bad after affects from it!
Wow I am so sorry to hear that! MSM has been just the opposite for me. I started taking it because I have Crohn's disease, I could tell I was about to flare cause my stomach was hurting and my knee's were killing me. I tell you I took one dose and my belly pain was gone withing 12 hours - it took care of my flare, and my knee pain, and has started a growth spurt for my hair. It just goes to show what works for one might not work for the other.

By any chance do you know if you are allergic to sulfur? It really sounds like you had an allergic reaction. Sorry again.
wow - serious story. maybe u are allergic. all MSM did was give me headaches so i cant take it alone - but i am ok if i take it as an ingredient in a overall hair vitamin.
:arrowup: ITA

MSM is my holy grail. My right knee does not hurt when I run anymore. I started taking it for my hair and I found it totally takes away the creeks and pops and pains in my joints. I have my dad taking it too. He loves it. I think it is helping my hair too but I take it for my joints now.

It does sound like you had a bad allergic reaction. Some MSM are not pure MSM. I take the Source Naturals powder that is certified OptiMSM which insures there are no fillers of any kind in the product.
Well Ladies, you might all be right. I could be allergic to Sulfur. Either way, I am not willing to find out again! back to my regular hair vitamins.

And yes, while taking it for 3 weeks I actually got hair growth also. Hummm, just my dumb luck!
I'm allergic to sulfur in high doses and I'm allergic to Sulfa medications, I could never take MSM, it would mess me up.
This isn't the first time I've heard of someone having this kind of a reaction and it was detox in those cases. I'm going through detox now...which explains why I feel like I have the flu. No headaches this time around thank God, and I'm experiencing the occasional white head but that's about it.
I'm allergic to sulfur in high doses and I'm allergic to Sulfa medications, I could never take MSM, it would mess me up.

I co-sign. :yep:

I am highly allergic to sulfa and I didn't find out until I took some medication containing it. At first, I eyelids itched and I thought it was no big deal until I got red itchy hives all over my body. It made my scalp, stomach, and feet swell and I had to go to the emergency room bcuz the swollen parts felt like they were going to burst. They gave me steriods in a "step down" process where the dosage starts off high and goes down over time. If u are allegric to sulfa, watch all products that have it. U will have a reaction everytime.