MSM makes my joints hurt!


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone else experienced this.

Before taking MSM, I didn't have any problems with my joints whatsoever. My sole prupose for taking it was for my lovely hair.

Once I began to take it, I didn't feel any effects but once I started to forget to take it, by joints began to ache. They don't hurt all the time but it is in spurts...painful spurts.

I really like MSM but it seems like my body has built some sort of dependance to it.
That's so odd.. I started taking MSM when I was 13 so my joints wouldn't hurt from gymnastics injuries. The only thing I can think of is that maybe you're taking too much? Sulfur lubricates the joints and thus helps with pain and aids flexibility.
Before MSM, my joints & muscles would respond to abrupt shifts in weather and temperature. MSM is excellent for the joints, and even though this wasn't my primary reason for taking it (allergies & general health were), it's done wonders for doing away with that kind of discomfort.

I've never heard of anyone developing a dependency on MSM, but I suppose it's possible. I would check with your MD to discuss possible causes for your aches and maybe find a new remedy.

Hope you feel better.

I don't have my bottle with me so I don't know how much I take but I onlty take 1 pill a day. I have been slacking taking my vits so I haven't taken it in about 2 weeks. And I have been having the on and off pain since then.
p31woman said:
I was wondering if anyone else experienced this.

Before taking MSM, I didn't have any problems with my joints whatsoever. My sole prupose for taking it was for my lovely hair.

Once I began to take it, I didn't feel any effects but once I started to forget to take it, by joints began to ache. They don't hurt all the time but it is in spurts...painful spurts.

I really like MSM but it seems like my body has built some sort of dependance to it.

Hey P31woman i dont think you can become dependant try not to stop abrupty but do it by doses lets say if u were on a high dose dont stop just go back in reverse you have to lower your doses then cut
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Divine Inspiration said:
Before MSM, my joints & muscles would respond to abrupt shifts in weather and temperature. MSM is excellent for the joints, and even though this wasn't my primary reason for taking it (allergies & general health were), it's done wonders for doing away with that kind of discomfort.

I've never heard of anyone developing a dependency on MSM, but I suppose it's possible. I would check with your MD to discuss possible causes for your aches and maybe find a new remedy.

Hope you feel better.


Thanks! I already made an appointment!
ekomba said:
Hey P31woman no girl you reached the limit you have to lower your doses and drink more more water. stop it for a couple of days until the sting diseapears then take it gradually but the key is more water. when you take too much you will feel like a sting like a paralysis that hurts and ache, you have to lower your doses. it happened to me many times i know 12,000mg is the limit for my body it did sting at 20,000mg and paralysis try to start back at 1000mg and if it hurts when you go up stop where you feel comfortable and you really really have to drink a load of water with msm

Maybe I do need to drink more water.:ohwell: I think I am taking 1000mcg's...I think but I know it's not too high becasue I wanted to start out slow. I justr found it odd that the pain started once I stopped taking them.
p31woman said:
Maybe I do need to drink more water.:ohwell: I think I am taking 1000mcg's...I think but I know it's not too high becasue I wanted to start out slow. I justr found it odd that the pain started once I stopped taking them.

really? how many mg did you start with? 1000mcg that s weird though hum take an appointment but with msm you really have to drink a load of water i drink a gallon per day
ekomba said:
really? how many mg did you start with? 1000mcg that s weird though hum take an appointment but with msm you really have to drink a load of water i drink a gallon per day

This is a first!! Ekomba said it best you must drink lots of water. I don't as much but I still feel better.

All my friends who are dancers are hooked on this because I recommended to them about the wonderful benefits of removing pain from the joint area. They all say they can tell immediately the relief of pain especially when they are on tour.

I hope you feel better. Being in pain sucks big time.
Thanks ladies! At least the pain isn't constant. It's more like a suddent jolt of knee or elbow pain.

It might not even be the MSM...I might just be getting I'm an OLD 21!!
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p31woman said:
Thanks ladies! At least the pain isn't constatnt. It's more like a suddent jolt of knee or elbow pain.

It might not even be the MSM...I might just be getting I'm an OLD 21!!

To be an old 21 year old again....:lol:
The msm helps with my nails and hair, I feel funny when i don’t drink lots of water. My husband takes it along with me because he has arthritis. He feels pain when he forgets to take it.
I thought I was the only one. I was going to post about it, but figured it was one of those rare side effects.

Yes, I have joint pain when I take MSM. Specifically, I get it in my wrists. My left one is the worst. But it happened to me while I was on MSM. I was taking approx. 3000mg a day and drinking two liters of water a day. And I started to notice that my wrist was really hurting me. It got so bad that it was hard for me to lift things. I couldn't understand this because everyone always says that MSM is supposed to help the joints. So I figured it had to be something else.

Then, I went away overseas and did not take MSM for a few weeks. The pain disappeared. Still, I didn't pin it on the MSM. When I got back I started to take it again and the wrist pain started all over again. I was starting to wonder. I stopped taking it again and the pain went away.

The clincher for me was this past holiday weekend. I was at my parents house and my mother has MSM among all her vitamins. I decided to take one capsule a day for the four days I was there. Guess what happened AGAIN. Yes, my left wrist started hurting.

I stopped taking it when I got home and no longer have wrist pain.

I have no idea why this is happening. I might try one more time in the future, as that stuff is great for my hair. But if I get wrist pain like that again, then that will be the end of it.
LocksOfLuV said:
Now thinking about it my knees hurt more.
:lol: Me too- my knee and my lower back. I had change the position I was sitting in because I suddenly felt spasms!
p31woman said:
Thanks ladies! At least the pain isn't constant. It's more like a suddent jolt of knee or elbow pain.

It might not even be the MSM...I might just be getting I'm an OLD 21!!
Girl, I was diagnosed with arthritis in my knees at 20!!
Bad joints run in my dad's family and it was gonna happen for me eventually but I accelerated the condition by all the sports (track, soccer, gymnastics) and ballet even before all the sports I was in as a kid.:ohwell:
p31woman said:
I was wondering if anyone else experienced this.

Before taking MSM, I didn't have any problems with my joints whatsoever. My sole prupose for taking it was for my lovely hair.

Once I began to take it, I didn't feel any effects but once I started to forget to take it, by joints began to ache. They don't hurt all the time but it is in spurts...painful spurts.

I really like MSM but it seems like my body has built some sort of dependance to it.

I had this same problem after I stopped taking MSM. I mean I was in pain but I think it is because my joints got use to the amount I was taking. So I just reduced the amount I take. But yes I made a post about this a few months back. It comes for the fact that MSM is for your bones and joints and you body gets use to it.
motherx2esq said:
I had this same problem after I stopped taking MSM. I mean I was in pain but I think it is because my joints got use to the amount I was taking. So I just reduced the amount I take. But yes I made a post about this a few months back. It comes for the fact that MSM is for your bones and joints and you body gets use to it.

Your daughter is gorgeous!!!