MSM this correct?


New Member
I was reading somewhere, can't remember where, that for every 30 pounds you should take 500mg of MSM 2x per day. Is this right? I am about 160 pounds, which means @2600mg 2x a day. Does that sound right?

Also, I just purchased the powder today because the pills were too difficult to swallow. What do you all mix the MSM with because the taste is awful.
Neen, I don't know about specific dosage recommendations, but I would caution you to start slow and work your way up to whatever dosage you decide on. Reason being, MSM detoxifies the boby and gets rid of toxins. Introduce it into your system slowly (1,000 mg a day) and be sure to drink lots of water throughout the day. This helps to flush the toxins out faster. You may still experience some detoxing effects, but nothing too drastic.

I also take the powdered kind and it's the best. I've gotten quite used to the taste so it doesn't bother me. I just mix it with a small amount of water. Just enough to melt the MSM, chug it down and then follow with more water. Lately I've been mixing it with my Emer-Gen-C vitamin C mixture. Good luck.
I've been taking approx 5,000 mgs per day for about two months and have seen massive growth in my hair. I have not had any adverse side effects or problems. I know it was the MSM because I had a MAJOR breakage spot ( I mean I was almost bald)in the entire back of my head and now it has grown out two whole inches. I am transitioning so I don't know if that helpted the growth.
I also have major breakage in the crown area. Hopefully the MSM will help me out too.
Bump. I know y'all are like "Why is she bumping a post from 2004?!?" Cause I'm too lazy to create a new thread and copy this info.

Does anyone know the max dosage? I already take 3,000mg a day without issue. Thinking of bumping it up 1,500 more for a total of 4,500mg.

I've done a few searches but just wondering where/what everyone is doing MSM wise these days.

Bump. I know y'all are like "Why is she bumping a post from 2004?!?" Cause I'm too lazy to create a new thread and copy this info.

Does anyone know the max dosage? I already take 3,000mg a day without issue. Thinking of bumping it up 1,500 more for a total of 4,500mg.

I've done a few searches but just wondering where/what everyone is doing MSM wise these days.

There is no max dosage for MSM, take as much as you can tolerate.
3,000 was the max I could tolerate before it started screwing with my cycle and I had to stop taking it all together. I did have increased thickness and growth. Wish I could keep taking it but the spotting and non-stop bleeding was too much.