MSM- Do I really need it?

Country gal

Well-Known Member
I have been using the MSM. My skin looks horrible. I wondering should I continue to endure the side effects of the pill. I have been consistently taking PPBiotin and it is helping me with the growth.
That's the reason why I stopped taking it. Not only did I get ugly, puss-filled zits on my face...I also got awful headaches and insomnia.

I say it's not worth it. Take PP Biotin and B-Complex and your hair will grow just as long.
While PP Bioting and B complex will speed your growth, MSM has many other benefits (virtually stops shedding so you hold onto your length and softens new growth for easier detangling). I'd say it's a keeper, but if your skin is really acting up that badly then you may have to do without it. Have you tried increasing the amount of water you drink per day to see if your skin clears up?
Thanks for that reply Miss Brown.

Although I think your question was to sbaker, I don't know if increased water intake will make a difference with me. I already drink 64 oz of water a day and still my face looked like puberty started all over again.
Sbaker, a few questions for ya?

1. How long have you been taking MSM?

2. Is it powdered or pill form?

3. What dosage are u taking?

4. What brand are u taking?
While MSM IS a good product for hair growth and good health generally, some peeps ARE allergic to sulphur!!! If you feel you fit that bill, *I'D* stop taking them. If you ARE allegric to this, you MIGHT get some extra hair growth, but you might also cause yourself other more serious problems. Is such a small POTENTIAL gain worth such a big risk? should listen to your body...if it rejects it, it has it's reasons for doing so.
the msm kept me up late too. i'm not a breakfast person & used to take my vits with lunch. i had too much energy and couldn't get to sleep. that's the only affect it had on me. now, if i forget to take it with my morning shake, i don't take it at all. keep in mind that you can use it as a spray as opposed to taking it internally. i believe some ladies on this board use it in that manner.
Yeah, it also can be applied topically. That might be a good option if the pills give too many problems, but if they have probs w/ that, they almost definately have an allergy to sulphur, IMHO.
Crysdon, sorry to hear about the breakout.
Hopefully everything's cleared up since then.

Jamaraa, When I first started taking MSM, I broke out for about a week or so, and then as I increased the amount of water I drank, all the bumps went away, which is why I always advocate giving things a pretty good run before dumping them. She may be allergic or she may just be having normal initial side effects.
I agree with you - as I said in my first reply, if her skin is really reacting badly she should just dump it.
Luckily for me, some years ago I was able to have a consultation with a naturopathic doctor in regards to treating acne. He suggested the MSM because it contains a natural form of sulfer.This is one of the element vital for healthy skin. To quote from another health website in regards to the MSM: "You may want to experiment with larger amounts over time, but start out slowly. MSM helps your body rid itself of stored toxins and if you proceed too quickly your may experience unpleasant side effects such as irritability or what is known as a liver headache. Such symptoms can indicate that your body is cleaning out so quickly that your kidneys, liver and lymph system are being overworked. If you find this occurring to you, reduce the amount of MSM that you are taking for a few days until your body has processed out more of its accumulated garbage. It will pass. Pun intended." Hope this helps... I think your skin is purging itself....
Re: MSM- Do I really need it?P.S.

Thanks for the excellent info. By the way, you and your skin are beautiful.
Go 'head girl!
Re: MSM- Do I really need it?P.S.

I've been taking MSM for the past month now (approx) and I was fine at first taking 1,000mg a day then I upped it to 2,000mg and again I was fine but then I heard about the amazing benefits of taking really high doses so I started taking 3,000mg and I opened a couple capsules and put the powder in my water and boy did I get some really bad headaches! I had to lower my dosage to 1,000mg quick time. I think I will raise it to 2,000mg and keep it at that. I think I especially get the headaches if I don't eat well before I take it. I definitely don't feel anything after taking it with a very full meal. Today's my first day of going back to 2,000mg and I'm feeling a little headache coming on but I didn't have a very full breakfast (duh). But I also found that drinking lots of water didn't really help and I've been getting some big bumps on my face but my face is feeling better since I've been putting Emu oil on my face at night. I'm really reluctant to stop taking the MSM because I really want all the health benefits that it is supposed to provide. I'm just hoping it will get better the longer I take it.
I've cut back to every other day. My face stop breaking out...but I don't see any change in my texture. I may just stop altogether.
sbaker - I also had trouble with MSM and I am considering starting on a VERY low dosage comparably speaking (500mgs or so) and then working my way up. I plan on taking the capsules only so I can accurately gauge how much I'm getting and monitor when the serious "detoxing" begins. I made this decision after gathering information - anecdotal, scientific and otherwise - and will try it beginning on June 1. This is the conclusion and game plan that I've come up with thus far...

Good luck with your quest for info. Thanks for starting the thread.

I use Trimedica MSM supplement. I was using Vitamin Shoppe but it did not pass the float test. I started off with 2 dosages and sometimes would take 4. I don't remember how many grams were in the dosage. I know in the beginning, you break out because of the toxins in your body. I had been taking it for a couple of months. Like Crysdon, I experinced ugly zits and pimples. I look like a thirteen year old. I want healthy hair but I don't want to mess up my face. I have dark skin which tends to scar more. The pimples turn into black heads. So not only am I dealing with zits but blackheads.

Jamaraa- My body is not feeling the MSM. I made an appointment with a dermalogist and I will ask her about the MSM.

I drink a lot of water. So I know lack of water is not reason for break outs.

I know about the health benefits of MSM. But I have always been healthy therefore I don't feel a need to keep pushing on. I am more obsessed about my skin than hair. People are commenting about my bad skin. My aunt in law asked me what happen. She said, "You have a lot of blemishes and your skin use to be so clear".

Sometimes I think we take so many vitamins and use a lot of hair products. It hard to fiqure out what is really working. This past month I have only been taking PP Biotin with two days of MSM dosage. My hair has a lot of new growth. So I will keep the PP Biotin.

Thanks everyone for your feedback. I think I will talk it over with the dermatologist (sp). I will let you know what she thinks. I have the appointment on Tuesday.
I take the MSM brand from Sam's club; I take 1500mg (mcg???---whatever it's measured in) So far, I really haven't had any breakouts, and I feel fine, but I always make sure to take it with a meal...same thing with fish oil---if you take it with a meal, you won't get that awful after taste. Oh, about the MSM, my new growth is easier to comb(so far---10 wks into a relaxer.), and the new growth texture seems a little different. As for decreasing shedding, I haven't noticed a change in that, in growth neither, but I've only been taking it for 2 months, so only time will tell.