MSM capsules Vs Powder?? MSM users in here!!


Well-Known Member
For those of you that use MSM?? Did you feel that you receive better results with one form than another? Because I see that a large majority of women on the forum use the powder rather than the capsules. I am starting to believe that perhaps ingesting the MSM in a liquid makes it more accessible to the blood stream faster than the capsules and thus faster results ensue. I am currently using the capsules and although I do see results they do not seem as dramatic as those taking the powder. I was reading Cantbecopied's thread entitled " I look 15 years younger" and I was astonished about how quickly results were seen. My second question body is not coping well with the detoxifying effects of MSM----I am ALWAYS TIRED!!!:sleep: I am thinking about taking any hair vitamin containing MSM and MSM supplement at night because its taking my day life away, which is crucial as a student!!! :eek: Also I think I maybe increasing my dosage to quickly..and I am not consistent.

I have also found another link to as to why MSM clears the skin. MSM contains of course sulfur and if you are familiar with sulfur containing anitbiotics such as Bactrim DS---you will see that these wide spectrum antibiotics are aslo used for treating acne.

THanks for your responses in advance!!
If you're exepriencing detox effects than you need to lower your dose until you stop feeling it. Also make sure you're drinking enough water to. I feel that msm in liquid or powder is far superior to capsules. A lot of capsules contain a lot of fillers and you'll get very little msm or your body might not absorb it. If you switch to powder make sure msm is the only ingredient listed and that it's 100% pure.
I actually pulled this information from another site that exclusively sales MSM, diet and skincare products. I am a :newbie: and have just bought the MSM powder. I decided on the powder because I think it will be more convenient for my life style and I too believe that liquid (powder when added to a liquid of choice) dissolve better than pills/capsules. I hope this helps.
[SIZE=-1]Many have asked which is the best way to take the MSM, capsules, tablet or powder form. Whichever form you take the MSM in, it will be helpful, however, the tablets would be my last choice. They are compressed, thus making them harder to digest. The capsules (which have the powder in them) and the MSM powder are actually the same, so it really would depend upon your own preference. Some people like just taking a couple of capsules and putting them in their shirt pocket when they are leaving for work in the morning, and of course, this would be impossible to do with the powder. Then there are some people who say that the powder tastes bad, so they prefer the capsules.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]As with most supplements, it is probably best to take it with your meal. It has been reported by a small amount of our users that they got heartburn when they first started taking the MSM. If it is taken with food, this shouldn't be a problem. For those of you who have taken MSM for a long period of time, it probably doesn't matter whether you take it with food or not. As with all vitamins and supplements it is advisable to take half of your dosage in the morning and half in the evening. It is recommended that a person (150 pound average) take 1/2 teaspoon of the MSM powder each day. One-quarter teaspoon contains about 1000 mgs, so by taking 1/4 teaspoon twice a day, you would be getting approximately 2000 mgs each day. MSM has been shown to work better if taken with Vitamin C. Some capsules contain Vitamin C, but the bulk powder doesn't. Remember, we are all individuals, so our needs are not all the same. Some of you may want to take more than the recommended amount, and some of you will take less and still feel great. And of course, we cannot make and health claims or guarantees about your success with MSM. Anyone who takes the MSM will most likely benefit greatly, but different people will benefit in different ways.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]We have been asked if it is OK to take MSM with certain medications. Because MSM is a food there should be no problem whatsoever. But if you are concerned about this, you may want to consult your healthcare professional. This would be especially true if you are pregnant or nursing a baby.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Many have asked about being allergic to MSM, because they are allergic to sulfa drugs. First of all, you must remember, that MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, is a natural, organic sulfur compound, found in all living things, and it is the fourth most prevalent mineral in the human body. The natural MSM is in no way harmful to the human body, and there have been no known cases of allergic reactions to it. Sometimes people think not only of the sulfa drugs, but also of the 澱ad・sulfurs, such as: sulfa, sulfate, sulfite and sulfide. [/SIZE]
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