MSM = Asian Hair?!


New Member
Allow me to preface what I am about to say by mentioning that I am a new paid member, and I am NOT the other HairLove who has been a member for a while. When I get my new username, I will post from that account, but until then, I'll post from this username. I sent two e-mails to the moderator to change my username, and I await their reply.

In the meantime, I am bursting at the seams to tell you all about my quasi-dilemma regarding my hair after taking MSM for roughly five years.

I actually posted this long, drawn-out, highly detailed post a couple of days ago, but the system erased my message because it says I wasn't logged in. That may be a blessing in disguise, as it spares you all from reading fluff when all you want are the facts. So, rather than editorializing, I will post (in chronological order) the events leading up to my having an Asian head of hair (after blowdrying) today.

1. Someone on mentioned MSM back in 2001, and I decided to try it. I have been taking it every year since then. Initially for the first two years, I took 1000 mgs. twice a day with tons of water. Thereafter, I got lazy and tapered down to one 1000 mg. capsule once a day, then only randomly. I had the rapid detox symptoms, and remedied that with drinking more distilled water.

2. I have tried many MSM brands and forms. They all work for me, but the kind that is formulated for humans (lignusil sp?) works the fastest for me.

3. I noticed much faster hair growth back in 2002, but no texture change. My hair was APL in 2003, and I did a 2" BC and wore it in a moist curly/wavy style. That's when I noticed that my hair texture changed. It used to naturally be the texture of Diana Ross' hair/wig/weave. My hair used to be big, thick, and wild 4a hair. But in 2003, it became more coily and springy. I continued to sporadically take MSM.

4. Since 2003, my hair texture has gradually changed. Now my hair grows out of my skull this weird texture. It's hard to describe. I have a chin-length bob now, after doing another BC earlier this year. It's wavy and spongey when dry, like a soft rug. It doesn't look or feel like anyone's hair I have ever seen. It's hard to classify my new hair type. When natural, imagine if you combined 3b, 3c, and 4a in a bottle and mixed it all up; that's the texture it is now. I don't have pics yet. It has gradually straightened and softened over the years, but I'm noticing now just how much of a drastic change it is. It is also now, not 2x, but 3x as thick as before - and I had big hair before MSM! :eek: Hence, my desire to flatten it so I don't scare small children.

5. But the WEIRD thing is, when I mildly relax, blowout, or MaxiGlide my hair, IT STAYS STRAIGHT, even after washing! The texture after blowdrying it is identical to an Asian guy's hair, since it's so short. It's spikey and does these weird cowlick things, just like an Asian guy's short hair.

6. The other day I went to the beauty school to get my hair texturized and flat-ironed to reduce its volume. My stylist, who is a Black student, raked her fingers through my hair and had this odd look on her face. I go, "Let me guess. You've never seen or felt hair like mine before." She goes, "To be honest with you, no, I haven't. It's a good grade of hair, but just different...kinda like Japanese hair. You really don't even need a texturizer. Why don't I just press it?" I insisted that I wanted my hair to lay flat and had her mildly retouch the roots. There was a point when we both busted out laughing because my hair was sticking up like a beanstalk or sun rays. I go, "I'm so glad you have validated that I have weird hair. I thought I was just imagining it."

7. I'm so used to having this big, wild hair and having my stylist flat-iron it with one of those old school irons that you put in a ceramic oven. I asked the student stylist the other day to use the oven, and she was like, "Your hair doesn't need that much heat; using oven heat would be excessive. I'm afraid to use that on your hair. Can I just use my plug-in instead?" I gave her the green light.

My hair is poker straight after just blowdrying. Not straight with a little wave, but POKER straight, and I only have a mild texturizer. Even without a texturizer, I get the same effect after any heat touches it.

As I mentioned, I get these weird cowlick things similar to an Asian guy's where my hair just pops up and salutes the air, but it bounces. My Asian friend assures me that it's because my hair is short. She said, "Asian hair is stiff and spikey when it's short. But when our hair grows out, the weight makes it hang nicely. I never get cowlicks since my hair is shoulder-length."

I'm not claiming that my hair looks or feels like Asian hair when it grows out of my scalp. I'm saying that even WITHOUT a texturizer and simply blowdrying it, it definitely does. It was never like this before MSM. I'm happy that it's more manageable and not a fierce jungle to wrestle with. Maybe my hair was so knotty and tangled before because it was missing MSM/sulfur?

I'm not here to spark the old good hair/bad hair debate. I'm relaying my personal experience with taking MSM for five years, since some of us are curious about the long-term effects of supplements.

Y'all, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Have any of you veteran MSM users noticed a similar result? I don't know what to make of it. I wonder if my hair will keep changing the longer I take MSM.

I also don't even know how to style this new hair!!! :confused:


Thank you for sharing your story; we do need to hear about the long-term results of the items we take. Has the MSM affected anything else, like body, health, and skin?
It sounds as if you are changing into an Asian male... :lol: Just kiddin. Since you mentioned your stylist using heat routinely on your hair using the old school iron stove, I'm thinking it could possibly be heat damage changing the texture. Maybe not, just a thought. Your hair sounds very thick and pretty. Can't wait to see your photos.
Hi HL. Welcome to the board, girl! :D

I used MSM in the past, but discontinued use because i grew tired of constantly having to add the powder to my drinks. It just became a drag. I'd rather pop a pill..... but i heard many say that the MSM capsules arent as effective as the powder. So i just quit altogether.

What form of MSM do you take? And what dosage daily?

Thanks for sharing your story. Looking forward to seeing your pics, esp. before and after photos. :)
Yes, we would like to see some pictures. that sound interesting. Thanks for posting, it is good to hear from someone who has been taking Vits for a while. Thats' one of the reason I try not to take much.
Nymphe: I notice that when I haven't taken MSM for a while I get more bloated. When I take it consistently for two weeks straight with plenty of water, I drop 10 pounds like it's nothing. My theory is that since we know the body retains more water to dilute the toxins within our cells, when you flush the toxins out via MSM, the water goes as well. The only other major plus is people constantly tell me I look like I'm "no older than 23," when I'm 34 going on 35! However, even after being a total supplement junkie since I was 11 years-old, taking the best of the best whole food vitamins and minerals and eating primarily organic food, I still have gray hair and haven't been able to cure that. I heard of this tea called Pepperie or something like that ( ?) that is supposed to gradually darken gray hair. I haven't tried it (yet!), though. I'm only like 20% gray, though. My hair is naturally a caramel color, so hopefully my grays don't show that obviously. I am DEFINITELY growing my hair as long as possible.

nomoweavesfome: I totally get what you're saying. I'm with you. I've done more hair research than I care to admit over the years, and I was shocked to learn that the Black race has been said to have the lowest amount of elemental sulfur in our bodies in comparison to other races. I wonder why that is? :confused:

At least my hair is easier to handle now. I use good conditioners like L'Anza Nourishing, Rusk Sensories Calm, and Biolage Conditioning Balm, and I alternate them (yes, regular conditioner) as my leave-in when I do a wash and go, so I'm sure that adds to the softness factor. I do a wash and go roughly 60% of the time, and wear my hair blown out the other 40%. To combat buildup, I faithfully use Nexxus Aloe Rid 2-3x a week. It's moisturizing and not drying for my hair. I just can't do drugstore anything anymore, unless it's a L'Oreal product.

All in all, I have to say having softer, smoother, less tangled hair is a GOOD thing. But I still don't know what to do about these dern cowlicks except to use a lot of coconut oil for weight, grow my hair as long as possible, and realize that doing a BC is no longer an option - lest I want to look like Alfalfa! :perplexed
Welcome to the board! And thanks so much for sharing your story. Yea it is very good to hear someone's results from longterm use of MSM. I had to laugh at your story when you said you didn't want to scare the kids. I have been taking TriMedica powdered MSM for maybe 5months now... Hmmm, i'm not quite ready to contribute my growth or my halted shedding to MSM, just yet. I do swear that it has helped my knees feel better and I do not get sinus headaches every week like i used to. And when i do get them, they are very i plan to continue using because of these benefits...Maybe 5yrs down the road from here i'll be posting with great longterm results as you are...
I have take MSM (pill form) for maybe 8 – 9 months off and on (more off) and I do notice my hair grows best with it. My texture has definitely changes to the coily type and my strains are very healthy since taking it.

Since taking MSM ppl seem to thing I got “good hair”!

I thought it would be a good idea to change my username since it is so similar to HairLove's username. I'm a long-time lurker, but new to posting here and don't want folks to get us confused.

As far as how much MSM I take now, I take one 1000 mg. capsule of Natrol MSM 3-4x a week. Like I said, it's only sporadically these days. I'm not on any sort of strict supplement regimen, though I do care about my health and I supplement as needed. Again, I've been taking vitamins since I was 11. I have a relative in the nutritional supplement industry, and my mother forced me to take all sorts of vitamins and minerals when I was a kid.

I take the Alive! Whole Food Multivitamin (that contains enzymes for digestion) once or twice a day or when I remember to take it, a special iron supplement called Iron Glycinate (that absorbs well) during my period, calcium citrate for a few days when I haven't had that much calcium (I'm a non-dairy person, but love spinach), and zinc with Vitamin C when I feel icky or like my immune system is low during cold season or if I've been around someone who is ill.

I'm currently on an allergy-free diet (Ultra-InflamX) due to a wheat and dairy allergy, so I'm begrudgingly eating healthy, clean food when I'd rather be eating baked macaroni and cheese and candied yams with butter.

I'm a Jamaican/West Indian and African food LOVER, and since the Afro-Caribbean diet has very little wheat and dairy, that's what I tend to stick with nowadays. I also eat a lot of sushi and sashimi for my mood (Omega 3). For me, soul food is for holidays only; but even then, digestive enzymes are a MUST!

I'm big on the power of digestive enzymes ( ) and I have taken them for years. GNC makes THE BEST multi-enzyme supplement that even contains acidophilus for the gut. I wish more people knew about how beneficial digestive enzymes are...especially if you're eating heavy, cooked food. Enzymes are the missing link that break nutrients (including protein and fats) down into an absorbable form.

Maybe my new hair is a combination of the things I consume and it's a cumulative effect. I don't know. I think it's the MSM, though. Once my hair grows to SL I'll stop complaining. But for the duration of my resembling a lion, I'll be fussin'. :lol:

I do notice that when I take MSM, my knees don't "crack" when I bend down to pick something up and stand up.
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Hair Love said:
I had the rapid detox symptoms, and remedied that with drinking more distilled water.

I just started taking MSM...what are the symptoms you mentioned here??

Very interesting indeed!!!
Janet in Atlanta
Hair Love said:
imagine if you combined 3b, 3c, and 4a in a bottle and mixed it all up; that's the texture it is now.

Voila!!! I knew I wasn't the only one :grin: I have the same SHORT term effect:confused: . (6 weeks) I spend most of the day yesterday looking thru the archives trying to find someone that was having the same effect. My new growth looks like it can be flat ironed straight and I'm a natural 4b?

I beileve you :band: .. I started out with 1000mg a day now I'm taking 4000mg. I love it. :)
I COMPLETELY agree. MSM sulfur is da truth! I don't take it anymore because I did have the cleansing effects (not in a good way) but my texture definitely changed. in my experience, if you have 4a you'll go to a 3c, 4b will go to a 4a. the hair grows out really soft. my whole head used to be 4b now its a mixture. since ive been on this board i've read that it doesn't work for everyone, it messes up some peoples cycle and makes them break out. since i cant use it anymore, i use qhemet products which contain msm. it definitely keeps my hair thick and healthy. when i was taking it, i took 1000mg's a day.

Hair Love said:
Allow me to preface what I am about to say by mentioning that I am a new paid member, and I am NOT the other HairLove who has been a member for a while. When I get my new username, I will post from that account, but until then, I'll post from this username. I sent two e-mails to the moderator to change my username, and I await their reply.

In the meantime, I am bursting at the seams to tell you all about my quasi-dilemma regarding my hair after taking MSM for roughly five years.

I actually posted this long, drawn-out, highly detailed post a couple of days ago, but the system erased my message because it says I wasn't logged in. That may be a blessing in disguise, as it spares you all from reading fluff when all you want are the facts. So, rather than editorializing, I will post (in chronological order) the events leading up to my having an Asian head of hair (after blowdrying) today.

1. Someone on mentioned MSM back in 2001, and I decided to try it. I have been taking it every year since then. Initially for the first two years, I took 1000 mgs. twice a day with tons of water. Thereafter, I got lazy and tapered down to one 1000 mg. capsule once a day, then only randomly. I had the rapid detox symptoms, and remedied that with drinking more distilled water.

2. I have tried many MSM brands and forms. They all work for me, but the kind that is formulated for humans (lignusil sp?) works the fastest for me.

3. I noticed much faster hair growth back in 2002, but no texture change. My hair was APL in 2003, and I did a 2" BC and wore it in a moist curly/wavy style. That's when I noticed that my hair texture changed. It used to naturally be the texture of Diana Ross' hair/wig/weave. My hair used to be big, thick, and wild 4a hair. But in 2003, it became more coily and springy. I continued to sporadically take MSM.

4. Since 2003, my hair texture has gradually changed. Now my hair grows out of my skull this weird texture. It's hard to describe. I have a chin-length bob now, after doing another BC earlier this year. It's wavy and spongey when dry, like a soft rug. It doesn't look or feel like anyone's hair I have ever seen. It's hard to classify my new hair type. When natural, imagine if you combined 3b, 3c, and 4a in a bottle and mixed it all up; that's the texture it is now. I don't have pics yet. It has gradually straightened and softened over the years, but I'm noticing now just how much of a drastic change it is. It is also now, not 2x, but 3x as thick as before - and I had big hair before MSM! :eek: Hence, my desire to flatten it so I don't scare small children.

5. But the WEIRD thing is, when I mildly relax, blowout, or MaxiGlide my hair, IT STAYS STRAIGHT, even after washing! The texture after blowdrying it is identical to an Asian guy's hair, since it's so short. It's spikey and does these weird cowlick things, just like an Asian guy's short hair.

6. The other day I went to the beauty school to get my hair texturized and flat-ironed to reduce its volume. My stylist, who is a Black student, raked her fingers through my hair and had this odd look on her face. I go, "Let me guess. You've never seen or felt hair like mine before." She goes, "To be honest with you, no, I haven't. It's a good grade of hair, but just different...kinda like Japanese hair. You really don't even need a texturizer. Why don't I just press it?" I insisted that I wanted my hair to lay flat and had her mildly retouch the roots. There was a point when we both busted out laughing because my hair was sticking up like a beanstalk or sun rays. I go, "I'm so glad you have validated that I have weird hair. I thought I was just imagining it."

7. I'm so used to having this big, wild hair and having my stylist flat-iron it with one of those old school irons that you put in a ceramic oven. I asked the student stylist the other day to use the oven, and she was like, "Your hair doesn't need that much heat; using oven heat would be excessive. I'm afraid to use that on your hair. Can I just use my plug-in instead?" I gave her the green light.

My hair is poker straight after just blowdrying. Not straight with a little wave, but POKER straight, and I only have a mild texturizer. Even without a texturizer, I get the same effect after any heat touches it.

As I mentioned, I get these weird cowlick things similar to an Asian guy's where my hair just pops up and salutes the air, but it bounces. My Asian friend assures me that it's because my hair is short. She said, "Asian hair is stiff and spikey when it's short. But when our hair grows out, the weight makes it hang nicely. I never get cowlicks since my hair is shoulder-length."

I'm not claiming that my hair looks or feels like Asian hair when it grows out of my scalp. I'm saying that even WITHOUT a texturizer and simply blowdrying it, it definitely does. It was never like this before MSM. I'm happy that it's more manageable and not a fierce jungle to wrestle with. Maybe my hair was so knotty and tangled before because it was missing MSM/sulfur?

I'm not here to spark the old good hair/bad hair debate. I'm relaying my personal experience with taking MSM for five years, since some of us are curious about the long-term effects of supplements.

Y'all, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Have any of you veteran MSM users noticed a similar result? I don't know what to make of it. I wonder if my hair will keep changing the longer I take MSM.

I also don't even know how to style this new hair!!! :confused:
Hair Love said:
It is also now, not 2x, but 3x as thick as before - and I had big hair before MSM! :eek: Hence, my desire to flatten it so I don't scare small children.

You killin me here! This is a great post!! LOLOLOLOL :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
The rapid detox symptoms were breaking out in bumps all over my body - INCLUDING THE SOLES OF MY FEET. I was so unbearably itchy, child, I was brushing my body with my hairbrush! It stopped when I drank more water.

Itchy bumps and acne are a common side effect of MSM if you're not drinking enough water to flush the toxins out. Drink as much water as you can stand!

I have a slight straw fetish, and drink everything with a straw. I notice I can get more water down this way. Hey, whatever works!
Fran said:
Voila!!! I knew I wasn't the only one :grin: I have the same SHORT term effect:confused: . (6 weeks) I spend most of the day yesterday looking thru the archives trying to find someone that was having the same effect. My new growth looks like it can be flat ironed straight and I'm a natural 4b?

I beileve you :band: .. I started out with 1000mg a day now I'm taking 4000mg. I love it. :)

What brand of MSM are you taking? I used to take CVS brand MSM and it softened my hair and it shortened my cycle a little (I loved that) but I didn't experience any of the joint benefits others said they experienced. I tried VitaminShoppe MSM for a week then stopped because it made me break out horribly! :eek: I just couldn't take it. Is there a pure brand of MSM that won't make you break out?
Hair Love said:
I also don't even know how to style this new hair!!! :confused:

Bless your heart!! Sounds like a good quandry to be in!

I just started taking MSM it's actually a formulation for joints because I'm a runner and I was having a little pain in my right knee (which has gone away! BTW) I didn't even know about the added benefits that it's great for hair!! Go figure, and asian hair! My son is half asain and his hair is BEAUTIFUL, he has big locks of curls no frizz, just curls. People love to run their fingers through his hair .... poor thing, he hates that LOL (He looks like Tiger Woods Jr.) LOL

So if momma can get her 4a to look like his, then maybe God didn't play such a mean trick on me after all. (I joke that when I was being made I placed an order to have hair like my son's but my son got it instead of me! LOL I got the 4a fine cotton puff instead)

Now forget about joint problems. what's the best MSM money can buy for hair! LOL this is too wild.

Thanks for posting that, I really got a kick out of it as you can tell!

Janet in Atlanta
This is a very interesting thread, I didn’t know taking sulfur would have any type of effect on your hair also had no clue about it having anything to do with race.
I am not quick to agree with testing that “claims” the black population has this or that deficiency because a lot of it is plain incorrect.
I might consider adding it to my regimen but I do not want to take too much of anything.

I would like to see what your pics look like. I sometimes have a hard time identifying what hair type I am as well, my back seems more curly and the top is wavy I am not sure if its from heat damage but its possible.
I'm taking GNC MSM 1000 capsules. I haven't broken out (yet) but I just increased my dosage this overall health seems better... no aches and pains, so I like it.
Mizani_Mrs said:
I do swear that it has helped my knees feel better and I do not get sinus headaches every week like i used to.

My joints don't pop like they used to and my knees feel great!!! So MSM is a win win win in my opinion... who knew!
Qetesh said:
I didn’t know taking sulfur would have any type of effect on your hair also had no clue about it having anything to do with race.
I am not quick to agree with testing that “claims” the black population has this or that deficiency because a lot of it is plain incorrect.

I agree, I don't think the black population has a deficiency in sulfur :perplexed . and I certainly do not think it has anything to do with race. This is a mystery though?
Hair Love said:
Drink as much water as you can stand!

Woo, thanks for the tip, I'm going to buy some jugs to carry to work now!

Man, ya'll makin me so smart!

I just orderd some Biotin for my boss, now I gotta tell her about this!! Perhaps I'll show her. I just got out of braids and relaxed my hair. In about a year, the proof will be in the pudding...

Thanks again for a funny, infomative, encouraging post!
Hair Love said:
I thought it would be a good idea to change my username since it is so similar to HairLove's username. I'm a long-time lurker, but new to posting here and don't want folks to get us confused.

As far as how much MSM I take now, I take one 1000 mg. capsule of Natrol MSM 3-4x a week. Like I said, it's only sporadically these days. I'm not on any sort of strict supplement regimen, though I do care about my health and I supplement as needed. Again, I've been taking vitamins since I was 11. I have a relative in the nutritional supplement industry, and my mother forced me to take all sorts of vitamins and minerals when I was a kid.

I take the Alive! Whole Food Multivitamin (that contains enzymes for digestion) once or twice a day or when I remember to take it, a special iron supplement called Iron Glycinate (that absorbs well) during my period, calcium citrate for a few days when I haven't had that much calcium (I'm a non-dairy person, but love spinach), and zinc with Vitamin C when I feel icky or like my immune system is low during cold season or if I've been around someone who is ill.

I'm currently on an allergy-free diet (Ultra-InflamX) due to a wheat and dairy allergy, so I'm begrudgingly eating healthy, clean food when I'd rather be eating baked macaroni and cheese and candied yams with butter.

I'm a Jamaican/West Indian and African food LOVER, and since the Afro-Caribbean diet has very little wheat and dairy, that's what I tend to stick with nowadays. I also eat a lot of sushi and sashimi for my mood (Omega 3). For me, soul food is for holidays only; but even then, digestive enzymes are a MUST!

I'm big on the power of digestive enzymes ( ) and I have taken them for years. GNC makes THE BEST multi-enzyme supplement that even contains acidophilus for the gut. I wish more people knew about how beneficial digestive enzymes are...especially if you're eating heavy, cooked food. Enzymes are the missing link that break nutrients (including protein and fats) down into an absorbable form.

Maybe my new hair is a combination of the things I consume and it's a cumulative effect. I don't know. I think it's the MSM, though. Once my hair grows to SL I'll stop complaining. But for the duration of my resembling a lion, I'll be fussin'. :lol:

I do notice that when I take MSM, my knees don't "crack" when I bend down to pick something up and stand up.

I was taking enzymes and noticed that alcohol effected to more. I would drink wine and get CRAZY drunk off just a glass or two. And I would have bad headaches the next morning and hanover feeling. Not sure why enzymes did this (it does seem logical though) but I stopped taking the enzymes because of that - I needs to drink my wine. :D
Okay now you guys got me going! Check this out! What doesn't MSM cure? :bouncegre

Acne â–ª Alertness â–ª Allergies (Dust, Food, Mites, Pollen) â–ª Anti-aging â–ª Asthma â–ª Athletic injuries/pain
Back pain â–ª Blood clotting â–ª Candida â–ª Carpal Tunnel Syndrome â–ª Circulatory problems â–ª Concentration
Conjunctivitis â–ª Constipation â–ª Dental pain â–ª Depression â–ª Diabetes â–ª Diarrhea â–ª Emphysema
Enhances Vitamin C â–ª Fibromyalgia â–ª Flexibility â–ª Free radical damage â–ª Gastrointestinal problems
Hair growth and appearance â–ª Healing burns â–ª Heartburn/hyperacidity â–ª Hypertension â–ª Immune function
Infection â–ª Inflammation â–ª Insulin balance â–ª Interstitial Cystitis â–ª Itching â–ª Joint pain â–ª Leg cramps
Lung dysfunction â–ª Memory loss â–ª Migraines â–ª Muscle pain â–ª Nails (growth, strength) â–ª Nerve disorders
Pain â–ª Parasites â–ª Pets (silky coat/skin disorders) â–ª Rashes â–ª Reduce wrinkles â–ª Removes toxins
Rheumatism â–ª Rheumatoid arthritis â–ª Scar tissue â–ª Scleroderma â–ª Sinusitis â–ª Skin disorders
Skin (health and appearance) â–ª Stress â–ª Tendonitis â–ª TMJ â–ª Tumor growth â–ª Urinary tract disorders
Wound healing â–ª Yeast infections

Hair Love said:
I have an audience! LOL.

Why change your user's name...just get a really cool Avatar and a nice siggy:D There are some posters with similar names and I just go by the avatar and siggy to tell them apart.:D

oh and Welcome aboard...Thanks for posting:D