MSM and Natural Hair


New Member
HELP!! Is anyone experiencing this: I have been taking MSM and my hair is natural. I took it to help my new growth grown in softer but what I see happening is that my hair is growing not as coils but as waves. I thought is was going to just create soft coils not get RID of them!! My hair isn't holding 2-strand twist anymore! When I twist my hair it looks as if I have had a mild perm. (And not to mention they stick out like Coolio!! LOL) I stopped taking the vitamin about 2 weeks ago and I want to see if it is in fact what is the answer to my hair 'malfunction'!! Has anyone experienced this???
I started seeing some waves instead of coils as well with the MSM. I think there is a thread or two on MSM changing hair texture. Some saw a texture change with silica too.
I'm sorry that you experienced this side effect and I hope that it's not permanent for you. I can't imagine your hair holding a style as well with waves as it would with your coils/kinks. It may sound like a good side effect for those that want that texturized look, but for those that want their hair to have more of a kink/curl to it, I guess it's devastating.
kristina said:
Call me crazy but this sounds like a good side effect...what is MSM stand for?

I would think that it was a good side effect if I didn't like my hair texture. I want to take MSM, but I don't want my hair texture changed. I heard it lengthens your hair's lifecycle enabling you to grow longer hair. I wouldn't mind if it changed my hair texture a LITTLE, but I still want 4a/b hair. How much were you taking, Happy2bnappy?
Chinagem said:
I'm sorry that you experienced this side effect and I hope that it's not permanent for you. I can't imagine your hair holding a style as well with waves as it would with your coils/kinks. It may sound like a good side effect for those that want that texturized look, but for those that want their hair to have more of a kink/curl to it, I guess it's devastating.

this must be the culprit. a few days agoi posted that i was experiencing newfound frizz and texture change. my hair doesnt hold twists anymore either. i was taking between 2-5000mcgs a day of powdered Optimsm. i think i will lay off it. my hair definitely has small waves when wet. and it also stretches easily, looking weirdly straight. i think i was perhaps just taking too much. i think i was okay at 2000mcgs.
Interesting. I think I have a sulfur allgergy, so I don't think I can ever find out. The one time I did try it, I remember getting the worst headaches and feeling queasy.
Hi I'm new here so the MSM is quite new to me too. I did a search to get more info on it. I want to try it but I wanted to know what brand different people are taking and how long did it take to see results and how much they take? Plus if you take any other vitamins/nutrients as well?
bellydancer said:
I would think that it was a good side effect if I didn't like my hair texture. I want to take MSM, but I don't want my hair texture changed. I heard it lengthens your hair's lifecycle enabling you to grow longer hair. I wouldn't mind if it changed my hair texture a LITTLE, but I still want 4a/b hair. How much were you taking, Happy2bnappy?


I am currently taking 1000 mg. I was thinking about cutting it in half and just taking 1/2 a tablet. I am excited about the new growth, but the texture change is BLOWING me!! It is so funny, I wanted a softer coil, now that I have it, I want my tighter coils back!! ha!!
jd_bdfly said:
Interesting. I think I have a sulfur allgergy, so I don't think I can ever find out. The one time I did try it, I remember getting the worst headaches and feeling queasy.

OMG....Jd_Bdfly...I'm allergic to sulfur to but I didn't know that MSM contained sulfur. Fortunately, I haven't had any allergic reactions yet and I have been taking it since October. I'll monitor it for now on if I increase my......oh suck!!! why did I buy that glovers' has 5% sulfur.....okay I gotta calm hasn't bothered me yet but I will keep a watchful eye...thanks again!!!!!
Alright! Well, I am putting myself on a bootcamp vitamin/supplement regimen *we'll see how it goes*.

Hairtopia 3 times a day :barf:
My Multi w/ dinner
My liquid B12+Biotin w/ dinner
MSM in the morning w/ OJ

PS. Why does it feel like my HORSEPILL Hairtopia is still in my throat???? :look:

LaNecia said:
:) That's absolutely right Ms. K!
I started taking this on Monday, it says between 1-4 capsules (750) well since i'm lazy i'll only take one. I take Vit C every day anyway.

UK'er holland and barrett are doing half price on them right now.

For those concerned about sulfur allergies:

Sulfonyl Sulfur, which is a key ingredient of MSM, should not be confused with other ingredients like sulfa, sulfite or sulfate. Sulfa, sulfite and/or sulfate are harmful derivatives of the sulfur family which the body does not need and is not in any way included in MSM.

Sulfa is used in wounds to burn and cauterize while sulfites are put in common foods to prevent the bugs from eating them, and sulfates are used in lunch meats and sausages to preserve them. Some people may be allergic to sulfa's, sulfites, and sulfates which are part of the sulfur family like MSM.

The sulfonyl in MSM is nutritional, and it is extremely rare that humans are ever allergic to it. Remember, all human bodies require MSM.
ms_kenesha said:
I have MSM that I rarely take, maybe taking it could help me stretch my relaxers.

My new Hairtopia Vitamins only has 30mg

My girlfriend takes it and she is in the "permed world" :-) She says that she notices that she doesn't perm her hair as much taking MSM.
bellydancer said:
only 1000mg? dang i was thinking about taking 3000-5000mg. Well I hope that my texture doesn't change too much.


Opps..I went home to check.. I am actually taking 1500, but I am also taking Hair, Skin and Nails... so I hope I am not overdoing it!!!! YIKES!! But I can't deny the length I have gained and I know it is from the RACK of vitamins I am taking!! SMILE!
I am taking 2000mg of msm and 3000mg of biotin and i HAVE noticed the exact change in texture that the OP mentioned. I have 4a hair that usually when wet will clump with semi defined ringlets or coils now when it is wet, if i dont manipulate it, its a wierd kinky straight. Its still very soft and easily detangled but the texture is definately loosened.

I have been taking those vitamins for about 2months, i dont know how to remedy the effect of the pills... at the moment i am wearing my hair in a rollerset so it is not a big deal, i actually think it helps keep my natural rollerset from looking like a curly fro.

But in my case i did get scared i lost my texture, so i took small sections of my hair and twisted it around my fingers to see if i could get my coils back, and i did, with a lot of all i had to do was twist my hair and i got more definition the ever.....wierd i know!