MSM and Biotin Takers: Up Your Water Consumption by Eating Fruit!


Well-Known Member
Hello, ladies! :hiya: You all probably already know this but I still wanted to share. I started taking MSM, Biotin, and a B-Complex vitamin a couple of weeks ago. I love water but I'm not a big drinker so I've struggled with making myself down more fluids. I experienced the neon yellow urine and all but today I've discovered my key to success: FRUIT!!!

I love fruit and I especially love fruit that tastes "watery". So this morning, I decided to get some fresh cut watermelon for breakfast. I bought a package with 4 slices from Kroger and some Cheez-Its :hungry: (see I combine foods like a pregnant woman would though I am not pregnant).

I ate 2 slices for breakfast and the other 2 for my morning snack. MANNNNNN . . . I was peeing like a horse :gottago: but it was so clear and SOOO much. I hadn't reach my water goal so where was all of this liquid coming from??? Then I thought, DUH . . . the WATERmelon!!!

So I started to wonder how many ounces of water was I getting from what I ate. This lead me to this site I learned so much about fruit and their nutrional content in reference to water percentage, fiber, sugar, and vitamins. :bookworm: Turns out watermelon is over 90% water. No wonder I was going so frequently and for so long.

Some other great things I learned were . . .
  • The body detoxs in the morning so eat fruit until noon to help the process
  • Eating fruit can help with depression
  • It's best to eat fruit on an empty stomach
I'm sorry this is so long but I'm just excited to learn all of this about something I love doing anyway. :yahoo: Hope this is beneficial to someone!!
Beneficial to me! I already eat a lot of fruit, but sometimes I get tired of gulping down so much water all day. Now I wont feel so guilty if I miss a glass or two:yep:
Good point, Squikee. Thanks for the tip! And I look foward to checking out the site you linked to.
Thanks for this information. I have upped my fruit intake. But this is helpful and I will try to add it in the mornings.