MsKenesha....I have to put you out there!


New Member
Girl I just checked out your album and your progess is amazing! You are doing a great job., I printed out your regime(which is GREAT BTW) I just wanted to give oyu and that thick beautiful hair your props!:)
That chick makes me sick with all that friggin' growth. :lol:

I already yelled at her in her album about it too. :look:

But yeah, Ms_K you are doing your thang with all that growth. Your hair will be waist length by your wedding with the way your hair grows. :notworthy
I just left a comment in her album...her hair is making great progres.

Keep doing what your doing MsK, it's definitely working!
:) I totally agree!!! MsK, you have had amazing growth progress!! I can remember like it was yesterday when you had your TWA!!! You grow, girl!!! :weird:
Oh guys I'm blushing! :)

Thanks so much for the shout out; I'm so determined to get my hair long for my wedding this summer. Remember when I said I was going to start using the blow-dryer more, well I decided that I'm not going to do that because I don't want to jinx the progress I'm making. I'll just take the bad hairdays when I must, if my hair will keep growing like this. Thanks for everyone's support. :kiss:
dreemssold said:
I saw the new avatar and was like whoa, but I didn't know there were updates, too :D ...I'm on my way!

There are always updates, count on her for those :lol: Her and that camera will never part . I agree that her progress is amazing :clap: :D You will definitley have the hair you wnat for your wedding :)
What do u need a blow dryer for??? All fo the styles I ahve seen ahve been LOVELY! Especially the newst flip style. LOVE it! and the shirt if off the chainz!:)
Wow.That growth is phenomenal for just 4 months.Are you taking special vits or have you always had fast growing hair?
No vits, it would always grow pretty fast...maybe that's why my mom was taking me to get re-touches every 4 weeks. But I always went to SHS and I was obviously getting relaxers too soon, which would lead to weak hair. But my hair's always been thick except when it would get too overprocessed. :)

katie said:
Wow.That growth is phenomenal for just 4 months.Are you taking special vits or have you always had fast growing hair?
I was just going to post about that beautiful haircut! I think we should appreciate our hair, whatever length it's at.
Well..though that may not have been the BEST hairday....your good hair days surely out weigh the bad so that is what is most important!:D
ms_kenesha said:
No vits, it would always grow pretty fast...maybe that's why my mom was taking me to get re-touches every 4 weeks. But I always went to SHS and I was obviously getting relaxers too soon, which would lead to weak hair. But my hair's always been thick except when it would get too overprocessed. :)

Lucky you! :) Wish I had those genes
Can u say "Chi, Chi, Chi, Chia" (( thinking of the jingle from Chia Pet )) :lol:
Girlfriend, ur hair is growing soooo incredible fast! .... dang, I wish I had that type of growth! ... & it's pretty too :cool:

Congrats! :clapping:
I talk to you so much about everything else that I didn't even notice your growth and how beautiful your hair is!

Go head girl!