MsKenesha....I have to put you out there!


Your hair grows SUPER fast!!!:) I give you all the props because you are doing the dang thang!!!!! I'm like Tonya now, I'm about to go in your album and print out your regimen!!!:blush:
Amazing progress, Ms. K! Looking good.:cool: Whatever length of your hair for your wedding this summer (congratulations, by the way!), I just know you will be a beautiful bride.
Wow are you on some quick growth program or what that's really good growth rate.
Thanks everyone. :kiss:

Um, I'd guess about 3/4" a mth. but next time I get a touch-up, I'll measure and then compare with the next touch-up, since I get them every 8-12 weeks, I'll have to do a little math and see what I come up with.

I can honestly say that this board is a Godsend, because w/o it I'd still be going to the same type of hairstylists who'd cut my hair in a minute for the sake of "trims" and evening everything up *dammit my hair doesn't grow even, just let it do what it do baby!* :lol: I'd also be getting a touch-up every month like clockwork because that's what my mom would tell me to do! Now everytime she sees me she asks how my hair is getting so long, but when I tell her the things I do she thinks I'm :nuts:
Oh, I'm all late :(
But, I concur with the ladies, your hair looks fabulous. You are definitely doing something right, because your hair is growing like a weed :)