Moving On: Best LYE Relaxer


New Member
Hey all,

This morning I unwrapped my hair to to my discovery I have 2 "perm burn" spots in my hair. Needless to say I am done with Bantu. Which sucks for me because I want something that gets my hair really straight. So I am on a quest for a good lye relaxer that actually gets my hair straight, not bone straight, but actually does the job but without all the burning.

I know we have had a lot of these threads but now I am specifically looking for just LYE relaxers.
For my 1st time self relaxing, I used the Silk Elements Megasilk lye. The night before I oiled my scalp and the day of I used grease as a base. I had absolutely no burning with this relaxer. My hair is a little texlaxed but that has more to do with my inexperience self relaxing than the relaxer itself. It has excellent ingriedients. I always refer to it as a conditioner with a relaxer thrown in. I highly recommend it. :yep:
I like the Silk Elements also. Mizani, I bet you hate to hear it but I think you're gonna have to leave the relaxer on a little longer. Also, do you only smooth with your fingers? You may have to smooth with a rattail comb too. (after you smooth with fingers--I still think doing it with fingers first is a good idea) This helped mine to get decently straight. If you are not comfortable using the teeth of the rattail to smooth, then use the back of it.

ETA: Someone also posted a tip about being "heavy-handed" with the relaxer cream. I found that this was a good tip. Don't apply it lightly--no punk relaxing! :D
Supergirl said:
I like the Silk Elements also.
Mizani, I bet you hate to hear it but I think you're gonna have to leave the relaxer on a little longer. Also, do you only smooth with your fingers? You may have to smooth with a rattail comb too. (after you smooth with fingers--I still think doing it with fingers first is a good idea) This helped mine to get decently straight. If you are not comfortable using the teeth of the rattail to smooth, then use the back of it.

ETA: Someone also posted a tip about being "heavy-handed" with the relaxer cream. I found that this was a good tip. Don't apply it lightly--no punk relaxing! :D

Hey Supergirl, I think I need to leave my relaxer on longer next time too. :yep:

You're right about being heavy handed. I would hate to think how my hair would have come out if I applied it sparingly. I had considered using the Phyto for my touch-up but then I went with the Silk Elements because it was so much cheaper. It's a good thing because I don't think the Phyto would have been enough, they put so little in that $60 jar. :perplexed
Hey girls,

Thanks for replying! Supergirl you are right. But I am VERY heavy handed with the relaxer. I smooth with my finger tips first AND with a rattail comb. But I think I could leave it on for a little bit longer. But not with Bantu I am seriously thinking about silk elements. Thanks so much ladies!
Priestess said:
For my 1st time self relaxing, I used the Silk Elements Megasilk lye. The night before I oiled my scalp and the day of I used grease as a base. I had absolutely no burning with this relaxer. My hair is a little texlaxed but that has more to do with my inexperience self relaxing than the relaxer itself. It has excellent ingriedients. I always refer to it as a conditioner with a relaxer thrown in. I highly recommend it. :yep:
What she said. I do have 2 small burns in the back, where I scratched earlier the day I permed, but I only lightly based. I shoulda laid the vaseline on a lil thicker and I'da been alright. I also scratched the front of my head, but that part didn't burn at all. Yeah, I know I shouldn'ta been scratching but I was 5 months post and 2 weeks since a wash, this stuff was itching and patting wasn't cuttin it.