Moving In Together

How soon to do you in with your guy?

  • 0 - 6 months

  • 6 months to 1 year

  • 1 - 2 years

  • 2+ years

  • Waited until engaged (please comment the timeframe)

  • Waited until wedding night (please comment time frame)

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I do what I want...
How soon did you move in with your SO/DH? Was it a next step to marriage sort of deal or was it out of convenience? How soon would you think is too soon to move in together?
I'm sorry I don't have much to add since I'm not engaged or live with SO.
I'm fighting moving in together without being engaged. But I'm having trouble balancing baby making and engagement to move in and eventually marry.
With baby making I'm going up against mother nature so I feel like I have to move fast IF I want a child no matter if we stay together or not.
With the engagement, it seems more of a heart and smarts kind of decision and well, at my age, I can see myself having a baby first sad to say.
I'm still fighting it though....