

Well-Known Member
Ok ladies, my girlfriend called me today venting b/c her husband approached her and asked her if she talks about him to her friends. She asked him what he meant and he asked if she shares some good and bad things they go through with her friends.

She told him "yeah" and it depends on what it is but confirmed she does share some thing. She asked why he was asking and he told her that over the Thanksgiving holiday while his mom was visiting she overheard my girl on the phone w/ one of her friends talking about how her husband wasn't aggressive enough. The mother-in-law in turn tells her son (my girl's hubby) she overheard my girl say he wasn't aggressive and he needs to handle that!

My friend instantly got defensive when he approached her and explained that because she believes the mother-in-law did not have access to the full conversation and really has no clue if my girl were talking about him or not and she feels as if she is in her house starting STUFF!

She let her husband know that she has no problem speaking her mind and if she has a problem with HIM she will definitely let him know. This is the same mother-in-law who had a bottle of champagne unopened and when my girl asked her to open it for the special occasion of her just having a little girl the mother-in-law replied "I am waiting for a real celebration when you 2 have a boy".

What do you think - did my girl have a right to be ticked? How would you have responded to your mother-in-law? Would you have words for her next time you see?
I think the real question is why was your friend bad mouthing her husband to one of her girlfriends. The mother-in-law had the right to tell him, and he has the right to be angry, but your friend does not. That's my opinion.
My girlfriend told me the mother-in-law heard only half the conversation and took what she heard out of context. She wasn't bad mouthing her husband. That is what I think my friend has a problem with - the fact her mother-in-law is getting in the middle of something and doesn't have the whole story but making assumptions.

My friend wasn't even talking about her husband.
This is the same mother-in-law who had a bottle of champagne unopened and when my girl asked her to open it for the special occasion of her just having a little girl the mother-in-law replied "I am waiting for a real celebration when you 2 have a boy".
Now, see, this is funny because I am just not the one. I would tell my husband about this one and see if he handled it because it would be a prime opportunity to see what kind of man I married. Any heifer devaluing my children (and in my presence!!) had better get checked hard, regardless of her relation to anybody. If she continued, I would check her and check her without restraint.
Yeah that was a crazy comment. My friend just went into the other room carrying her daughter because she was astonished she would say something like that.

Her husband is the only son BUT the father has children with other women whom his mom TOTALLY embraces! She dotes over her son and I guess she highly values male family members.
The MIL didn't hear the whole conversation so she really didn't have a right imo to say anything to the son :lachen:

Lord knows I would ask my daughter in law "what you say about my son to yo lil friend *****?"

How is someone going to come in on the *** end of a conversation and make an assumption is beyond me? :rolleyes:

Oh and for that when you have a son comment I would be soooo offended. I would also say well your son is the determining factor to that issue so get mad at him for something he can't control foolish woman.:lachen:
The mother-in-law needs to fall back big time. Even if she heard every bit of the conversation what goes in on their marriage is none of her business. Your friend wasn't even talking about her husband so she looks even more dumb.

She already sounds like a character anyway though because of the comment about the baby.:ohwell:
When she told me the comment about the male baby I almost DIED! My friend is now feeling as if whenever the MIL is around she can't speak freely in her home b/c ol' girl will take it out of context. Personally it is none of the MIL's business so yes, she should fall back and mind her business.