More than 6 inches a year, I'm skeptic.


New Member
More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.

Okay maybe I'm a doubter but who here got more than 6 inches of new hair in the past calendar year?? I'm doing research and this does not happen to a lot of people. My hair growth is at the same 6 inch rate even with supplements. Maybe I need to see some proof.
Re: More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.

Hi lakettab,

The 6 inches a year hair growth is an average, which means some people can grow more or less than that in a year. I'm not sure about members on this forum, but I know for sure that there are people who can grow more than 6 inches of hair a year. (Wish I were one of them!
Re: More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.

That means I have to wait two whole years before I see a foot of new hair.
Re: More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.

I think my hair grows more than 6 inches a year but I'm really not sure. I went from shoulder to bra strap in year once and for me that's about 7 inches. However I didn't actually measure (I'm going by pictures!) I haven't been doing this hair thing long enough this time though. You'd have to check back in a year! lol!
Re: More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.

Don't think of it that way!
Just concentrate on keeping the hair that you do gain healthy so that you don't suffer any setbacks. I know, I wish it could be faster too, but better late than never!
Re: More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.

My last relaxer was in June or July of 2002. I don't measure my hair (too stressful!
), but my natural hair reaches my neck when it's straightened. I know that's more than 6". But the section in the crown area that broke off to 1"-2" long only reaches my ears when it's straightened. That's less than 6"...

Panic time!
Re: More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.

I grew out my relaxer and had to get it cut down to 3 inches. My original goal was 12 inches so I have to wait a long time to get 9 more inches not to mention that i may need trims. It is depressing. Is it genetics?

I'm going to do braided and cornrowed styles for the next year so it can help maintain my growth. I've done this before and it worked very well. I started August 5th. The goal is to get my 6 whole inches.
Re: More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.

maybe breakage is making it look like you dont get more than 6 inches a year
Re: More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.

I don't get much breakage. I keep my hair in protective hairstyles such as cornrows and braids. I have natural hair (meaning nor relaxer or texturizer) My hair doesn't dry out much. I am increasing my biotin take to 15,000 mcg a day to see what happens in three months.
Re: More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.


My hair grows fairly quickly even before all these supplements... Now that I have a regimen, I am hoping to meet my hair goals (below). I am on track so far...

Re: More than 6 inches a year, I\'m skeptic.

I got more than 6 inches...from Feb 2002 - feb 2003(even with 2 trims of 1/2 each).