More Hair Talk on Tyra (Thursday, Oct. 8)

I know he's a comedian and all but there was a part when Oprah was showing her hair throughout the years and for her kindergarten picture (natural hair, not the cutest pic of her as a little girl) Chris blurted out "That’s when you were a RUNAWAYslave, huh?” And it was a pic of her and her natural hair a a child. Ironic that he then told us that his heart was broken because his daughter thoughs she didn't have good hair..and Oprah laughed.
To get rid of the myths, deceptions and stereotypes. I would love that but what if it's just REINFORCING THEM? On the show w/ Oprah he seemed to be saying all black women have these problems, and they all get weaves, and so on. I don't think that's going to get rid of myths. I do think I'll see it and HOPE that their is something in there that has value. I also think it will provide a bit of understanding. I don't think people of all walks of life have any idea of the pain and heartache as well as psychological effects that hair bashing of AA has caused and how it is currently deposited not only in the AA community but in the mainstream. I understand it's a comedic approach but sometimes that's all it takes to break the ice.

My mother used to send me away every summer to VA. And I will never forget one day at bible school a white girl asked me if she could touch my hair. I asked her why? She said because she had always been told it was rough and that it would cut her hands. She touched my hair and was shocked. She told me my hair was softer than hers. (It was) I was 10 then and it's something that I will never forget. I think this will help foster some degree of racial sensitivity. Maybe I'm too optimistic.
I know he's a comedian and all but there was a part when Oprah was showing her hair throughout the years and for her kindergarten picture (natural hair, not the cutest pic of her as a little girl) Chris blurted out "That’s when you were a slave, huh?” and Oprah laughed. Another picture of Oprah with an afro he said something like oh that's when you did the mean news.

He says men don't care about hair. But then he says he has dated Asian and white women and that he couldn't get his hands out of their hair, his hands were "thirsty" to touch their hair LOL Idiot

I'll watch it when it comes out on Sundance. I'm not about to go into a movie theater and have people laugh at my expense. :ohwell:

WHAT!? I didn't know he took it THERE! What's wrong with him!? The "slave/mean" comments are HIGHLY troubling IMHO ... WTF is this movie going to be like?? ... I wonder if he realizes that, on a certain level, in making those statements he basically undermined what he CLAIMED was the point/inspiration for his movie; empowering his daughter to feel better/good about her (and his) hair! After all, given what he implied about 'slave/mean' hair, she'll likely one day watch/understand the show and STILL be confused as to why her Dad wants her to feel good about having what he HIMSELF implied was 'slave/mean-associated' hair! ... I always took him for an undercover deep-ish thinker by comedian-standards. Shoot, even by the standards of even attempting a movie like this (i.e. I thought the 'coonery' was an act)! ... I guess that's a low-ish bar though. I mean, comedy and DEEEEP thinking probably don't really mix. Then you'd feel too guilty/serious to joke about anything! LOL! But geez! FOCUS Chris! -- snap snap --- FOCUS! What's your goal Chris? Laughs? Your daughter? Fame and Attention? FO--CUS!!!

I'm sooo glad that I'm going to the FREE sneak preview for this film Wednesday night. Not sure if I want to throw change towards this fool's baffoonery! ...

Regardless though, I STILL suspect that, as disappointing as it looks like the movie might end up being, in the long run, it'll be a better starting point for improvement than nothing at all in this genre. I'll stand by that until further notice though! Stay Tuned! LOL!