More Hair Talk on Tyra (Thursday, Oct. 8)


Well-Known Member
She'll be taking comments on what people thought of her real hair.

And as we know, Chris Rock is doing his promotional rounds and will be on the show as well.


Check for the preview.

** Sorry if this should be posted in the Entertainment forum. I never know where to post things that are entertainment AND hair related :ohwell: **
Am I the only one not excited about this movie ?????
i AM not that excited, because I feel like it will dig a deeper hole into the black girls can't have nice long hair idea that persists in society. It will be like, I love my weave, + salon shots of dry, suffering heads+ conclusion of "do what make u happy" :look:. I will still check out, because I could be wrong
Okay, I'm confused. I love Tyra and all but that girl likes to change her hair according to the situation. Her hair is relaxed, we all know that. So why is she wearing her hair curly & texturized because Chris Rock is there talking about natural hair? Girl your hair is still relaxed, quit it out.

Didn't she do this for the 'we should like our hair episode' when she wore her hair braided to talk to children about hair, just then for the next day her to throw her $1000 lace front in. She makes me giggle.
Am I the only one not excited about this movie ?????

I'm not excited either.

But I do like that it seems to be "inspiring" certain people to "talk hair". Hopefully they'll do some shows on how to keep our hair healthy, either while natural, relaxed, weaved or wigged.

One can only hope.
He's really out promoting this thing. I wonder if it will hit number one. I doubt it, but who knows. If perry can pull in those numbers, I'm sure rock can, especially since this has been getting great reviews.
I'm not excited about it anymore. Some of the things he said on Oprah made me cringe.

What did he say?

I'm torn about seeing it. I really wished he had taken time to interview women on this site and others like it. I'm kind of afraid of what people are going to walk away with once they see the movie and I'm afraid I'm going to angry and embarrassed.
I'm not excited about it anymore. Some of the things he said on Oprah made me cringe.

I so agree with you on this! I guess we have to look at it for what it is. Chris Rock is a comedian so he is always about the punchline. I think he has brought up some great topics in the movie that will bring about some interesting dialogue though.
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What did he say?

I'm torn about seeing it. I really wished he had taken time to interview women on this site and others like it. I'm kind of afraid of what people are going to walk away with once they see the movie and I'm afraid I'm going to angry and embarrassed.

I know he's a comedian and all but there was a part when Oprah was showing her hair throughout the years and for her kindergarten picture (natural hair, not the cutest pic of her as a little girl) Chris blurted out "That’s when you were a slave, huh?” and Oprah laughed. Another picture of Oprah with an afro he said something like oh that's when you did the mean news.

He says men don't care about hair. But then he says he has dated Asian and white women and that he couldn't get his hands out of their hair, his hands were "thirsty" to touch their hair LOL Idiot

I'll watch it when it comes out on Sundance. I'm not about to go into a movie theater and have people laugh at my expense. :ohwell:
I was really put off when he said that Oprah has "J-Lo" hair now. That tells me he still doesn't quite 'get it'. Black women can have hair that looks like Oprah's... J-Lo and other white/hispanic people aren't the only ones. He must not be around a lot of black women with healthy hair practices because he was just too shocked that that was her hair!
I was really put off when he said that Oprah has "J-Lo" hair now. That tells me he still doesn't quite 'get it'. Black women can have hair that looks like Oprah's... J-Lo and other white/hispanic people aren't the only ones. He must not be around a lot of black women with healthy hair practices because he was just too shocked that that was her hair!

I think he was "playing" shock in his comedic way....Oprah is known for her huge bodacious hair even back in the day. Her hair is known for being both thick (remember her "crown do folks raved over?) and had been quite long in the past.
I know he's a comedian and all but there was a part when Oprah was showing her hair throughout the years and for her kindergarten picture (natural hair, not the cutest pic of her as a little girl) Chris blurted out "That’s when you were a slave, huh?” and Oprah laughed. Another picture of Oprah with an afro he said something like oh that's when you did the mean news.

He says men don't care about hair. But then he says he has dated Asian and white women and that he couldn't get his hands out of their hair, his hands were "thirsty" to touch their hair LOL Idiot

I'll watch it when it comes out on Sundance. I'm not about to go into a movie theater and have people laugh at my expense. :ohwell:


I cringed when he said the thing about the slave. My sister (who is white) started laughing at that part and I had to check her on it.
Okay, I'm confused. I love Tyra and all but that girl likes to change her hair according to the situation. Her hair is relaxed, we all know that. So why is she wearing her hair curly & texturized because Chris Rock is there talking about natural hair? Girl your hair is still relaxed, quit it out.

Didn't she do this for the 'we should like our hair episode' when she wore her hair braided to talk to children about hair, just then for the next day her to throw her $1000 lace front in. She makes me giggle.

I've been watching this season of her show and she has worn braidouts on differnet episodes not just this one. Nothing wrong with relaxed head rocking a braidout. But i get what you're saying though
A show about what people thought of her hair. Seriously?! :rofl:

Just when you think Tyra can't get any more self-centered. I wonder if there'll be any negative comments.

I'm semi-excited to see the movie. I gave CR and Harpo the side eye a few times for some comments they made.
I think he was "playing" shock in his comedic way....Oprah is known for her huge bodacious hair even back in the day. Her hair is known for being both thick (remember her "crown do folks raved over?) and had been quite long in the past.

He said in a post-show interview that all of the years he had been coming there, he thought Oprah was wearing a weave and he never knew she had hair like that.
I still want to see the movie. I've avoided looking at these videos some of you, and outside sources have posted simply because I want to watch it unhindered by my own bias of the promotions. I'm always like that, could be a food commercial and I wouldn't watch it because it might lower, or overly raise my expectations.:rolleyes:
Tyra REALLY annoys me. Whenever a guest comes to the show instead of interviewing them, she's always interviewing herself.

Guest: Yea, my mom had an addiction to drinking gasoline and she died. I miss her so-

Tyra: But anyways, when I was a kid my mom had an addiction to cake. & now, she's really fat. You should be happy your mom isn't a big elephant!

Guest:...:( .
I still want to see it. Chris Rock is a comedian, did people expect him to go all erudite on the subject matter? :lol: I'm still going to see the film. :yep: I'm pleased that there's actually going a black-made documentary in mainstream theaters.
I plan to see it because it will expose these issues to people outside of the brown community which I believe is very very important.

As for Tyra I never really watched her show but she lost the little bit of respect I had for her. First off on her sites she has pictures of her showing her "natural" hair. It looks beautiful and healthy. My concern is that after the show where she reveals her "natural" obviously permed hair I wondered if the pics on her site were natural or a relaxed braid out. I also believe she is portraying a bad image. I guess the PR person thought it was good to say natural instead of REAL hair. Huge difference. That's like calling a Chinese person African. I'll watch if I'm home but otherwise I think she's messing with the heads of a lot of impressionable young girls particularly the brown ones.
I plan to see it because it will expose these issues to people outside of the brown community which I believe is very very important.

As for Tyra I never really watched her show but she lost the little bit of respect I had for her. First off on her sites she has pictures of her showing her "natural" hair. It looks beautiful and healthy. My concern is that after the show where she reveals her "natural" obviously permed hair I wondered if the pics on her site were natural or a relaxed braid out. I also believe she is portraying a bad image. I guess the PR person thought it was good to say natural instead of REAL hair. Huge difference. That's like calling a Chinese person African. I'll watch if I'm home but otherwise I think she's messing with the heads of a lot of impressionable young girls particularly the brown ones.

Just curious, but why do you think it's important to explain Black hair to non Blacks?
To get rid of the myths, deceptions and stereotypes. I also think it will provide a bit of understanding. I don't think people of all walks of life have any idea of the pain and heartache as well as psychological effects that hair bashing of AA has caused and how it is currently deposited not only in the AA community but in the mainstream. I understand it's a comedic approach but sometimes that's all it takes to break the ice.

My mother used to send me away every summer to VA. And I will never forget one day at bible school a white girl asked me if she could touch my hair. I asked her why? She said because she had always been told it was rough and that it would cut her hands. She touched my hair and was shocked. She told me my hair was softer than hers. (It was) I was 10 then and it's something that I will never forget. I think this will help foster some degree of racial sensitivity. Maybe I'm too optimistic.
I plan to see it because it will expose these issues to people outside of the brown community which I believe is very very important.

As for Tyra I never really watched her show but she lost the little bit of respect I had for her. First off on her sites she has pictures of her showing her "natural" hair. It looks beautiful and healthy. My concern is that after the show where she reveals her "natural" obviously permed hair I wondered if the pics on her site were natural or a relaxed braid out. I also believe she is portraying a bad image. I guess the PR person thought it was good to say natural instead of REAL hair. Huge difference. That's like calling a Chinese person African. I'll watch if I'm home but otherwise I think she's messing with the heads of a lot of impressionable young girls particularly the brown ones.

I just see that as "airing our dirty laundry". Another reason for clear ppl to be like "they really are messed up" :ohwell: