Is cross wrapping sufficient to keep it straight at night for the first few days or is it best to wrap it the regular way?
I only ask because I've always been a terrible wrapper and haven't had to wrap in years.
i went to the salon b/c i wanted it to look GOOD - lol. i get tired and lazy and start slacking on the last pieces of hair when i do haircare at home - lol, but alot of pple on this board buy it and do it themselves.
i did it for the same reasons as you may have - i WAS DESPERATE and refused to relax my hair b/c i was not gonna to be a slave to the crack. now i found new crack that wont weaken or damage my hair - its finally growing - woo hoo!
Good for you, I'm glad you took the time and found an alternative! And your hair is absolutely gorgeous!:yep:
Is cross wrapping sufficient to keep it straight at night for the first few days or is it best to wrap it the regular way?
I only ask because I've always been a terrible wrapper and haven't had to wrap in years.

Cross wrapping is fine but i dont even bother. i let it airdry if i want some texture. if i want it straight i just flatiron - which takes all of 20 mins now that i have the treatment - and then i use a claw clip at night. when i take the clip out, i just comb or brush lightly and im DONE. my hair has NEVER been this manageable. i havent had a relaxer in over 2 years so i dont remember what its like, but im about 80% sure this is BETTER at keeping my hair straight and it reduces breakage instead of increasing it like relaxers used to do.
ok - i just washed my hair for the second time so im including some pics.
The first is my hair straight out of the shower - notice - little to no shrinkage and its tame.
The second is my hair airdried after i went outside to run errands IN THE RAIN. That is not heat damage on the bottom, those are my old relaxed ends - i cant stand them, but i dont want to use heat all the time.
The third is more of a close up of the texture. i still have texture - light waves - which i could make bigger with product or rollers if i felt like it. or easily straighten if i wanted to. My hair does not dry puffy or with tons of frizz and shrinkage like it normally would. I would normally not DARE airdry unless my hair was in a bun. And i can FEEL my scalp - its tame, not cushiony with froage - lol.


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ok - i just washed my hair for the second time so im including some pics.
The first is my hair straight out of the shower - notice - little to no shrinkage and its tame.
The second is my hair airdried after i went outside to run errands IN THE RAIN. That is not heat damage on the bottom, those are my old relaxed ends - i cant stand them, but i dont want to use heat all the time.
The third is more of a close up of the texture. i still have texture - light waves - which i could make bigger with product or rollers if i felt like it. or easily straighten if i wanted to. My hair does not dry puffy or with tons of frizz and shrinkage like it normally would. I would normally not DARE airdry unless my hair was in a bun. And i can FEEL my scalp - its tame, not cushiony with froage - lol.

I'm quite sold on it! I just have to wait as I'm committing to braiding it up at least until the end of summer or early fall, depending on how long it takes to grow out some of these layers.

Thanks for the pm of the place. I'll probably go on their discounted day and see how it's done (I know there's is the formaldehyde free chocolate version...and before anyone says I know there's has other stuff , already researched and am good with that) and then do the others myself probably. Who know's...we'll see. Because it's roughly 66.50 dollars a month, (factoring 3 months at $200 on the discounted day) so I might continue going there if I see the benefit. Around $65 a month to make my life easier. That's something I'm willing to invest. I can cut out a few of my eat out days and a movie or whatever else that's excessive and be done with it.

When I do it I will report back with pics, oh yeah!
oh - must add - anyone thinking about it - do it before the summer or after if you like the pool cuz the chlorine or salt water will make it wear off faster
is this applied from root to ends with each application or is this like a relaxer only the new growth

From the applications I've seen on youtube it's from root to end each application as it's not a relaxer it completely wears off the hair and does not change the structure of hair, only coats it for a time and then wears off. So you'd need to recoat the entire strand again the next time.
I wish I could see this done on natural 4b ladies. I know it works well on relaxed/texlaxed hair, but so far all I've seen are 3c and relaxed haired women doing it. I guess it doesn't work as well on natural hair that is coarse? I'm tempted to take the plunge but at that price if it doesn't do much to my hair I'll be mad:grin:
I wish I could see this done on natural 4b ladies. I know it works well on relaxed/texlaxed hair, but so far all I've seen are 3c and relaxed haired women doing it. I guess it doesn't work as well on natural hair that is coarse? I'm tempted to take the plunge but at that price if it doesn't do much to my hair I'll be mad:grin:

Did you see this post? Her daughter is 50 percent natural. You can definitely see at the roots that she's at least 4a or b and it works really well on her!
Pics are below from that thread.
This hair is definitely in the 4's

After Treatment is completed.

Her hair on the first wash day after BKT.
The curls are loser and easier to manage.


Another shot.
Thank LD! Brittany's in the 4's. Been doing BKT for over a year. In this album of her fotki you can see that she's 4's, for sure (this is after a texturizer):

She goes on to have awesome BKT results. This is after a year:

She has a youtube talking about her BKT experience and even showing her BKT'd hair when wet and air drying. She said she did the first three treatments, each about a month apart. She chose to do them herself so she could get the result she wanted. Here's her youtube channel here.
Thank LD! Brittany's in the 4's. Been doing BKT for over a year. In this album of her fotki you can see that she's 4's, for sure (this is after a texturizer):

She goes on to have awesome BKT results. This is after a year:

She has a youtube talking about her BKT experience and even showing her BKT'd hair when wet and air drying. She said she did the first three treatments, each about a month apart. She chose to do them herself so she could get the result she wanted. Here's her youtube channel here.

Thanks for the info. That's what I was thinking btw that I'd do the first one or two a month apart as I'm natural and not relaxed. They can be done as often as you like as it's not changing the structure of the hair. Her hair looks great and healthy! Thanks again for the links.
Just an update for you ladies. Its been alittle over a month since my last BKT (on natural hair is lasts about 2 months). As you may know, this is the first time i've had the formaldehyde free version. i loved the results (still do) but i think it might be wearing off faster than the one with formaldehyde (duh, guess that is not a shocker, huh? lol).

I havent straightened it since taking professional pics my second week, so im basing this on my hairs wet behavior. Its getting curlier, but still airdries very well.

In any case, i STILL think i'll stick with the formaldehyde free and i STILL think i'll wait till October for my next one so i can enjoy the beach and pool this summer.

Thanks for listening to me ramble!

ETA: i wash twice a week (co-wash once, shampoo wash the other) so maybe you can stick to once a week or so if you want the treatment to last longer.
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Just an update for you ladies. Its been alittle over a month since my last BKT (on natural hair is lasts about 2 months). As you may know, this is the first time i've had the formaldehyde free version. i loved the results (still do) but i think it might be wearing off faster than the one with formaldehyde (duh, guess that is not a shocker, huh? lol).

I havent straightened it since taking professional pics my second week, so im basing this on my hairs wet behavior. Its getting curlier, but still airdries very well.

In any case, i STILL think i'll stick with the formaldehyde free and i STILL think i'll wait till October for my next one so i can enjoy the beach and pool this summer.

Thanks for listening to me ramble!

Why do you have to wait? After that initial 'rest' period, you can get your hair wet, saltwater, etc, right?
Why do you have to wait? After that initial 'rest' period, you can get your hair wet, saltwater, etc, right?

The 'rest period' is only for 3 to 4 days. After that you can get it wet, etc BUT the whole time you have it (2 to 4 months) you CANNOT expose it to salt water. I mean, technically you could, but it would wear off 10xs faster and that would just be a waste of money.
Do not believe it does not have formeldahyde. Articles have been written on how they disguise it by other names. Do your research on the chemicals. KERETIN CAN NOT STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR. There is some chemical in there that is doing it. Trust me.
Do not believe it does not have formeldahyde. Articles have been written on how they disguise it by other names. Do your research on the chemicals. KERETIN CAN NOT STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR. There is some chemical in there that is doing it. Trust me.

Thanks lash:
I like how we LHCFers look out for eachother.
i knew about the formaldehyde - i've messed my hair up enough in the past to do some research. I've had the 'real' BKT with formaldehyde before - its just the first time i've had the formaldehyde free one (which has a whole lot less) therefore maybe explaining why it doesnt last as long. either that, or my two-times a week washing is too much.....:drunk:
Thanks lash:
I like how we LHCFers look out for eachother.
i knew about the formaldehyde - i've messed my hair up enough in the past to do some research. I've had the 'real' BKT with formaldehyde before - its just the first time i've had the formaldehyde free one (which has a whole lot less) therefore maybe explaining why it doesnt last as long. either that, or my two-times a week washing is too much.....:drunk:
Could you pm me of the location you get yours done in NY?

Thanks in advance!
any updates?
have you done another bkt or are you still waiting?
do you think you would ever try it at home?
do you have new photos?

Hey williams:
I am still waiting till after summer to do my next bkt - i only plan to do it twice a year and i dont want to waste the money if im going to be in the pool or beach.
I dont think i will ever try it at home only b/c im too lazy and would be PISSED if i didnt get salon results - lol. i rather just have a professional do the work, but i give credit to all the DIYers on the board.
No new photos yet. i will try to take some soon, im pretty sure it has reverted...
ok - as requested...
reversion pics.
First pic is from earlier in this thread - its a pic of my wet BKT hair after the second wash
Second pic is a pic of my wet hair 3 months after my BKT as it wears off.

shrinkage is starting to come back and you can see the HUGE difference between my natural and relaxed ends - showing things are getting back to normal.

As mentioned im a 75% natural 3c/4a. HTH


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Thanks for posting!!! That is a huge difference in 3 months. I didn't notice how much of a role BKT plays on shrinkage....but my hair is probably too short at this stage to notice.

Will you BKT again?

ok - as requested...
reversion pics.
First pic is from earlier in this thread - its a pic of my wet BKT hair after the second wash
Second pic is a pic of my wet hair 3 months after my BKT as it wears off.

shrinkage is starting to come back and you can see the HUGE difference between my natural and relaxed ends - showing things are getting back to normal.

As mentioned im a 75% natural 3c/4a. HTH
Crazydaze911- your hair is GORGEOUS:love:...thanks for sharing!

Sheba- thank you so much for providing these links! I have an appt with my stylist this evening and I'll ask her if she's knowledgeable about the BKT. If not, I'll definitely provide her with these links! I so want this treatment now... :lol:

In my research, I keep reading that relaxed, texlaxed and otherwise chemically processed heads have the best result. Something about the cuticle lying flatter on virgin heads makes it more difficult to penetrate.

Here are a few links for you. The second lady in this vid is relaxed

These youtube vids are of a BKT in curacao. Fantastic results. It's a different kind of product, probably with higher formaldehyde because the hair only has to stay straight for an hour before they wash it out. Awesome results. The first link definitely looks chemically relaxed.
Thanks for posting!!! That is a huge difference in 3 months. I didn't notice how much of a role BKT plays on shrinkage....but my hair is probably too short at this stage to notice.

Will you BKT again?

I will do the BKT again as soon as summers over - so maybe september....
Just wanted to show with pics that it does wear off. Some pple can make it last 6 months or a year, but i choose to use my sodium chloride products like Aveda DR and Joico after two months. still, my hair may revert even further btwn now and my next treatment (after having it a while you almost forget how tight ur texture can be).