BKT Negative Effects or Horror Stories?

No disrespect meant but there is no way I would use this. I was watching all of the progress and etc., but this is a bandwagon I'm not really willing to jump on. I fall into the 1% of the "it'll-jack-you-up" population. lol Sad but true. I'm sensitive to many things.

Maybe I'm crazy but I could have sworn that there was another thread here... maybe it got buried in a few minutes. I can't find it but I did keep the link listed in it. http://www.short-hair-style.com/keratin-hair-treatment.html

I went to the site, read the article, then went on to read the visitor comments. :nono: Ain't no way.
Wow! I did not know that henna messed up people's hair... off to search... All though I use it once or twice or three times a year with no adverse effects.... hmmm...
No disrespect meant but there is no way I would use this. I was watching all of the progress and etc., but this is a bandwagon I'm not really willing to jump on. I fall into the 1% of the "it'll-jack-you-up" population. lol Sad but true. I'm sensitive to many things.

Maybe I'm crazy but I could have sworn that there was another thread here... maybe it got buried in a few minutes. I can't find it but I did keep the link listed in it. http://www.short-hair-style.com/keratin-hair-treatment.html

I went to the site, read the article, then went on to read the visitor comments. :nono: Ain't no way.

:ohwell:This is one Bandwagon I will sit right along the side of the road and watch go by.
Wow! I did not know that henna messed up people's hair... off to search... All though I use it once or twice or three times a year with no adverse effects.... hmmm...

me too....I use henna with no bad effects either, so far....:look:
me too....I use henna with no bad effects either, so far....:look:
I think it is different for everyone. I don't know why my hair reacted the way it did, but it turned into a puffy, dry, non curly, striaghtish mess after a while. At first I LOVED it, after a few months, not so much:nono:. I think it can work, if used in moderation and it agrees with your hair type

Thank you. Yeah, thats the brand I used. Good thing is, I dont do wash N go's. I wash style & go. Im using KPak now though. That stuff aint no joke! :)
I got my K-pak as back up in case anything goes down. :look: and two 17 minute miracle kits :lol:

I never had any intentions of not using deep conditioner, especially keratin and moisture or thinking that I could use heat when ever I get ready just because I got a BKT. I like you could never do a wash & go. If I could I would do that. I have to wash and style.

I know for sure when I used to get my hair pressed & curled it was at the same temps that I used to do the BKT. And I had long hair back then. Some folks hair can take heat better than others. That's for certain.

What works on one head, is not going to work on all heads. That's for certain too.
I might catch flak for saying this, but I have yet to see one head of hair that looks healthy after the BKT. Hell, even at the hair and beauty show, LICENSED PROFESSIONALS were in there and had used the BKT in their hair. I was like...is it supposed to look that way?:ohwell:

LOL! I agree. However, the true "amazing" results are not after the hair has been bkt'd and straighten (it actually looks pretty awful in that stage). The great results are only on naturals, IMO, after the first wash and seeing all the beautiful shiny, loose curls. Those pictures are rarely posted here. Also, I really don't see any benefits to doing this if you have relaxed hair. I wouldn't even consider it.
LOL! I agree. However, the true "amazing" results are not after the hair has been bkt'd and straighten (it actually looks pretty awful in that stage). The great results are only on naturals, IMO, after the first wash and seeing all the beautiful shiny, loose curls. Those pictures are rarely posted here. Also, I really don't see any benefits to doing this if you have relaxed hair. I wouldn't even consider it.

So basically the main benefit is to loosen your natural hair texture? Interesting:look:
I think if you hair was trashed before the BKT it'll probably look a hot mess afterwards.
Ok, I will post my review. I did not want to say anything b/c I blamed myself. I had BKT professionally done. Wow, it looked awesome for about two months. While vacationing I used the wrong type shampoo and notice that my hair started to revert alittle. Because I did not like how my hair was looking....I decided well let me help my hair in the reversion process and just go back natural. I thought the warning about SC shampoos was just for you to avoid reversion but no...its more. My hair,which was already fine, started to fall out/strip away. ...I had see thru hair....My hair literally melted off my head. Eventually I had to do a Basic Chop and it took the longest for my hair to grow back.... It was like the new growth I was getting was not healthy or something. I blamed myself b/c I did not follow the directions.

--->Note, I was willing to try it again but was going to follow the instructions this time. So, I am not saying it is a BKT problem but mine since I did not follow the instructions. I do think they should tell people that the Sodium free shampoos is a requirement not a suggestion. Due to economics and my desire to stay natural...I think I want to try to put money in my pocket now and stop trying to be a consumer. ...Again, not a slight against BKT.

One last question Adel10...what kind of BKT did you use, sorry if I missed it, but I did not see this info. I am curious to note which ones may be having "problems", etc. I realize that some of it may be in the heat and deep conditioning, but I was just curious if you used the same kind as cubanit who seems to also be having problems. I believe she used coppola what did you use?
Girl u too? My hair was ravaged from henna. Lost all my curls and my hair became a puffy straight mess, extra dry too! It's been a long time since henna and when wet, my hair in some parts looks like someone who was transitioning:look:

ugh yes! I think my hair might just be too dry for henna. Considering it was at a nice healthy balance before I henned, I had to baggy with a mix of all my most moisturizing DCs overnight for TWO WEEKS after hennaing for it to get back to semi-normal, and even now its still a bit weak. And this is considering that before henna, my hair would turn to mush at the thought of baggying :perplexed it was too much moisture. I knew that henna was drying, but that much is ridic, considering the amount of moisturizing terps I used in my mix, and the amount of conditioning I did directly afterwards. After that, now when I see reviews on this board of "AMAZING!" "GREW MY HAIR TO MY BUTT IN 2 DAYS!" "MAI HURR IS SO MUCH STRONGER INSTANTLY", my mind is instantly like "uh huh thats what they said about henna too":lachen: I guess this just finally hammered in that 'not everything is for everybody" saying into my brain, so I guess that's one benefit.

Hence why I'm still VERY hesitant about this bkt thing.
One last question Adel10...what kind of BKT did you use, sorry if I missed it, but I did not see this info. I am curious to note which ones may be having "problems", etc. I realize that some of it may be in the heat and deep conditioning, but I was just curious if you used the same kind as cubanit who seems to also be having problems. I believe she used coppola what did you use?

Yes! Great addition, I would like to know the brand you used and WHERE you got it. (if you did it yourself)
I'm sorry but as soon as I saw that this product had to have a fan, tons of heat and maybe burning to your eyes lol I said heck no (No offense to the ladies who have done it) but you might as well just do a relaxer and do silk wraps. There is good and bad with everything! Just be careful ladies you do not want to mess up your great progress from having straight hair for a while.
I think if you hair was trashed before the BKT it'll probably look a hot mess afterwards.

I totally agree with this statement. My hair was very healthy to begin with and it looks even healthier after the treatment. And what works magic on one persons hair may be a disaster on anothers.
I think if you hair was trashed before the BKT it'll probably look a hot mess afterwards.

I totally agree with this statement. My hair was very healthy to begin with and it looks even healthier after the treatment. And what works magic on one persons hair may be a disaster on anothers.

Great posts ladies! BKT is NOT a hair miracle worker; it is simply a treatment. My scalp and hair were in excellent health before BKT and my scalp and hair are in excellent health after BKT. And my scalp and hair will be in excellent health 6 months from now because I know my hair needs from root to tip.
Great posts ladies! BKT is NOT a hair miracle worker; it is simply a treatment. My scalp and hair were in excellent health before BKT and my scalp and hair are in excellent health after BKT. And my scalp and hair will be in excellent health 6 months from now because I know my hair needs from root to tip.

Alright, get it :grin:.
So basically the main benefit is to loosen your natural hair texture? Interesting:look:

...or to have wash and go straight hair (if your hair is relaxed). To me, if your hair is relaxed then you don't need bkt. That's just my opinion though.

Also, in order to have pretty bkt'd hair when you first do the treatment, you have to have the iron at 450 degrees, go over the hair ten passes, and not put excess treatment on the hair. After you blowdry the hair, the hair is feels coated and nasty, but at 450 degress and ten passes, the treatment will feel less and less coated with each pass. Since I'm just trying to loosen my curls, the high heat and extra passes aren't necessary for me to see the results that I want.
One last question Adel10...what kind of BKT did you use, sorry if I missed it, but I did not see this info. I am curious to note which ones may be having "problems", etc. I realize that some of it may be in the heat and deep conditioning, but I was just curious if you used the same kind as cubanit who seems to also be having problems. I believe she used coppola what did you use?

It was professionally done. I did not look at the name on the bottle. As far as the condition of my hair ...it was in Ok condition to begin with. I do have naturally thin hair I even have problems with most relaxers. BKT just did not work for my thin cottony 4a tresses. Phyto I worked well but hair was extremely dry but strong. Phyto II was too strong for me/bone straight does not work well for my thin hair. I do believe some products work well depending on hair type and thickness. My thin hair can take less abuse than others. One slight miss calculation causes too much damage. Anyway, Like I said my one brief experience was too short to say there is a problem with the product. It could have been user error.
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