More alike than different...or more different than alike?


formerly nicola.kirwan
So, what about you and your SO/FH/DH? Would you say that you're a lot alike, or not so much?

There's a friend that I'm "talking to" and there's been a longtime interest, but the odd thing that makes me pause is that he and I are soo much alike in weird and uncanny ways that make me think, "Maybe there's too much of a good thing in the compatibility department." We think the same way about money, have similar senses of style (both showed up one day basically wearing the guy/girl versions of the same outfit), same values, we both turned away from music to study polisci, I'm in law school and he's applying, etc. That's not even the half of it. At the beginning I was like, "woah, this must be meant to be." I still like him, but now I'm like...:look:

When is alikeness too much?
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DH and I are more alike than we are opposites. We are the same with money and values; which is very important to both of us. I think it's a great thing. Less things to argue

I'm sure that there are some things that you two do not have in common. But enjoy the things that you do. I don't see anything wrong with having so many things in common; I think it's a great thing. The only disadvantage is that you may not be able to show each other new and different things if you're not open-minded or introduced to it from someone else.
I think having a lot in common is really important. It's makes things easier. Keep "talking" to him and I'm sure you will discover a few differences to keep things interesting.
DH and I have discovered that the longer we've been together, the more we discover just how alike we are.
We definitely aren't clones though, and our differences become the spice in the relationship, and the similarities are the glue. :yep:
Me and my SO are so much alike. We like the same type of music, fashion, movies.. everything.

My last relationship was with a guy I had NOTHING in common with. It lasted for a year and a half. I dont know how because we argued about everything
DH and I have discovered that the longer we've been together, the more we discover just how alike we are.
We definitely aren't clones though, and our differences become the spice in the relationship, and the similarities are the glue. :yep:

That sounds like a good way of putting it. I can't speak on being married, but it seems like if you're in it for the long haul--like multiple decades together--the more commonalities to glue you together, the better.

Me and this guy do have differences, so I don't feel's just more commonality than I ever would have expected or thought possible, really.
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